Chapter 24

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You woke up to the sun creeping through the windows. You looked at the clock in the wall and saw it was 6pm. How the fuck did I sleep all day you thought to your self. You turned expecting to see Fred, but you were alone. You laid flat and groaned into your pillow. You suddenly got the great idea to get super ready, even if it was the day you dreaded most. You straightened your hair and put on light makeup. You slipped on a simple dress and made your way downstairs.

You walked downstairs and didn't see anyone

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You walked downstairs and didn't see anyone. You started to get annoyed thinking about the idea that everyone got to leave but you. You opened the kitchen door and was shot with confetti.

'HAPPY BIRTHDAY,' half of the crowd yelled and the other half yelled, ' SURPRISE!' Hermione ran up to you and gave you a huge hug. 'You look hot, Fred won't stop staring,' she whispered and winked while pulling away. You looked over at Fred and he was staring wide eye at you. George came over and gave you a giant hug. 'Happy Birthday, here eat this,' he said holding out a candy. 'What flavor is it?' you asked looking at it in your hand. 'Strawberry, your favorite,' he said with a smirk. You looked over at Fred who was rushing over to you, but you popped the candy in your mouth anyway.

Your mouth started getting really hot. 'George this doesn't taste like strawberry,' you said getting water. George bursted out laughing, 'Just a birthday prank darling, it'll be over soon.' You looked at him and shook your head with a laugh. 'George'- you began saying but a spark of fire came out with your words. 'What the f'- you began talking again but more fire came out. 'Yeah don't talk,' Fred said coming up from behind you. 'Happy Birthday! George and I were supposed to just tell you not show you, but we made a special line for you for our joke shop. Strawberry candies that make you breathe fire,' Fred finished and smiled. 'Oh my gosh that's so co'- you began speaking again but Fred had to cover your mouth. 'You can talk again in about like 10 minutes,' he said laughing causing you to smile.

The ten minutes quickly passed and you were talking to everyone there. Many of the other order members were there. But someone you knew you didn't like right of the bat wouldn't stop trying to talk to you. Mudungus Fletcher. You thought him being a thief for a living was something he shouldn't be bragging about at all. It showed how lazy he was to actually get his life together.

'Would you like to hear another story?' Fletcher asked you as you were standing with Fred. 'No i'm okay, thank you though,' you said politely, but he wouldn't shut up. Fred just laughed at the sight. 'Come now (y/n), we are going to show you the cake,' Molly yelled over to you. You turned to stop him from speaking. 'I have to go with Molly,' you said and started walking away.

He quickly grabbed your arm, 'You know it doesn't show respect when you walk away from a man who is talking,' he spat holding your arm tight. 'Good thing you are a man who doesn't deserve my respect,' you snapped back getting your arm out of his grip. 'You should really watch your mouth,' he said moving to now stand directly in front of you. 'No I don't think I will,' you said stepping closer to him. Fred tried to push you back, but you looked at him to show you could fight your own battles. 'Exactly you're just a low life thief who thinks he's making a difference by stealing for profit. Learn to humble yourself when you don't have any right to be boasting about something that no one else thinks is amazing,' you said turning away. You took a couple steps forward but stopped when he spoke. 'Jeez after hearing that I can see the relation between you and her. Like Mother like daughter am I right?,' he said with a slight smirk.

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