Chapter 7

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Christmas break had soon come, and you were disappointed that you were the only Slytherin staying at Hogwarts. 'I'm going to miss you so much!' Theo said fake crying as he hugged you goodbye. All the boys started laughing. You went with them to the train to say goodbye. You gave Blaise and Draco a hug goodbye too. 'Don't miss us too much little dragon,' Marcus said pulling you into a hug. 'Trust me, I won't,' you said pulling away. He laughed and messed up your hair. You waved goodbye to them as the boarded the train. You decided to just walk back, wanting the two weeks to pass as fast as they could.

Dinner was lonely. You were the only Slytherin sitting at the table. You looked up and saw The Weasley's, Harry, and Hermione all sitting at the table. They all turned their heads to look at you, so you quickly looked down trying to play it off.

Fred's Pov:
' I feel bad, she's all alone,' Hermione said to everyone as they all turned back. 'I don't, she broke my broom. And mom said I couldn't get a new one!' Fred huffed and started eating again. 'Well you did provoke her!' Hermione yelled. 'Yeah quidditch is a tough sport,' Harry added. 'Shut up Harry,' George said, feeling the same anger as Fred. 'Just say she's a better beater, then she'll get you a new one!' Ron said rolling his eyes. 'NO that's what she wants me to do!' Fred yelled back. 'Whatever, I'm going to go talk to her,' Hermione said getting up.

Your Pov:
You looked at the corner of your eye and saw Hermione walking towards you. Oh no no no you thought to yourself. You had zero friends that were girl. None of the Slytherin girls like you because you were so close to the boys, and you had a single room. Hermione sat in front of you, causing you to look up. 'Hello I'm Hermione Granger,' she said sweetly and held out her hand. '(Y/n) Blake,' you said taking her hand. 'I've never heard that last name before,' she said confused. 'Yeah uh it's my middle name,' you said not being able to stop yourself, ' I don't go by my last name, long story.' She looked at you but quickly shook it off. 'You know Fred is mad at you,' she said laughing grabbing a cookie. 'Yeah well I'm mad at Fred. He was so rude, and I offered to buy him a new one,' you said returning the laugh. 'Yeah boys will be boys. He's really nice once you get close. And he's not hard on the eyes you know?' she said to you winking. You instantly blushed and looked towards Fred. He saw your blush and started asking George something. You quickly looked back to Hermione. 'I know all your friends are gone, so if you want to spend Christmas with us you can,' she said kindly. 'Oh no I don't want to be a bother, plus it's peaceful being able to read in the quiet,' you said giving her a small smile. The two of you talked more about books and small things. She said she had to go and got up. The last thing you heard before you left the Great Hall was ' Shes actually really sweet,' coming from Hermione.

Days had past and you were bored out of your mind. You got presents for all the boys and sent them all by owl. Christmas eve was finally tonight and you were just in your room. You walked to your closet and saw the extra broom, just sitting there collecting dust. Suddenly you had a great idea.

You wrapped the broom and attached a note. You were walking to the Gryffindor tower at 2am. You got Peeves to find out the password and you snuck in. The common room was a lot different from yours. It had a warm and homey feeling. You saw the tree with all of the presents and quickly set it down. Then you ran out back to your common room, not realizing a bushy brown hair girl saw you and smiled.

Fred's Pov:
All the Gryffindors woke up and walked down to open gifts. Everyone got one of Mrs. Weasley's famous Christmas sweaters. After everyone opened the gifts of candy, books, and other stuff only one present was left. 'Who is that for?' Ron asked as Harry grabbed it. Harry smiled, ' It's for Fred,' he said handing it to him. Fred looked confused on what could be in the box. He took the note off and read the neat handwriting,

I don't need you to tell me Im a better beater, I already know. Hope to kick your ass again after break!

Dragon xx

He knew exactly who it was from but was confused on how small the box was. He unwrapped it and opened the lid of the box. It was charmed so when he reached in to grab the present, a firebolt came out with his hand. 'Bloody hell! A firebolt! That's better than Harry's broom! Oliver is going to loose his shit!' George yelled smiling to Fred. All the other boys came to look at it and Fred caught Hermione smiling with an I told you so look on her face. He smiled and shook his head. He knew it was from you, but he didn't know he would get you one this nice. He was full of surprise that you would even do this for him. ' Let's go try it out!' Fred yelled and all the boys cheered, following him out.

Your Pov:
You woke up with presents waiting around your room. They were from the boys. Draco got you a new Slytherin sweater. Blaise got you more than enough candy. Theo got you a necklace with charms of all of the boys and you on it, because he knew you didn't like wearing bracelets. And Marcus got you a book bag because you still had yet to get one. You laughed to yourself looking at all the gifts. You usually never got stuff, but now you had the greatest of friends you've ever had.

You made your way to the Great Hall and sat down. Hermione walked in by herself and sat across from you again. 'Fred loves the broom,' she said quietly. You didn't say anything but smiled and blushed. The rest of breakfast you two spent talking. Suddenly the door bursted open and the 4 boys were all covered in sweat and some leaves. 'I have to go write to Marcus, I'll see you later,' you said to Hermione. You got up and left and you and Fred made eye contact. He mouthed Thank you and you smiled and nodded walking out.

Little Dragon ; Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now