song- runnin ( lose it all) by naughty boy
'Stop what are you doing?' Fred said to the group that was crowding around you. You looked up and saw Draco staring at you with worry in his eyes. 'We need to get her to a secure location. We don't know what this prophecy fully inclines,' Professor Slughorn said stepping closer. 'No I don't think that's needed. She just saved almost all of us!' Fred yelled, looking around for a sign of reasoning with the adults, but none was found. 'It's not like she's going to Azkaban, just until we figure the full details,' Mcgonagal said to Fred as she stepped closer.
'What if I don't want to do that?' you said breaking your silence. 'I'm more than capable of handling myself.' The professor took her steps, making the distance only a couple feet, now giving you a sorrow look that resembled the first look she ever gave you.
'Like how you could when you snapped your Mother's neck? Or how you practically tore your father apart?' Slughorn said making everyone turn to him.
Anger and frustration. The feelings you were trying to push down started to slowly bubble back up. 'That is completely different. I had no control then. But please would you have liked me to let them live? Do you regret my decision? Did you want to talk to them after? With the mercy you are making it seem like I should have given them, best believe they wouldn't have returned it to you,' you said glaring at him with your teeth clenched.
'ENOUGH,' Sirius yelled pushing through the crowd. 'No one is doing anything. She is not going to be caged up like some animal. So everyone can back up and we can all handle the aftermath like adults,' Sirius said furiously as he shot daggers at the group of surrounding adults.
Mass argument spread in the crowd on what to do. You looked around and saw most were saved, relief spreading across you at the sight. You also saw Draco standing alone, just staring at you with an emotion that was hard to read. You finally landed your gaze back on Fred, who was standing in front of you but was paying attention to the words being yelled.
You reached out and held his hand, which made him instantly turn around. 'I don't want to have to leave you,' you whispered as you leaned your forehead on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and held you closer. 'You won't. Besides if you do, we do have the tract record of coming back to one another,' he said making you lightly laugh. You pulled away looked up at him. 'I love you,' he said as he stroked his thumb against your cheek. 'I love you,' you whispered back.
'IVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!' a man you didn't recognize yelled. 'We need to have her in a controlled place until we figure everything out!' Slughorn yelled. 'NO WE ARE NOT!' Remus yelled and Molly, Arthur, and Sirius all stood behind him in agreement. 'Let's all just calm down. She's in control now so we don't NEED to place her there,' Mcgonagal said, 'Besides, she did save us along side Harry. She is no threat,' she added. 'I've had enough of this bullshit,' Slughorn said as he trembled pulling out his wand.
Everyone pulled out there wands, to show dominance of their opinion on what should happen. Suddenly some wands began to being pointed at you. 'Go! I'll see you soon!' Fred yelled at you. You quickly jumped on the back of the Horntail and took off in the air.
You flew right above the school when you looked down at the crowd staring at you, but someone caught your eye. You whistled and the dragon dove down, grabbing someone in his claws. Suddenly all the dragons took off, following behind you as you flew towards the middle of the forest.
The dragons all landed and you quickly jumped off as the dragon let the boys go.
'Little warning next time (y/n),' the boys said gathering himself off the ground, but quickly fell again as you connected your fist to his jaw. 'Shut up Draco,' you said as shook your hand to relieve some of the pain caused.
'Holy hell,' he said rubbing his jaw as he stood up. You were about to hit him again, but he caught your wrist. 'Stop,' he said pushing you back slightly.
'YOU led me into that trap!' you said hitting him in the chest. 'I ALMOST DIED! I ALMOST'- you began yelling but stopped when he pulled you into a hug. 'I'm so sorry. I'll probably never be able to tell you how sorry I am. They were going to kill my mother and since he knew we were close, he made me. I'm so sorry,' he said as his grip tightened around you.
You hugged him back. Knowing what fucked up shit your families had to go through. 'It's okay,' you said as he pulled away. 'God Draco don't start crying,' you said teasingly to lighten the mood. 'I am not crying you idiot,' he said looked away from you, causing your head to fall back in laughter.
The two of you spent the next few hours sitting in the middle of the trees just talking. Catching up on what the two have missed.
'Marcus and Adrian got together. Theo, Blaise, and I had no idea he liked him,' he said as he picked at the grass. 'I KNEW IT WAS HIM!' you yelled as you jumped up. 'I knew it. You didn't. I knew it. You didn't,' you sang as you danced around, causing him to burst out laughing. 'No you didn't you loser,' he said throwing a pine cone at you. 'Uh yes I did stupid. He just told me he liked someone and me being a fucking genius figured it out the exact moment he told me,' you said as you threw the pine cone back at him, but nailing him right in the forehead.
'Alright my turn,' you said as you walked closer to him. You started walking side to side in front of him, dramatically putting your hands out. 'Notice anything different about me?' you said as you gestured to your left hand as much as you could.
'Your hair is longer and curlier,' Draco said but you shook your head no, to show that wasn't what you were talking about. 'Have you gotten taller?'
'Well your skin isn't very clean, but that could just be dirt and not your new attempt to try makeup.'
'Hahah very funny idiot, but that's not what i'm talking about.'
'Oh I know! You've found a way to get shorter!' he said laughing as he held his stomach at his own joke. 'No you complete moron! I'm getting married!' you said as you shoved your hand in his face to show him the ring.'Yeah I know I saw it earlier. But got to admit, Weasley has taste,' he said looking at the ring.
'My dress looks even better,' you said smiling.
'Are you doing the Black family tradition?' he said looking back up at you. 'Yeah Molly is helping,' you said sitting next to him.'You know, my mother could always help too, you know if you wanted,' he said hesitantly not knowing what you would say. 'Really? I didn't think she liked me,' you said leaning against the tree. 'Please, she has a row of baby pictures of the two of us in her room. Rather weird if you ask me, but she would sneakily ask about you more than the others. You know before I knew. And when I did, she showed me all the pictures. I was definitely a cuter kid,' he said smiling at the ground.
'Oh please I was the cutest kid. And yeah if she wanted to help, I wouldn't abject. Even though I was sort of an ass to her last time we spoke,' you said looking at the stars at were beginning to form. 'Yeah she started crying after,' he said which made your gaze shoot straight to him. 'Not because you were SO MEAN, she just didn't want you to spend the rest of your life knowing that no one in family really cared about you. She didn't want you to think it was only me and Sirius, because to be honest she probably cares about you almost as much as she cares about me,' he finished. You didn't reply though. There was no words to be said, but Draco understood.
'So when are we going back?' Draco asked. 'We should probably get going now, I bet they've all calmed down,' you said standing up. 'I'll take you to your house before I go back to the Burrow,' you said walking towards the Horntail. He was the only one who stayed, just to make sure you were okay.
'Please don't make it carry me like that again,' he said and grimaced at the memory. 'Eh, no promises,' you said smirking back at him.

Little Dragon ; Fred Weasley
FanfictionProfessor Dumbledore and Professor Mcgonagall came late into the night to save you from your father. They would be taking you out of Ilvermorny and transferring you into Hogwarts. 'Come Miss'- 'That's not my last name,' you whispered sternly, 'It's...