a/n- hey y'all! you guys should add my snap, which is t_spath04 because i'm going to be posting on a story when updates are coming, sneak peaks, and taking requests for what y'all wanna see in the next chapters! also i love talking to y'all so do it ;)
You woke up to Fred holding you as close as he could to him. You had to pry his arms off of you because his hold was tight. You went into the bathroom and took a quick shower and to change. You did your makeup and put your hair in a messy bun before getting dressed for the day. 'Where are you going?' Fred said as he was waking up. 'I skipped yesterday so I have to go today,' you said as you put your shoes on. 'I'm also going to apologize to Adrian for you,' you added now looking at him. He rolled his eyes and fell dramatically on the bed crossing his arms. 'He shouldn't have touched you,' he said pouting. 'Yeah well doesn't mean you can push people across the room,' you said now standing next to where he was laying. 'I don't like to share what's mine,' he said with a smirk causing you to smile and roll your eyes. 'Are you still mad?' he asked as you were about to walk out the door. 'Maybe,' you said with a smile as you walked out of the room.
You walked into the Great Hall, but was met with Harry and Ron grabbing both of your arms and dragging you to the Gryffindor table next to Ginny, Hermione, and George. 'Put me down,' you said fighting their grip. You looked over to the Slytherin table and Marcus's head shot up at your words and he started to get up to walk over to you, but Blaise stopped him as he was laughing loudly.
'Jeez might as well throw me on the table,' you said as they placed you in the seat. 'We wanted to say we were sorry, for not telling you and lying,' Hermione said with sorrow on her face. You didn't say anything, just looked around at all of them. You could see the regret that was plastered on all of their faces, but you weren't letting them off the easy. 'Hmm I don't know,' you said trying to hide the smirk on your face. 'Please,' Harry said got really close to your face. You flicked him the head to get him to back up a little bit. 'Okay I forgive you,' you said smirking causing them all to smile. 'But I already might have let it slip to Padfoot when he wrote to me,' you said trying to laugh at their expressions. 'Bye guys, missed you too,' you said getting up, leaving their expressions full of worry.
You walked over and sat next to all of your friends. 'Hey Adrian, Im sorry about last night,' you said and handed him a strawberry. He smiled and took it. 'No worries,' he said as he took a bite. You laughed with all your friends when you saw Fred walk in, and an owl drop a letter in front of all of them. You made everyone shut up so you could hear what it was about.
Fred's Pov:
Fred walked in the Great Hall, sending a smirk over to you, causing you to shake your head and smile. 'What did I miss?' he asked the lot of Gryffindors. '(Y/n) forgives us,' Harry said smiling. 'But she told Sirius,' Ron said in a whisper, causing Fred to join their worries expressions. They all were shot out of their thoughts when a red envelope landing in the middle of them.'Someone has to open it,' Ron said looking at Fred. 'You open it!' Fred shot back. 'I already had my fair share when I got one in second year!' Ron yelled. Fred rolled his eyes and grabbed the letter and slowly opened it, but quickly dropped it when it began yelling.
'HOW DARE YOU ALL TREAT MY SWEET (Y/N) THAT WAY! DID ME AND YOUR FATHER NOT RAISE YOU BETTER? WHEN PADFOOT TOLD ME I THOUGHT HE MUST BE JOKING, BUT NO SADLY I WAS WRONG! EVEN YOU HERMIONE AND HARRY, ALL OF YOU! YOU KNOW WHO WAS A SLYTHERIN? THE GREAT MERLIN HIMSELF! I WOULD THINK IN THE YEARS YOU'VE SPENT AT HOGWARTS YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND BETTER!' Molly's voice began yelling, but it quickly changed to Sirius. 'YOU BETTER BE PREPARED WHEN I SEE YOU AGAIN!' Sirius yelled but the voice changed to Remus this time. 'I am very disappointed in what you have all done, I honestly hope she doesn't forgive you for your HORRIBLE ASSUMPTIONS!' the howler finished and started ripping its self up.
Fred looked utterly horrified as well as all the kids who could hear the letter. They all looked at each other with pure fear. But quickly turned around to look at you, who was filling the Hall with laughter.
Your Pov:
After the howler finished, you could not contain the laughter inside. You were the only making noise, so it could be heard from anywhere in the room. You had to hold your stomach as it started to hurt. 'That was the best thing Ive ever seen,' you said laughing with watery eyes. You grabbed your bags and walked out still laughing.Marcus got switched into your DADA class with Adrian, so now you had more then just Fred in that class. 'Do you like this class?' Adrian asked as you were walking with him and Marcus. 'No i hate the stupid teacher,' you said with a laugh. 'Be careful Pucey, she has this freaky charm thing, made Umbridge use her torcher quill on herself,' Marcus said laughing. 'No way,' Adrian said as you all walked in. 'Yeah look she's terrified of (y/n)' Marcus said as all of you looked over to the professor. She made eye contact with you and held her scarred hand. 'Awesome,' Adrian said as he placed a pat on your back. You laughed and sat next to Fred, who was giving Adrian a dirty look.
'Will you relax, he knows we're together,' you said laughing as you were reading your book. 'I still don't like him,' Fred said playing with his quill. 'Well I like you, and you aren't always so pleasant either,' you said trying to hide your smirk. Fred looked over and saw you smiling. He moved his chair closer so now he was practically leaning on your shoulder. 'What are you doing?' you asked laughing, but not looking up from your book. 'Reading,' he replied as if this was the most normal thing. 'Well why aren't you reading your'- you began saying but was cut off.
'Miss Blake would you care to explain what you are doing?' Professor said, getting the attention from everyone in the room. 'I'm reading the book,' you said as you gesture down to the book in front of you. 'It sure didn't look like it. Detention,' she said as she took a drink of her tea. 'I'll go to your detention when you don't make kids carve into themselves for your enjoyment,' you said smirking, cause hushed laughs to come from the class. 'I will not tolerate this level of disrespect,' she said getting frustrated. 'Do we really need another 10 lines written professor?' you asked, now the whole class started laughing. She looked taken back on what you said, grabbing the back of her hand. Granted you had no idea how you made her do that, but she didn't need to know. 'Everyone out! (Y/N), Snape will be stopping you later tonight to talk about your levels of disrespect for teachers,' she spat at you. ' It's not plural when the only one is you,' you said as you grabbed Fred's hand, running out of the classroom.

Little Dragon ; Fred Weasley
FanfictionProfessor Dumbledore and Professor Mcgonagall came late into the night to save you from your father. They would be taking you out of Ilvermorny and transferring you into Hogwarts. 'Come Miss'- 'That's not my last name,' you whispered sternly, 'It's...