a/n - omg we got 31K OMG okay lemme just b r e a t h e real quick. tysm <333 sorry for the late update sis got her phone taken for a bit💀
'Why can't you just spend the day with me?' Fred asked as he dramatically fell on your bed. You rolled your eyes laughing as you got ready. 'That's all Ive been doing. My friends miss me. Plus you need to work with George to sell and test new products,' you said as you finished getting ready. You walked over to him and sat on his lap, now wrapping your arms around his neck. 'Wouldn't want to think you're slacking on me Weasley,' you said smiling. 'Trust me Blake, Im not,' he whispered and leaned in to kiss you. You had to drag yourself off of him before it took too much time. 'I'll see you later okay,' you said causing him to nod as you left the room.
You rushed to meet your friends on the Great hall. You saw all of them standing waiting for you, but the only one who noticed you was Blaise. You saw Marcus standing with his back facing you. You turned to Blaise, holding up your finger for him to be quiet. He quickly covered his mouth to hide his smile because he knew exactly what you were going to do.
You started sprinting towards Marcus and jumped on his back, causing both of you to fall. 'Owe Marcus,' you said rubbing your arm. 'Why are you saying ow? You tackled me!' he said shaking his head while the both of you were sprawled on the ground. Draco, Theo, and Blaise couldn't hold their laughter in. 'It was like running into a brick wall,' you said laughing as you jumped up, leaving him on the ground by himself. 'I didn't like that at all,' he said as he got up. 'Now you know what i've been dealing with,' you said smiling as he rolled his eyes.
The five of you spent the whole of the day running around the whole school. They dragged you first to the quidditch pitch so you all could scrimmage, but Theo demanded you stopped when you kept trying to knock him off his broom after he said your skills didn't even compare to his.
Next the lot of you went to hang out by the edge of the black lake. You and Draco sat down on the grass while Marcus, Blaise, and Theo were all trying to push each other in. 'Stop. Fighting. It,' Theo said as he tried to tackle Marcus into the water. 'Over my dead body! Blaise! WHY ARE YOU HELPING HIM?' Marcus yelled as Blaise now tried to push Marcus in with Theo. You and Draco couldn't couldn't control your laughter while watching them. You noticed how Draco was trying to get you alone, which made you a little suspicious. Is he trying to tell me something? Like a secret? No that's crazy, me and Draco aren't as close as everyone else. I made sure of it just in case you were thinking to your self. Your thoughts buzzed, continuously adding more until the yell that came from Theo pulled you from them. 'BLAISE, MARCUS GET AWAY FROM ME,' Theo yelled as he was now being chased by Marcus and Blaise. They continued running back and forth past you and Draco. You had the most brilliant idea pop in your head. You moved up a little and stuck out out your foot, tripping Blaise. He fell and landed right into the water face first. Everyone stopped and started laughing. 'What the hell (y/n)!' Blaise said as he resurfaced from the water. 'The three of you seemed to be struggling, I thought I would help,' you said smiling innocently. He didn't say anything but he climbed out of the water with a huge grin on his face. 'What are you doing?' you said while standing up. You turned to the other boys and saw they had the same evil grin on their face. You started running towards the castle as fast as you could. You turned around and saw all of them chasing after you. 'IM NOT GETTING IN THE BLOODY WATER, ITS FREEZING!' you yelled as you continued running. 'COME ON (Y/N)!' Blaise yelled as he was out of breath. 'TIME FOR A SWIM!' Theo yelled and you could hear the smile that was on his face when he did.
They finally caught up to you when they found you sitting on a windowsill in the hall. 'Took you long enough to find me,' you said as you laughed at their exhausted expressions. 'Don't. Worry. I'll get you back. Soon,' Blaise said taking deep breaths as he sat on the ground under you. Theo sat next to you laying his head on your shoulder. You had gotten used to Theo doing this, even if he kept doing it after he found out you and Fred were official. He never did it front of Fred, worried he would hit him in the head with his bat until Theo couldn't remember his own name. He just was a touchy person, he did it with everyone. The 5 of you talked until it was time to go to dinner.

Little Dragon ; Fred Weasley
FanfictionProfessor Dumbledore and Professor Mcgonagall came late into the night to save you from your father. They would be taking you out of Ilvermorny and transferring you into Hogwarts. 'Come Miss'- 'That's not my last name,' you whispered sternly, 'It's...