chapter 55

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You lowered your wand as you stared at the lifeless body of the death eater. Taking deep breaths, you looked over to Fred who laid sprawled on top of Percy to protect him.

'Are you okay?' Fred said rushing to his feet as he ran towards you, wrapping his arms around you. 'I couldn't loose you,' you said into his chest as you held him as tight as you could. 'I made a promise didn't I?' Fred said as he hand rested on the back of your head. 'Come on we need to find the others,' Percy said. Fred grabbed your hand and lead you to follow Percy.

You all rushed through the halls of the school, hand and hand worn Fred. You all spotted Remus with Sirius. They were hugging before they pulled away to go to Arthur, Molly, Ginny. You were close and Remus looked at you with relief on his face. You could visibly see the breath Molly was holding as George came into view to see his twin. Only a few meters away from them, you suddenly felt a arm forcefully pull you back.

You felt a wand point to your neck. Fred's eyes shot around with worry. 'Sorry boys, her parents want her back,' a man with a deep voice said.

'NO!' was the last thing you heard Fred yell before you apperated away.

You landed in the woods. You looked up and saw your parents standing next to Voldemort. 'I've seen you've grown accustomed to using the killing curse on my loyal followers,' Voldemort spat as he circled around you. 'Might want to look into followers that can do a protection spell. But you wont need them after you loose,' you said through gritted teeth. 'HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO THE DARK LORD LIKE THAT!' Bellatrix yelled. Your Father placed a hand on her shoulder. 'To think we were going to ask the Dark Lord to give you another chance to change your loyalties, our mistake. You're not daughter of ours,' your father said looking at you with disgust. 'Good. That's the nicest thing you have ever said to me,' you said with a slight smile. 'ENOUGH!' Voldemort yelled, 'Any last words?,' he asked now taking a few steps in front you.

'Rot in hell,' you said looking him in the eye, but was blinded by a flash of green, leaving you in darkness.

Fred's Pov:

Fred was left in shock after seeing the death eater take you. 'She'll be okay,' Charlie said coming out of no where with Bill, placing a hand on his shoulder. 'YOU DONT KNOW THAT!' Fred yelled, causing everyone to flinch.

' She's strong, she'll be okay. Trust me,' Sirius said walking to Fred. George walked towards him as well, but didn't say anything. He just brought him into a hug as tears left both of their eyes.

They all walked into the make shift infirmary. Lifeless bodies were on the ground and many were injured. Molly made them all sit down to get their cuts cleaned and healed, but all the thoughts going through Fred's mind right now was all about you.

His head shot up at the sound of Ron's voice. He rushed over to him with George and pulled him into a bone crushing hug. They turned to Harry and Hermione and did the same. 'Snape is dead, I have to go watch these,' Harry said to Remus and Sirius, but we all heard. 'Be safe,' Sirius said as he pulled him into a hug.

Be safe. Promise me. All the words sounding familiar. Now he was left wondering if the promises would be broken or kept.

Your Pov:

Your eyes opened to a intense bright light. You stood up and saw you were in a potions classroom?

'Took you long enough to wake up,' you heard a familiar voice say. You turned around and saw Snape. 'So are we dead?' you asked bluntly. You watched a slight chuckle leave his mouth, something you've never seen before. 'I am. You on the other hand, are somewhere in between,' he said crossing his arms in front of you. You just looked at him confused.

'Have you ever wondered why you are so in love with dragons? Why your obsession was brought on? Why you can talk to them?' Snape asked looking down at you. 'Well yeah duh,' you said causing him to smile, again something you were used to seeing.

'See when your mother pregnant, she desired to be stronger with her weakened self. Your father and her preformed dark magic to call upon the Dragon God, Bahamut. Dark dark magic was used since its forbidden to do so, even in the dark wizarding families. The power is uncontrollable and too much for a mortal to use. When they performed it, he showed up to hear their deal. She said she wanted to be strong enough to fight while pregnant. He saw this as selfish and evil. He said he would make her stronger, but transferred the magic and power into you, not her. It made her stronger, so she never suspected it. But when you were born it all left with you. The power is coursing through your veins, but it has not been unlocked yet. It has been written that ' When the child baring the strength of 1000s is first met with defeat, rain of blood shall pour,' he finished to let you process what he just said.

'So wait. I have Dragon God blood in my veins and the same amount of power. And there's a prophecy written about me, pretty much saying I will go on a killing spree? Why would Voldemort kill me then?' you asked him confused.

'He didn't know. Dumbledore and I made sure to keep it hidden from him. Neither do your parents know as well,' he answered.

'So what, I'm not dead? What does that mean 'first met with defeat'?' you asked still confused.

'It means that you are not dead, not fully. You're going to go back. But I had to explain everything before you did. It will be a rush, just don't give in too much,' he said gesturing told the door as it began to flow brighter.

You smiled and walked towards it. Before you turned the handle, you turned back to Snape. 'Thank you, for everything,' you said with a soft smile. 'No, thank you,' he said uncrossing his arms. You turned the door knob and walked out.

You were first met with darkness, but your eyes quickly shot open, revealing the woods and grey skies as you laid in the same place they left you dead in.

a/n- next chapter might be my favorite

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