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Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014

Monday was tiring and the whole day just felt like a set of blurry snapshots in Theo's mind. After a very eventful weekend and a severe lack of sleep, Theo looked like the walking dead and ended up crashing in his bed shortly after dinner. He texted Noah a bit throughout the day and he found out Noah had gone over to his parents' place on Sunday and had to teach a dance class in the evening. He also found out Noah was 420-friendly after Noah subtly mentioned he'd also celebrated the beloved stoner holiday with his housemate. Theo thought about asking Alice to give him some to smoke with Noah at some point in the future.

On Tuesday, Theo woke up and noticed he had a couple of text messages from Noah. They were basically a couple of messages talking about his dance class and his workday. The last one was received at around 10 pm and it read, "Sweet dreams, sleeping beauty. ;)" Theo smiled at the message as he recalled how he had texted Noah, constantly making spelling mistakes as a result of his drowsiness, almost surrendering to the impending slumber, all the while insisting he would stay up to talk after Noah's dance class, even after Noah had urged him to get some sleep.

It was still fairly early, Theo's alarm clock hadn't rung yet. It was only half-past six. Theo had slept for more than nine hours, so he felt well-rested. Sunlight was beginning to peek through his curtains, trying to envelop his room in a rosy violet glow. Theo got up and opened his curtains to watch the city wake up against the backdrop of a plethora of shades of blue, purple, red, orange, and yellow. In the distance, he could see the sun leaving its hiding place behind the high rise buildings, blessing Theo's sight with its presence. Theo's phone was in his hand as he took a photo of the view and sent it to Noah on Facebook messenger.


TUE AT 6:34 AM

Good morning, sorry I fell asleep :/

To apologize for falling asleep on you, here's my view this morning

Theo sent a photo.

Looking forward to seeing you again tonight :)


He was sure Noah was still asleep, so he wasn't expecting a reply anytime soon. He decided to do a quick morning workout, as it was still fairly early. He quickly grabbed a pair of running shorts and a t-shirt, put them on, and left his room. Alice was eating breakfast when Theo stepped out of the room.

"What are you doing up so early?" Alice asked before shoving a big spoonful of her breakfast oatmeal into her mouth.

"I fell asleep early last night. I got up a couple of minutes ago and I thought I might as well go for a run," Theo hadn't gone for a run in a while, and running always put him in a good and relaxed mood throughout the rest of the day.

"Have fun! I'm heading out soon. I'm staying over at Jamie's tonight, by the way," Alice was looking at her phone, probably messaging her girlfriend, as Theo was slipping on his running shoes.

"I have a date tonight. With Noah," Theo forgot to drink some water, before heading out, so he took his shoes off again and went into the kitchen to pour himself a glass.

"Ooh, you have to tell me how it goes," Alice looked up at Theo, her eyes suddenly alive with curiosity.

"Will do," Theo said as he gulped in the glass of water in one go, "Anyway, gotta go if I still want to run and make it to work on time," He quickly put on his shoes and grabbed his keys, "See you tomorrow! Have fun at work and with Jamie!"

"See you and good luck on your date!" Theo stepped out of their apartment and called the elevator. As he waited for it to arrive, he did some warm-up exercises, so that he could start running as soon as he left the building. Luckily, no one stepped into the same elevator until he reached the ground floor, so Theo could warm up without worrying about weirding someone out.

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