The stay there was very awkward for you. Hermione showed up a little after you did so she was the only one you talked to. You stayed in your room most of the time. Meals were the only time everyone saw you at the same time. You would just quietly eat and leave when you were finished. But Hermione quickly caught on that you had a crush on Fred.
'Cmon (y/n)! Just talk to him, we know you like him!' Hermione said as Ginny nodded her head. You started warming up to Ginny as Hermione arrived. 'Guys why would I do that when he doesn't like me back?' you said raising your eyebrow. The conversation continued, completely unaware that George was listening on the other side of the door.
Fred's Pov:
Fred wanted to talk to you, but you were always in your room. He would only see you walk out of the bathroom or during dinner. He was laying in his bed when George ran into their room, quickly shutting their door. 'What's wrong with you?' Fred asked. 'So I was listening through the door, and I'm pretty sure (y/n) likes you! She doesn't think you like her back though,' George said smiling. 'George you can't listen through her door that's rude! And no you must have heard her wrong,' Fred said trying to hide the blush on his face. 'I definitely did not, but okay keep denying it when WE ALL KNOW!' George said laughing. Fred shook his head and laid in bed.It was 1am and he couldn't sleep so he went downstairs to get some water. He was walking down the stairs when he saw you in the kitchen, cleaning.
Your Pov:
You always felt bad that Molly had to take you in. So when everyone was asleep you would clean the house to repay her. She didn't know it was you though, you just wanted to say thank you in a way. You were finishing doing some of the dishes when you heard a step on the stairs, causing you to jump.You looked and saw Fred standing there in just sweats and no shirt. You were in a cropped tank top and shorts that were a little too short. 'God Fred don't scare me like that,' you whispered to him. Good thing it was dark, or he would be able to see that blush all over your face. ' Oh sorry,' he said walking towards you. It was too dark to see the blush on his face as well. He got a glass of water and looked over to you. 'You're the one who's been cleaning the house?' he asked while taking a drink. 'Yeah, Molly shouldn't have to take me in. So it's just to show i'm thankful,' you said as you finished the last thing you needed to clean. 'She doesn't mind having you here, she knows you're the only cleaning. She thinks it's sweet,' he said with a chuckle. You looked at him and smiled. You leaned on a chair across from him. 'I'm sorry for breaking your broom,' you said looking at the ground. He looked taken back to what you said. 'Don't be. Thank you for the new one, but you didn't have to get me such a nice one,' he said putting the glass down. 'Don't even worry about it, I bought two incase mine broke. You needed it more then my closet,' you said laughing. He looked up at you and smiled. 'I'm sorry for being a git,' he said looking at you. 'It's okay you didn't know,' you said giving him a reassuring smile. He smiled back at you. You two just stared at each other for a while, taking each other in. 'Can I see it?' he finally said. 'See what?' you asked confused. 'The tattoo,' he gestured to your back. 'Oh yeah sure,' you said turning around moving your hair to the side. You lifted up your shirt for him to get a better view.
He stepped closer and got a better view of the Dragon on your back. He hesitated but then placed his finger on your back tracing the tattoo. It sent goosebumps all over you. He took his hand back and you fixed yourself and turned around. 'Dragons huh?' he asked with a smile. 'Oh yeah they are my favorite, ever since I could remember. Don't really know why though,' you said with a smile. 'My brother works with Dragons,' he said waiting to see your reaction, which was the one he wanted. 'Really?' your face lit up when he said that. 'Yeah he loves it,' Fred said with a chuckle. 'That's so cool,' you said looking at Fred. He was staring back. He stepped closer but suddenly cleared his throat. 'I better get back before George wakes up. And you should go to bed,' he said with a smile. You nodded and watched him walk up the stairs.
More weeks had past and you started coming out of your room more. Molly was thrilled to see you more. So we're the other siblings. You would occasionally play wizard chess with Ron, and always won. Hermione and Ginny would talk to you more in your room so no one else could hear. George would show you around outside in the fields. And you would talk to Fred when he caught on that you still would clean the house at night. He would sneak down to talk to you while you did.
Harry soon arrived because everyone was going to the quidditch world cup. Arthur offered for you to go with them, but you declined not wanted to be a burden. They all left at 3am the next day. Leaving you to stay home with Molly.
'You should have went dear, instead of staying here and helping me,' Molly said. You were helping her bake things, which you did not mind at all. You loved her motherly vibe. 'Oh don't even worry. I wanted to stay,' you said giving her a smile. The both of you finished and sat on the couch.
'So what's going on with you and Fred,' she asked with a smile. Instantly a blush grew on your face. 'We are just friends I guess,' you said trying to convince her. 'If you say so. But I know he likes you, just incase you wanted to know,' she said laughing. The rest of the night she showed you have to knit, which was very fun.
All of a sudden the door bursted open and the whole bunch came in. Molly jumped up asking Arthur what was wrong. 'Death Eaters. They torched the place,' he said to his wife out of breath. Fear shot through you when you heard him say that. You couldn't breath. All your muscles tighten and you couldn't move. '(y/n)? (Y/N)!' Fred yelled but his voice was fading out. You felt yourself fall and everyone was rushing over to you. Fred caught you and he was the last person you saw before he passed out.
You woke up in your bed, Fred sitting on the edge looking at you. 'Thank god your awake!' he yelled pulling you into a hug. 'What happened?' you said after you returned the hug. 'Dad said you had a panic attack after hearing what happened,' he said full of concern. Your face dropped. You didn't know too much about death eaters, but you knew enough to be scared of them. Especially your mother. 'It's okay. I'm okay now,' you said do Fred, putting your hand on his face. He smiled. 'I'm going to tell Mom you're okay,' he said before getting up.
You packed up all your stuff and made your way to the train station with the Weasleys. Molly gave you a hug goodbye before you boarded. You walked to where all the Slytherins sat. You were looking for your friends, until you were tackled to the ground. You looked and saw Marcus on top of you. You turned and saw the rest of the boys behind him. ' Marcus you're heavy, I can't breathe,' you said faking being out of breath. 'Too bad you didn't write TO ANY OF US!' he yelled. All the boys nodded to his statement. 'I have to get a new owl, mine stopped showing up. Now get off of me, you way more then a Dragon,' you said laughing. He got up and grabbed your hand. The boys all walked into an empty compartment. You were happy to finally go home.

Little Dragon ; Fred Weasley
FanfictionProfessor Dumbledore and Professor Mcgonagall came late into the night to save you from your father. They would be taking you out of Ilvermorny and transferring you into Hogwarts. 'Come Miss'- 'That's not my last name,' you whispered sternly, 'It's...