Chapter 16

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'This potion will allow you to have the traits of an underwater dragon, meaning you can breathe underwater for the challenge. It will wear off when you resurface,' Snape explained, now holding up the vile. 'Has it worked for others?' you asked starting to get a little nervous. 'No,' Snape said with no emotion, 'But as we both know, you posses a certain ability with dragons, so it will work with you.' You knew what he was talking about. How you could hear dragon thoughts. But you didn't know how he knew. 'Very well, now go rest up before tomorrow,' Snape said gesturing to the door. You gathered all your stuff and headed straight to bed.

The next day came as fast as it possibly could. The boys were nervous that it was at the bottom of the lake. You walked up to the dock where all the other champions were standing. Dumbledore began stating what you would have to do, but Snape hit your arm so he could give you the potion. You took off the cap and chugged it as fast as you could, now standing in an outfit that very much differed from the other champions. They all wore loose clothes to swim in. But after much complaining to Snape to the point to where he couldn't stand being around you anymore, he got them to be able to wear whatever you want. You wore a tight long sleeve black swim shirt with Slytherin in lettering on the back. A dragon was stitched into the entire right sleeve. You also wore black spandex to help you move faster. You stood there wishing the potion would hurry up since the event would be starting soon.

You looked into the stands and saw all your friends screaming your name. Theo was showing his support extra this game. He painted dragons on his cheeks and was screaming off the top of his lungs. You caught the annoyed look on Marcus's face and laughed to yourself. You turned to see George. But Fred wasn't there. You frown to yourself to not see him there.

The cannon was finally let off and everyone dove off, except you. 'Snape it's not working,' you snapped towards him. He lifted up his hand holding a stop watch, he looked and smirked to himself. 'Good luck,' he said while placing it into his pocket.

You could feel your fingers grow longer, and then claws appearing at the end. You looked at your feet and saw the same thing. On your arms and backs of your legs you saw what looked like fins. You could feel a huge burning sensation in the back of your throat. You opened your mouth to what felt like you needed to cough. Instead a huge wave of fire came out of your throat, causing the whole crowd to scream with cheer. 'THATS OUR DRAGON!' the boys yelled and that was the last thing you heard before diving in the water.

You were swimming faster then all the other champions. You could see and feel your pupils go skinny like a dragons, making everything more visible underwater. You were about to pass a shark headed Krum. He turned and looked genuinely frightened by the dragon hybrid you were at the time. You just smirked and swam as fast as you could. You saw Fleur get attacked, but you knew you couldn't help at this time. You saw Harry trying to find out where the Hidden Item we were supposed to get was, and you quickly swam past him. You saw Cedric looking, but being half dragon at the moment had it perks when trying to stealthy. You swam up and saw five bodies chained to the bottom of the lake. You glanced at all of them, but quickly saw Fred. You swam as fast at you could. You were starting to panic, trying to figure out a way to get him loose. You couldn't take it anymore and used your claw like fingers to cut the chain. You grabbed Fred and swam as fast as you could to the surface.

You made sure Fred hit the water first. He was your top priority. As soon as you broke from the water, you saw Fred looking around confused. 'It was the second task,' you said out of breath. He looked at you and looked even more confused. 'Dragon Potion. Come on I'm freezing,' you said with a laugh.

Fred was more worried about making sure you made it there first, versus if he was okay. While you were acting the same way. 'Here take these,' people said wrapping the two of you in towels. You thought your teeth were going to break but how much they were chattering. You looked over to the stands and saw everyone cheering, but with shocked expressions. 'How long was I down there? Who came before me?' you asked walking towards Snape. 'You were the first, and it was only 30 minutes. Fastest ever recorded,' he said surprised. You couldn't help but feel proud for yourself. You looked down and saw the fins had disappeared, but the tips of your finger nails were still long and sharp and you saw in a mirror your pupils were still Dragon like. 'How long am I going to be like this?' you asked Snape. 'At least a few more hours, a slight side affect caused by your abilities,' he said before walking away.

You returned towards Fred and he wrapped you in a warm embrace. 'So someone told me you can breath fire now?' he asked laughing. 'Oh shut up,' you said into his chest, 'My eyes and nails are going to stay like this for a few more hours. Gross I know,' you said pulling away. Fred caught your chin before you could fully look away. Your eyes went wide and he could see the piercing blue was still there. The only difference was the shape of your pupils. The intense stare caused you to blush. 'Nope they are still my favorite shade of blue, I don't see anything gross here,' he said with a smile. You just giggled and shook your head. He pulled you into another hug. 'Plus long nails? Be good to scratch into my back when youre screaming my'- Fred began saying but you dug one of them into his back, causing him to jump. 'Oh these nails?' you said laughing. 'Never mind. Guess we will just have to wait a while longer,' he said with a smirk on his face. You just shook your head laughing.

The two of you watched everyone come up, well Harry did kind of shoot on the deck and land on it like a fish out of water. The scores were up and you waiting to hear the results. Fleur-5th, Victor-4th, Harry-3rd, Cedric-2nd, leaving you to come out first. The entire student crowd erupted with cheers. You held up a fist with a huge smile on your face to the crowd. A snap was taken, meaning that picture of you would go on the front page newspaper.

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