The whole night you laid in Fred's arms. If you were thirsty he would go with you downstairs. If you had to go to the bathroom, he would stand by the door and wait for you to come out. He would always be holding your hand or just touching you in some way. 'I love you,' you said as the sun began rising. 'I love you more,' he whispered as he kissed the top of your head. 'Cmon, let's go meet everyone,' you said getting up and holding your hands out for him to take. 'Change first,' he said walking to his closet and pulled out a hoodie and sweats of his for you to wear. 'I'm drowning in these,' you said smiling as you held up your arms with the over sized clothes. 'Looks very cute to me,' he said smiling and kissing your lips, causing you to giggle in the kiss.
Fred held the small of your back as you walked down the stairs. You could already hear the many people downstairs and you started to feel anxious. You tugged Fred's hand back a little, sending you an uncomfortable look. He just walked in front you, shielding you from view of everyone as you walked down. The smell of food was making your stomach go crazy. You hadn't eaten a full meal in so long.
You stood behind Fred as the two of you made it into the room. 'Good morning everyone,' Fred said with a new happiness in his voice. 'Glad to see you too. What's got you so chipper this morning?' Ron said eating his eggs. Fred took a step to the side, revealing you to everyone.
Gasps and Ron choking on food filling the room. They all rushed over to you, but Fred pulled you closer to him to make them keep their distance. 'How are you?' 'Are you okay?' 'Where were you?' 'What happened?' were some of the questions throw at you. 'Hush all of you, give her a chance to eat first,' Molly said as she came up to you. 'I'm so glad you're alright, I'll be sending a message to Remus and Sirius. Now go eat,' she said pulling away from the bone crushing hug she gave you.
You sat down and Fred began piling food onto your plate. 'Fred slow down, I'm not going to eat all of this,' you said laughing causing everyone else to laugh, but they stopped when Fred gave them all a dirty look. 'Uh yes you are,' he said putting the pile of food in front of you. 'Uh no, but I will eat some,' you said poking him with the fork. 'Most,' he said poking you back, causing both of you to laugh. You looked up and saw everyone staring. 'We are trying to eat, save lovey dovey time for later,' George said holding up kissing lips at you. You just laughed and threw a grape at him, which lead to him getting yelled at by Molly when he tried to pour the syrup on you.
You were about to finish all the food on the plate when you looked over at Fred. He wore a triumphant look, knowing you were hungrier. You were about to say something, but was interrupted by people coming out of the fire place.
'Where is she?!' you heard Sirius yell. 'Sirius calm down,' Remus yelled. 'NO!' Sirius yelled. Your eyes went wide and you slide lower into the seat, wanting to get away from the conversation that was about to go down.
Sirius and Remus came into the kitchen and stared at you with wide eyes. Sirius flew his hands around trying to find the right words to say. 'How are you feeling?' Remus asked in a calm voice, completely contrasting Sirius's features. 'Better,' you said setting down your glass. 'Better huh? Where were you! Do you know how worried we've been! Gone for god knows how long and suddenly you just appeared out of no where basically bleeding to death!' Sirius yelled coming closer to you. You got out of your seat and met him halfway, both of you starting to get mad. 'So do you think I haven't been worried?! I left to keep all of you safe! And I was right too because they had death eaters following me! I was taken to Voldemort HIMSELF! They wanted to brand me with their dark mark! I was able to escape and i've been staying in the woods. And I don't regret leaving, it kept all of you safe,' you yelled in his face.

Little Dragon ; Fred Weasley
FanficProfessor Dumbledore and Professor Mcgonagall came late into the night to save you from your father. They would be taking you out of Ilvermorny and transferring you into Hogwarts. 'Come Miss'- 'That's not my last name,' you whispered sternly, 'It's...