Chapter 2

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Walking in made you feel so nervous, but you refused to show it. Many whispers were coming as you walked side by side with Professor McGonagall. You looked around and caught many eyes with all the people staring at you. The whispers came more as you walked them and they saw the tattoo on your back. It caused you to smirk, knowing most people did not have one. You looked around again and saw a tall red head sitting down at the Gryffindor table. He held eye contact with you and smirked causing you to look away.

Fred's Pov:
Dumbledore finished his speech, but at the end he mentioned a new girl was coming. He looked around to his brothers and friends, who were all wearing the same confused look. Suddenly, the Great Hall's door opened and Professor Mcgonagall was walking. A girl quickly followed. She wore her head high and looked to have stolen all the confidence out of the room to use for herself. 'Who is that?' Harry whispered to all of us. 'Beats me I've never seen her before, anywhere,' Ron said in a whisper as well. 'Well one thing for sure is that she is'- George began saying but Fred cut him off saying, ' -Beautiful, stunning, hot?' George turned to Fred, who was still staring, along with all of their other friends. They were all trying to hide their laughter. 'I was going to say kind of short,' George said laughing hitting Fred in the back, 'But that works too.' Fred pushed him off of him and continued watching the girl walk by. She was scanning the room, but suddenly her gaze met with his. Her eye contact was piercing with his. Her big blue eyes were glimmering in the light. He was lost for words. He smirked and she shook her head and continued walking. Her back was soon facing them and everyone quickly turned to Ron, who choked on his pumpkin juice. 'Bloody hell is that a tattoo?!' he said couching. Everyone turned to her back and saw the dragon along her spine. 'Do you think she's muggle born having that?' Harry turned to Hermione to ask. 'No harry don't be dumb. She could maybe be a half-blood?' she said retuning to looking at her tattoo. 'I think it looks bloody wicked!' George said, narrowing his eyes to get a better look. 'I agree,' Fred said before he took a drink.

Your Pov:
Professor Mcgonagall quickly made her way to Dumbledore and whispered in his ear something. Probably about the name change you two talked about earlier. She came back to you and motioned to you to walk towards you. '(y/n) Blake,' she said with a smile on her face. You sat on the bench and she placed a old hat on your head. You jumped slightly when it spoke, causing some laughter to escape through the silence. '(y/n) Blake hm? I can see that's a secret you want to keep for a while. What would happen if I happen to say the truth right now in front of everyone?'  the hat spoke. No one could hear it but they could hear your response. 'I swear if you say it I will light you on fire until your new name becomes barbecue!' you said through gritted teeth. Many people started laughing at your remark. 'Very well then I know what to do with you!' the hat yelled leaving a space for effect, ' SLYTHERIN!' The whole Slytherin table rose, exploding with cheers. She stepped off and walked towards the table. She glance at the red head, and she saw him staring at him. She quickly looked away and tried finding a place to sit.

'Hey little dragon! Come sit here,' a Slytherin boy called to her. She went over seeing how no one else was offering to make room. She sat down and saw all the boys staring at her. 'What?' she asked confused. 'Nothing. I'm Marcus Flint,' he said placing his hand out to hers. She took it, ' (y/n) Blake,' she said with a smile. 'Blake? What is that a Muggle name? You must be a Mudblood,' a platinum boy who sat across from her said. ' I'm not a mudblood you brat! I'm a pure blood. Blake is my middle name. So you can shut the fuck up,' she scoffed grabbing a glass of pumpkin juice. The boys around her started laughing. ' Oh really then what's your last name?' the blonde boy challenged. ' Wouldn't you like to know. I don't go by it, so to you and everyone, it's Blake,' she said shooting a glare at him. 'Alright guys let's settle down and welcome our knew dragon,' Marcus began saying. He pointed to the boys around them and named them off. So she had 4 new friends. Marcus, Blaise, Theo, and maybe Draco. They began talking about quidditch and you immediately became interested in the conversation. 'Yeah I have to find a decent beater this year and a new chaser,' Marcus said to the boys. ' Are you the captain?' you asked, making them all smirk. 'Why yes I am. Looking to tryout?' he asked sarcastically, causing the boys to chuckle. 'Well yeah I play so,' you said annoyed taking a drink. 'Really? What position?' he asked sounding very interested. 'Beater,' she said confidently. Theo bursted out laughing, but Draco and Blaise were quick to stop when they saw the dirty look you gave Theo. 'No offense (y/n), but your like 4'9" what are you going to do?'  Theo said still laughing. 'Actually dumbass I'm 5'4 sorry you're a giant, and I'm a great beater so you hope your ass doesn't get hit with one of my bludgers,' you spat at him. He looked taken back by what you said but Marcus laughed putting his arm around you, 'Well good thing Dragon, tryouts are in the morning. And you better be there to prove you're not all talk,' he said smirking at you. 'Oh you bet all of your asses i'll be there,' she said pointing to all of them, which caused them all to laugh.

The boys showed you where your room was, which was very helpful. You had to admit to yourself that they were all pretty attractive, but you didn't see any of them like that though. You got a single room, with the help of you paying for one, and made your way into bed. You drifted off to sleep thinking about quidditch tomorrow, but suddenly thought of the red head boy.

Fred's Pov:
After dinner the group of Gryffindors made their way to the common room. 'Of course she had to be Slytherin,' Ron groaned as he sat on the couch. 'Well I mean she could be nice, just try talking to her,' Hermione suggested. 'Yeah I don't know about that Hermione, she threatened to set the sorting hat on fire,' Harry said with a concerned look on his face. 'You can't judge her off of that! Maybe it was embarrassing,' Hermione snapped to the new girls defense. 'Yeah whatever, but let's all go spy on the Slytherin tryout tomorrow,' George said grinning and Fred shook his head yes to agree. The plan was that they would take Harry's invisibility cloak and Harry, Ron, George, and Fred would sit in the stands and watch. They all went their separate ways and went off the bed. 'Hey George,' Fred said in a whisper. 'Yeah Fred?' he replied returning the whisper. 'Do you think she's bad? Or are we just judging to quickly?' Fred asked shyly to his brother. George new about the instant crush Fred had on (y/n) but didn't want to tease him about it. 'Freddie, I honestly think that's for you to decide,' George said as he climbed into his bed. Fred laid in this bed thinking about spying on the Slytherins but it quickly changed to (y/n) before he fell asleep.

Little Dragon ; Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now