A few days had past and you were starting to feel normal again. Ron would always be around trying to shove food in your mouth, and Harry would not stop apologizing.
You learned that all of your Gryffindor friends new your secret already, so it took some of the pressure off of you. But, it still made you wonder if they judged you or questioned your intentions.
You were walking in the Great Hall and made your way over to Fred. But you slowed your pace when you saw a girl sitting next to him. A blonde Hufflepuff, who's looks were polar opposite of yours. She was fair and tall, with blonde hair and brown eyes. Clashing with your tan skin, dark hair, blue eyes and short height. You picked up your pace when you saw her place a hand on his arm.
'Oh hey (y/n)!' Fred said smiling up at you. You gave him a half ass smile back and turned your attention to the girl, who you recognized was the one who wanted to flirt with him at the party. 'Who's this?' you said trying to keep your fake smile spread on your face. 'I'm Honey,' she said smiling at you with a evil glint crossing her eyes. 'I'm his girlfriend, (y/n),' you said with a prideful look on your face. 'So weird! A Slytherin and a Gryffindor! Who would have thought right?' she said, causing you to get mad. Who does this bitch think she is? you thought to yourself. 'Well Freddie, I gotta go,' she said getting up, but you caught her shoulder. 'It's Fred, not Freddie,' you said with a cold look on your face, causing her to drop her head and leave quickly.
'What was that for?' he asked while taking a bite of potatoes while you sat down. 'What do you mean?' you asked grabbing out your potions book. 'It's Fred, not Freddie,' he said in a voice that was supposedly supposed to resemble yours. 'Nope, still don't get what your trying to say,' you said as you flipped through the pages. 'I get it if your jealous, just don't be rude,' he said laughing but he quickly stopped when he noticed the expression on your face. 'Oh so you can push Adrian in the middle of a party to the ground because he barely touched my waist, but I can't call her out on something? Especially when she was all over you before I sat down,' you said with a scoff. 'Why are you in such a bad mood? She saw me while I was walking in and said hi and sat down. Who the fuck pissed in your cereal this morning?' he said turning to face you. 'Do you really not see it?' you asked as you now started to get mad at him. 'No I don't,' he said cross his arms. You just let out a scoff on how he couldn't see she was endlessly flirting with him. 'Just piss off,' he said quietly but you heard him. You leaned close to his ear. 'Fuck you,' you whispered and picked up your stuff and left.
The rest of the day was spent with you and Fred giving each other passive aggressive looks to each other. Honey the dumbass followed him closely most of the day like a bug drawn to light. You would look at him and then to her and back to her, clenching your jaw at his inability to notice she was completely swooning over him. You would notice him smirk at your obvious jealousy, making you even more frustrated.
' Hufflepuffs are so annoying,' you said holding your bag tightly as you walked with Marcus back to your common room. 'No, Honey is annoying. I quite fancy Hufflepuffs,' Marcus said laughing causing you to smirk at him remark. You two were walking down an empty stair case when you saw a flash of red hair pass the opening. 'Honey what did you want to show me?' you heard Fred ask causing you to run to where they were. You ran in the hall and saw her step closer to him, back him against the wall. 'This,' she said and placed a quick peck on his lips.
'Oh hell fucking no,' you said with a laugh and placed your bag in Marcus's hands. You quickly slipped off your robe as the two of them looked at you, Fred more shocked but Honey with a smug look on her face. '(y/n) I swear this isn't what it looks like,' Fred said walking up to you but you pushed him to the side, now walking up to Honey. 'I know, it's the the bitch who doesn't know boundaries,' you said as you pushed her, causing her to stumble back but didn't fall. 'Didn't I tell you at the party to stay away from him or I'll personally kick your ass?' you said getting in her face. She took a step back and swung her fist at you, but you were too fast. You looked at her with a smirk on your face. You brought your fist up and connected it with her jaw.
She instantly fell to the ground as you hopped on top of her. Hitting and hitting her over and over again, taking your anger accidentally on this girl. 'Don't kill her,' Marcus said as he watched you and leaned against the wall, trying to suppress his laugh.
'You've got to be kidding me,' Fred said as he effortlessly picked you up off the girl who was on the ground. You stumbled back onto the wall, blood dripping from your lip from where she scratched you. You couldn't control the anger that was building up inside, so you hit the stone wall as hard as you could. CRACK. A loud crunch and crack came from your hand as it connected against the wall. 'FUCK!' you yelled grabbing your hand and holding it close to your chest. ' You've got to be fucking kidding me,' Fred said as he picked you and flipped you over his shoulder. 'Put. Me. Down,' you said in deep breaths, more worried about your hand. 'Marcus can you take her to the hospital? I'm going to take (y/n) to her room,' Fred asked as if you weren't placed on his shoulder. Marcus nodded his head and leaned down to help Honey up. 'Come on Hufflepuff, let's go. And not the best idea to say what really happened,' Marcus said as he carried her away.
Fred was scolding your actions most of the way to your room as you were trapped on his shoulder. 'You could have killed her,' Fred said as he set you in your room. 'Whatever, stop being dramatic. You've probably got into fights before,' you said and walked to get the kit to fix your hand. 'Yeah well that was stupid. What if Umbridge saw?' he said clearly getting mad. 'So what if she saw? God Fred, I'm not this soft little girl who wouldn't ever hurt a fly. I'm DAMAGED. I'm rough around the edges, so if you can't handle it, then leave. Go. I'm giving you an out right now,' you said now standing close to his face. 'God you talk so much,' he said pacing away from you. 'What did you just say?' you said narrowing your eyes at him. 'Just shut up,' he said walking over to you and aggressively pressed his lips against yours.
'God you need to learn how to shut the fuck up,' he said pulling away slowly from your lips. 'Why don't you just make me,' you said as you swiped your tongue against the top of his bottom lip. He gripped your throat, tightly pushing the sides of it. 'Get on the bed. Now,' he said and pushed you away. You stumbled back to the bed and laid down, putting your arms up. He climbed on top of you and ripped the buttons apart on your shirt, causing them to roll on the ground while Fred threw your shirt on the floor. He began kissing your neck, leaving hickeys from your neck all the way down your stomach. He quickly grabbed the waist of your skirt and pulled it off roughly, leaving you now only in your underwear. He traced his finger up and down your red underwear. 'I'll always prefer you in red,' he whispered as he kissed your neck. All you could do was whimper a response. He pulled your underwear off and then flipped you so now you were on his lap. He pushed himself in, causing you to scream out. 'I thought I told you you needed to learn how to shut the fuck up,' he growled as he held your hips still. You only nodded your head yes. 'Good,' he said and started guiding your hips up and down, making you bite your lip to not make any noise.
He flipped you so now you were on your back and he was on top of you, make you whimper again as he shoved himself in. 'Scream my name,' he whispered in your ear as he started going as fast as he could. 'F-Fred s-slow d-d-down,' you said with your eyes squeezed shut. You could hear his light laugh as he picked up his pace even more, leaving you a screaming mess.
'I only say that shit because I care. I don't want to loose you, no matter how much I try to push you away,' you said as you played with his hair while he laid on your chest. 'I know, even if you do annoy me,' he said laughing, causing you to pull his hair a little bit as you laughed. 'I love you though,' he said holding you closer. 'I love you too.'
a/n- aye that's kinda toxic 😳✨ but quick filler chapter before the drama starts! mwah

Little Dragon ; Fred Weasley
FanfictionProfessor Dumbledore and Professor Mcgonagall came late into the night to save you from your father. They would be taking you out of Ilvermorny and transferring you into Hogwarts. 'Come Miss'- 'That's not my last name,' you whispered sternly, 'It's...