Chapter 1

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' Albus are you sure this is the right thing to do?' Professor Mcgonagall said, whispering in the night. They both walked up to a beaten down house in the middle of no where. Only candle light was shinning through the windows. ' Trust me, she is not like her parents. She needs to be helped,' Albus said calmly as the walked through the unlocked door.

'How dare you disgrace our family my getting that muggle thing on your back!' your father yelled as he threw he glass against the wall. He was closing in on you but you kept walking back to keep the distance. 'Father it's just a tattoo. It's something I really wanted to do, my friends all got one too,' you said trying to get away. He grabbed your arm and removed your jacket, leaving you in your tank top. He turned you around to look at the tattoo on your back, which was taking most of the space. ' You're mother would be so disgusted in you. How you branded yourself with a muggle invention,' your father spat as he threw you to the ground. You picked yourself up, reaching to touch your lip. You looked at your fingers and saw blood from where it split open. ' If it makes you feel any better, I'm already disgusted with her,' you spat back. He started making his way towards you, with full anger in his eyes. Suddenly a spell hit him, causing him to land across the room unconscious. You shot your head to where it came from, seeing two strangers standing there.

You fumbled to your jacket to get your wand. You grabbed it shaking, pointing it at the two. 'G-Get back!' you yelled shaking. Blood was spilling out of your lip and now from the top of your forehead. 'We are no threat to you, (y/n),' the man said softly to you. 'How do you know who I am?' you said lowering your wand, but holding it tightly still. 'We just do,' the woman spoke, ' I am Professor Mcgonagall and this is Professor Dumbledore, we teach at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry.' You stared at the two. The man was wearing a gentle smile on his face. 'Why are you here?'  your voice broke while speaking. You looked over to your father, not wanting to think of what would happen if they didn't show up. ' We have come to take you with us, if you would like. You would attend Hogwarts,' Professor Dumbledore spoke. ' Doesn't my Father have to approve or something?' you asked confused, you knew your Father would never let you go. 'No not exactly. It is up to you,' Professor Mcgonagall spoke with the same kind voice. 'D-Do I have to see him anymore?' you said with your voice breaking, tears filling your eyes. 'Merlin no!' Professor Mcgonagall said as she approached you. She put your her hands on your shoulders, causing you to flitch at the touch. She noticed and gave Dumbledore a grieving look. 'Then yes I'll go,' you said looking at the two. 'Wonderful,' Dumbledore said, 'We shall get your trunks and be on our way.'
'Well actually,' you began to say, ' My father got drunk and mad. He threw out all my belongings, even the clothes. I have like 3 shirts and two pairs of pants,' You looked up and saw the shock on their faces. You quickly felt embarrassed, ' But I'm not poor or anything. We have plenty of money. I'll take the key to the vault and get money out. Father doesn't use it anymore since he never leaves. Since my mother,' you were cut off by your thoughts taking over. 'Well that's why we live here. But yeah I'll just buy more clothes,' you said quickly, not wanting their sympathy. 'Let's be off then,' Professor Mcgonagall said, leading the three of you out of the house. Dumbledore saw the tattoo on your back and chuckled, ' So dragons huh?' He looked at you with a smile. You returned the smile, ' Yes they are my favorite. My only wish would be to see one in person.' He laughed, thinking to himself. ' All in good time, little dragon.'

The three of you made your way to a place called Diagon Alley. There were no students since it was a few weeks into the school year. You already had a wand so you didn't need that. Professor Mcgonagall went with you to get money and buy all sorts of clothes. She said she would help you get your house robes, after you've been sorted. She explained everything with Hogwarts and how everything works. In this short time you were with her, you felt more compassion than you have ever gotten from both of your parents combined. She offered to say with you in a hotel there for the night as Dumbledore has to go back.

The morning soon came. The day you would be attending Hogwarts. You did feel a little nervous since you didn't know anyone, but Professor Mcgonagall was quick to assure you that everything would be okay. You aperated with her to the gates of Hogwarts, and both of you began walking inside. You wore a long sleeve shirt, with the back fully exposed to show your tattoo. No matter how much your Father hated it, you loved it. With the long sleeve, you worn black ripped jeans. Professor Mcgonagall did protest you wearing the outfit and for you to just wear the robes assigned for you to wear before you got your house. But with many hours of pleading, she finally gave in.

'Come now Miss'- McGonagall began but you cut her off. 'That's not my last name,' you said shutting your eyes facing away from her, 'It's never truly been.'
'Very well,' Professor Mcgonagall said kindly, understanding why you would say that. 'Can we tell everyone my last name is Blake? It's my middle name?' you asked her pleadingly.
'Of course,' she said smiling. She turned to face the Great Hall, opening the doors. She lead you to the front while you could feel what was like millions of eyes staring at you as you walked past them.

Little Dragon ; Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now