Professor Dumbledore and Professor Mcgonagall came late into the night to save you from your father. They would be taking you out of Ilvermorny and transferring you into Hogwarts.
'Come Miss'-
'That's not my last name,' you whispered sternly, 'It's...
You walked into the common room full of thoughts until you saw Blaise, Theo, and Draco sitting on the couches, Draco being the only one not facing you. You crept up behind him, signaling for the other boys to be quiet while he was too busy talking. You grabbed a pillow that was left on the ground and quietly walked closer. You winded up your arm and as hard as you could, you hit Draco in the back of the head with the pillow. He let out a grunt as he fell onto the floor. All of you, except Draco, bursted out laughing. You hopped over the couch and sat where he was sitting. 'What the hell was that for,' he said climbing back on the couch. 'I wanted to sit here,' you said laughing as he rolled his eyes. 'There's going to be a party tonight in the Room of Requirements,' you said as you made a ball of paper fly in the air. 'Really who's throwing it?' Blaise asked but he didn't look up from his book. 'Me,' you said smiling and made the paper fly to Theo's forehead, causing a surprised AH escape from his lips. 'What time?' Draco asked. 'Um I don't really know. Later tonight, I'm making Marcus plan it,' you said causing the boys to laugh. 'I'm gonna get ready,' you said but ran to your room before they could reply.
Getting ready took a lot longer than you thought it would. You could not find an outfit. You wanted to look because your boyfriend, that you were still furious at, would be there. You curled the ends of your hair and just put lip gloss on. After spending almost an hour trying to find an outfit, you finally did. You wanted to wear something red because you knew how much Fred loved it when you did. The only problem was, you barely owned anything red. He only really said that when you showed him the red lingerie set you bought, but it still counts. After putting on the two piece outfit, you heard banging against your door.
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You grabbed your heels and walked over to the door. 'Let's go loser, we're late to your own party,' Marcus said pushing the door open fully. You had to gather yourself from being pretty much pushed across the room. Marcus sat on the bed wearing a black button up and slacks as you tied up the red heels. 'How do you walk in those?' he asked while watching you stand back up. 'Practice Marcus, let's go you're going to make us late,' you said walking out of your room and it felt like you could HEAR Marcus's eyes roll.
Marcus had to walk next to you as you walked down the stairs, just in case you fell. You met with all your friends, getting the same wide eye look from Theo but notice another person staring. 'Don't tell me I have something on my face this time,' you said laughing as Adrian smiled and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. 'You look good,' Adrian said with a slight pink to his cheeks. 'She would look better if it wasn't in a Gryffindor color,' Marcus said causing you to roll your eyes. 'Okay let's go I need a drink,' you said walking out to the party.
You walked in and the music was blaring and what seemed like over a hundred students were dancing. 'I throw a great party,' you said as you looked around proudly. 'Yeah sure,' Marcus said as he walked past you. You walked over to get a drink and saw Fred standing with George. He was wearing a tight red button up that showed all the outlines of his muscles under them. He looked hot. You noticed some Hufflepuffs staring and were pointing while giggling. You couldn't control your jealousy at the moment. You took the shot Theo handed you and walked over to where they were standing, which was next to the drink table. 'He's so hot. You should definitely go talk to him,' one of the girls said to the other as you walked next to them. 'You're right. I will later don't worry,' the girl replied and your blood boiled. 'He has a girlfriend, so I wouldn't do that if I were you,' you said now holding a cup of fire whiskey. 'Oh really? He's been alone this whole time, so apparently that relationship isn't that serious,' one of the girls said causing both of them to laugh. You stepped closer to her, now really in her face. 'You should really take it seriously when his girlfriend is me. So I suggest you stay away from him while you're here, or I will personally kicked your ass out of MY party,' you said to her and her face was full of embarrassment. You took a step back the two of them ran away. You looked towards Fred and saw him looking at you with a smirk on his face. You looked him up and down and winked before taking a drink and walking away.
Fred's Pov: 'We've been here for like 45 minutes, where is she?' Fred complained while taking a huge chug of his drink. 'Relax, it's her own party she's going to come. On another note look how fucking wicked this turned out,' George said turned to the crowd.
Fred wasn't focused on what George was saying, he was just trying to look for you in the crowd. He wanted to keep an eye on you, to make sure no one would try something. He was about to give up when he heard your voice from where the drinks were. He turned and saw you in some Hufflepuffs face. Hearing you tell the girls off for even considering flirting with him, made him overjoyed. It reminded him that you still cared. He caught your gaze when the girls ran off and you looked towards him. He sent you a smirk to show that he heard what you said. But when you very obviously checked him out, it made him want to rush over to you and kiss you in front of everyone. Especially in the outfit you were wearing. He saw you walking away with the smirk on your face and knew you were doing it on purpose.
Your Pov: You walked back over to your friends, plus your new friend Adrian and made all of them dance with you. You were definitely feeling the affects of the alcohol. Theo was ridiculously dancing causing everyone to burst out laughing. Marcus and Draco had found some random girls to dance with while Blaise was going to find this Ravenclaw he had taken a fancy to. Theo was drunk out of his mind, leaving him to not know what the hell was going on.
'You're good at quidditch and throwing parties, who would have thought?' Adrian yelled over the music. Your laughter was loud enough to be heard over the music on its alone. 'How dare you doubt my skills Pucey,' you said narrowing your eyes, but still dancing. 'So we are on last name bases again huh, Blake,' he said stepping closer to you. You didn't know why he was getting so close. 'I guess so,' you said as he stepped even closer. You didn't really have anywhere else to go, being the space around you was so crowded. He reached to touch your waist, but as soon as he made contact, he was pushed hard to the ground.
' Don't touch my fucking girlfriend,' Fred yelled at him over the music. Fred turned towards you with anger in his eyes. He grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the party. He wouldn't let go until he got to your room and pushed you in.
' What the fuck what that!' you yelled at Fred who was fuming. 'Why the hell was he touching you?' Fred said not looking up. 'You know damn well he just barely did, and he wouldn't have done it for long because I would have pushed him off!' you yelled back angry. How dare he not trust you, when you have NEVER given him a reason not to? 'No one can touch what's mine,' he said under his breath. 'What?' you asked not being able to hear what he said. 'I SAID no one can touch what's mine,' he said louder and pushed you against the wall. 'Tell me to stop,' he said as he wrapped his hand gently but firmly around your throat. You didn't say anything. 'Tell me to stop,' he said again but got closer to your neck as he started kissing down it. 'No,' you managed to breath out. He looked down at you. 'I DON'T want you to stop,' you said and then grabbed the back of his neck to pull him down to kiss you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he picked up your legs and held you up. He sat on the bed with you on his lap, never breaking the kiss. ' I'm still mad at you,' you said breaking away, but quickly kissed him again. 'Good,' he breathed out as you started kissing his neck. You fumbled with the bottoms on his shirt, but got too impatient and ended up breaking at least 6 of them off. He started kissed your neck as you did so, grabbing your hips to push against him. 'Fuck,' he groaned and flipped you so now he was on top. He pulled his shirt off and did the same with you. You unzipped your skirt and slipped it off. He traced his fingers over the outside of your underwear. 'Already so excited huh,' he whispered as he kissed your neck, causing you only being able to whimper a response. He grabbed your underwear, ripping them as he took them off. 'Don't tease,' you warned as he took his boxers off. He smirked and started kissed you again. He shoved himself in without warning, causing you to gasp. 'My beautiful slut aren't you,' he said as he placed his hand around your neck and went as fast as he could. You couldn't respond, just nodding your head yes as your eyes were shut tightly. He tightened his grip on your throat. 'Use your words,' he said with a smirk. 'Y-yes,' you said as strongly as you could. 'Good girl,' he whispered right before he kissed your again.
Both of you finished and the two of you laid in bed. Fred was getting up to leave, but you stopped him. 'Just. Just stay,' you said looking up at him. He didn't say anything, just crawled into bed with you and pulled you close against his chest.