Professor Dumbledore and Professor Mcgonagall came late into the night to save you from your father. They would be taking you out of Ilvermorny and transferring you into Hogwarts.
'Come Miss'-
'That's not my last name,' you whispered sternly, 'It's...
A few weeks passed, and it was filled with wedding plans.
Narcissa mailed you, asking to meet over tea, which you gladly agreed to. The two of you talked, explaining everything. She kept apologizing non stop about everything that happened, but you told her to not even worry about it. You asked her to help with the dress, which she was ecstatic about.
She came to the burrow to meet with you and Molly to help with the dress, and was welcomed with only kindness from Molly. You were surprised, but she was nothing short of kind and pleasant despite the differences in housing.
The day finally came. Your wedding day. And to say you were nervous was an understatement.
'Marcus I can't do this,' you said bracing yourself on the back of a chair in Fred's old room. You hadn't seen Fred in two days because he wanted to wait until he saw you walking down in your dress. 'You need to relax, and are you going to walk down in sweatpants, go get dressed,' he said fixing his tie and went to sit on the old bed next to Theo and Blaise. 'Please don't tell me you made us go through getting these suits and now you're not even going to get married,' Draco said as he walked back into the room and sat to join the rest of the boys.
'Just shut up, i'm nervous,' you said walking up to Blaise and taking his glass of whiskey, chugging it down. 'Jeez if you really wanted to go down drunk I can grab the bottle for you,' Theo joked and the rest of the boys laughed. 'Guys what if, I don't even know, just what if!' you yelled pacing back and forth in front of them. 'Well do you love him?' Blaise asked. 'Yes,' you replied. 'Do you wanted to spend forever with him?' Theo asked next. 'Yes,' you replied in the same panicked tone. 'Do you think you'll regret it?' Draco asked. 'No,' you said as you stopped pacing. 'Then what the fuck are you so nervous for?' Marcus asked with a laugh. You turned towards him, giving him a dirty look, but it fell when you took a deep breath to gather yourself again.
' You're right. I can do this. I literally have a flock of dragons always following me around, this is nothing,' you said and all the boys cheered. 'Okay we have to go down now. Get your dress on and come down,' Marcus said as he kissed your forehead, careful not to mess your hair or makeup. The four boys all left and left you to get ready by yourself.
You walked in the bathroom and slipped on your dress. It was beautiful and it naturally made it better that two people you cared for helped you make it.
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You walked out of the bathroom after doing little adjustments to your hair. You made your way to the window and saw a huge people talking and waiting. Most of the relatives there were from the Weasley side, but you didn't mind. You saw all four of the boys waiting, in a place where no one could see them yet, since they were supposed to walk before you. You looked and saw Fred in a all black suit shaking hands with some people you didn't know. Behind him was George, Lee, Bill, and Charlie all standing behind him in similar suits. Fred and Charlie quickly made up after Charlie apologized. The rest of the Weasley siblings were a little petty they didn't get picked, but Molly insisted that he had only four to match with your four. You took a deep breath and made your way downstairs.
Remus and Sirius were waiting in the kitchen for you, wearing matching suits. 'Okay so now you need to tell us who's walking you down,' Sirius said crossing his arms. 'Oh please, both of you are. So now let's go before I faint,' you said walking up to them.
Blaise was the first one to walk down. You made them all carry a little bunch of flowers just to piss them off. Blaise walked down smiling as he switched the bouquet from hand to hand. Theo was next, who seemed to enjoy it a lot. He held the flowers right in front of his chest with a huge smile on his face. Draco was next, who did not want to hold the flowers at all. He walked down with a smirk but held the flowers down to his side, but when Narcissa give him a stern look, he quickly held them higher. Finally Marcus followed, being accompanied by Adrian. They linked arms as they walked down together, but Adrian took his seat as Marcus went to stand with the rest of the boys. Finally it was you.
You linked arms with Remus and Sirius and held your bouquet of flowers in one hand. 'Don't let me fall in these damn shoes,' you said in a whisper. 'Never,' they both said as you started walking.
Song- turning page by sleeping at last
Music started playing and everyone stood. Fred was standing in front, eager to see you. You began walking to the path made for you. Nerves eating away at you, but the second you made eye contact with Fred, they all washed away.
You walked down holding eye contact with Fred. He looked down smiling as he wiped his eyes. You could feel the tears forming in your eyes, but blinked them away.
You made your way to the front, and Sirius and Remus both let you go as they took their seats. You handed your bouquet to Marcus and faced Fred. Grabbing his hands, they ceremony began.
The ceremony went on as you both repeated promises to each other. Holding eye contact, you've never felt happier. 'Now for the vows,' the priest said gesturing to Fred to go, a Weasley tradition for the man to say them at the ceremony. Fred cleared his throat and held onto your hands tighter.
'Today my life begins. For all my life I have been a trouble-making kid who couldn't careless about anything that involved a plan, anything that involves rules, anything that told me what to do. But today I am going by plans. By rules. By what my heart is telling me to do. Today I become a man. A man who's hopelessly in love with a girl. Today I become a husband. Today I take on a promise to become accountable to someone other than myself. Today I become accountable to you. To our future. To all the possibilities our lives have to hold. Together, for whatever happens, I'll be ready because I'll have you by my side to get through it. For anything. To take on life, to take on love. To take on responsibilities and possibilities. Today (y/n) Blake, I don't stand here full of hope and optimism, because I stand here sure. Sure that you and I, are forever,' he said as a tear fell down your cheek.
You cleared your throat and smiled, grabbing Fred's hands tighter. You could hear Molly crying in her seat. 'Now with the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.'
Fred grabbed both sides of your face and pulled you into a kiss. Cheers erupted from around you and even George and Lee let off some sort of firework, causing everyone to cheer more. 'I love you,' you said to him through the loud cheering. 'I love you,' he said as he pulled you in for another kiss.