Chapter 18

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A/N- Remember to comment and vote<3

Molly's Pov:
Molly quickly opened Fred's letter. She was surprised to get one so late at night. He ripped it open and began to read her son's frantic hand writing. That's when it hit her. Worry and fear for you. She ran upstairs to her room to find Arthur.

'Read this,' she said shoving the letter to him. He took it and began reading. His face dropped. 'We need to figure out what happened to her. What could have happened in her parents care that she is so affected by it?' Arthur asked his wife. 'Fred thinks she has a scar on her stomach. He thinks it a word,' Molly said as her voice got quieter. 'Well he said she showed Remus something on her stomach. Maybe he knows? Maybe he can help?' Arthur suggested. 'No. First we write Dumbledore, then he can decided to tell Remus or not,' she said pulling out a quill and paper. She began writing and explaining the situation. She even attached Fred's letter as well. Then she sent her owl off, knowing Dumbledore would receive it before morning.

Remus's Pov:
Remus was about to walk into the kitchen, but was stopped when a letter suddenly appeared. He quickly opened it once he saw it was from Dumbledore.

'What is that?' Remus shot up to the words coming from the stairs. 'A letter from dumbledore. About one of my old students. It seems she's been having very severe cases of PTSD due to what her parents did to her earlier in her life. The only reason Dumbledore even knows is because she's involved with Fred Weasley, and he told Molly,' Remus said walking into the kitchen, being followed by the man. 'Dumbledore wants her to stay here, with us over the summer. Last summer she stayed with the Weasleys but he thinks she should stay here,' Remus said sitting down looking at the man. 'Why would that be a good idea? I'm being hunted by the Ministry,' the man said sitting across from Remus. 'If she stays here, that's the least of our worries,' Remus said under his breath. The man caught on to what Remus said causing him to get curious. 'So who is the student?' the man asked leaning forward trying to look at the letter. '(y/n) Blake,' Remus stated flatly. 'I've never heard that name before,' the man said leaning back, looking very unamused now. 'Because that's not her real last name,' Remus said setting his glass down. The man leaned forward, regaining the interest. 'Her parents did unspeakable things to her when she went against their beliefs. She started going against their beliefs when she was six, and when she got older it got worse with it,' Remus explains. 'Only six? It took me a lot longer than that to go against my families beliefs,' the man said with surprise on his face. 'I know. She went against the same things you did. She hates her family, she explained that to me when she saw them as her Boggart in class,' Remus said, waiting for the right moment to say the most important part. 'Why the hell would you make them face a Boggart you idiot and wait explain that conversation more,' the man said, frustrated that Remus wasn't explaining it more. 'She couldn't get rid of it. Her father came at her with a knife. After she showed me the scars on her, the biggest on her stomach. Full carvings done on her from her parents,' said Remus as he now leaned back away from the man. 'That sounds horrible. Who could do that to their child? Well besides my family of course,' the man said with a slight chuckle. 'The thing is, the other person she saw with her parents, was you Sirius. Not because you escaped but because she thinks you are personally going to come after her,' Remus said, hoping Sirius caught the hint. 'Now why the hell would I do that?' Sirius said slamming his hands on the table, now standing. Remus stood up, now yelling at Sirius, 'BECAUSE HER LAST NAME IS LESTRANGE!'

Your Pov:
You ran out of the common room crying. Fully trying to get the experience you had to put Fred through out of your head. You hated yourself in that moment. You didn't want him to think you were broken. You didn't want him to find out your secret because you knew he would leave you. Everyone would leave you. You made it to your room, still fully sobbing.

All of your friends would come by your room to ask what was alright, but you wouldn't leave. You didn't go out to eat or go to classes. You spent the last four days just sitting in your room, trying to figure out a way to get Fred to forget about that night. Many people came by to check on you. No one knew what happened, but Fred. Marcus would slip little notes halfway under the door so he would know if you had taken them to read them. Which you did, which sent him a little relief. Hermione came by just to talk to the door, saying how you needed to come out to eat and how it wasn't good for you. George came by asking if something happened between you and Fred, which sent relief that Fred didn't tell him. Finally Fred came, and begged you to talk to him through the door. But to everyone, you didn't reply. You couldn't. You felt ashamed and broken.

It was the 5th night in your room. You didn't eat anything, but you ignored your bodies need for food. You could hear yelling from downstairs, so you went to the door just to press your ear against it to listen.

Fred was yelling at Marcus, 'What do you mean she hasn't been sneaking food? SHE HASN'T EATEN ANYTHING FOR 5 DAYS?' You could hear Marcus scoff through the door. 'You think I want her to starve up there? IVE TRIED WEASLEY! YOU WERE THE LAST ONE WITH HER! YOU TELL US WHATS WRONG WITH HER!' Marcus yelled at Fred. You were shaking in nerve of his response. Nothing was said of Fred, but you heard footsteps coming up to your room. You stepped to the side of the door and slide down to sit on the floor. You could see that someone sat in front of the door.

'Hey (y/n),' Fred said. Hearing the softness in his voice made you want to let all your emotions spill out of you. 'I know you're not going to respond because of the other night. But I'm so sorry if I did something wrong. I know there is something on your stomach that you don't want to talk about, and I get it. But damn it (y/n) I want to be there for you so bad. I need you to be okay. I want to help you, and I know you feel like nothing I can do or anyone can help, but it doesn't hurt to try. Please. You can tell me if you want or if when you're comfortable, or not even at all. But please (y/n), I need you to be okay right now, I need you to start taking care of yourself again. Please just come down for food tomorrow at breakfast. Please,' he finished by shifting his weight. He placed his fingers halfway through the bottom of the door. The small gesture and his words made you feel less alone then you have ever felt. You needed Fred. You cared so much about him. You lov- You really really liked Fred. You looked at his hand that was still there. You reached out and placed your hand on top of his. He jumped slightly but quickly relaxed. 'Okay,' was all you managed to say as your throat was dry from the crying. You knew he noticed the weakness in your voice by when he gripped you tighter. The both of you sat like this for a while, until you pulled your hand back. You could hear as he got up and walked away. You laid in your bed, trying to get some sleep for the first time in the past 4 nights.

You woke up the next morning, feeling a little better since you desperately needed the sleep. You slugged over to your bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. Your hair was ratty and your face just looked drained. You took a quick shower, not caring if your hair would still be wet when going down. You quickly got dressed in your uniform and went to leave. You waiting until everyone left for breakfast before you made your way down. You didn't want to be questioned. You just wanted everyone to drop it.

You got dizzy on your way there, probably from the lack of water and food. You made your way into the door frame of the Great Hall, holding onto the door to keep yourself up. You were walking in when you had to stop. A sharp pain came from your scar, a affect caused for a while after pain gets applied to it. You were used to the affect, it would happen until you learned how to prevent it. You were walking but were about to fall from being dizzy and your scar sending you pain. Suddenly two arms wrapped around you, catching you. You turned your tired head and saw your favorite caramel eyes looking at you. 'Hey love,' Fred whispered while helping you back up, a gentle smile spread across his face.

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