A few days passed and it was now time to go back to Hogwarts. You didn't know how it was going to be with you and Fred. You guys spent every minute together here, but now there was going to be other girl. You couldn't control your thoughts but you just tried to ignore your feelings about it. You were excited to see your friends though. No one could send you letter but you would send your snap letter trick to Marcus and since you showed him how to do it. The two would talk about little things that were happening. He had started writing to a Hufflepuff he had fancied, but he was worried about what his family would think. You would try to reassure him the best you could through the little notes, saying it shouldn't matter. You told him about how Fred and you were getting closer, but you were scared he was going to leave. He didn't really reassure you, he just said he was going to kick his ass if he does.
You walked down with all your stuff and said goodbye to everyone. All the kids made their way to the train station. Fred turned towards you before getting on. 'I'll see you when we get there?' he asked smiling. He knew how much you missed your friends, so he wanted you to go see them without him hovering. You nodded your head smiling. 'Also you know what i've been thinking?' he asked with a even bigger smile. 'What? And hurry the train won't wait for us,' you said laughing. 'You remind me of the color yellow. You're my yellow,' he said with a smile. 'You're such a dork,' you said laughing. He messed up your hair and you got on the train.
You were walking, trying to find where your friends were sitting. All of a sudden, the ground met with you and someone was on top of you. 'Oh Marcus how I've missed you,' you said laughing and out of breath. 'You know the ground is very dirty,' he said laughing and helped you up. You greeted all of the boys who were standing behind him with a smile and a huge hug. Theo was a little resistant about letting you go, which made everyone laugh. You all sat down and talked until you got to the school.
You all made your way into the Great Hall, sitting down in your usual spot. You were throwing grapes at Theo when Dumbledore was giving his speech, causing Draco to roll his eyes. You picked up the biggest one and threw it at him as hard as you could. 'What the hell are you doing,' he whisper yelled at you. 'If you roll your eyes any harder, they'll get stuck. Just trying to help,' you said smiling causing all the boys to laugh. The announcements went on and a new teacher came to speak, Professor Umbridge. She worked for the Ministry and the sight of her made you nauseous. The five of you made your way to the Slytherin common rooms.
The next day you skipped all your classes to hang out with Fred. 'I've been thinking,' you said as your head rested in his lap. 'Oh no,' he said laughing. 'Shut up. You're my yellow too,' you said smiling back at him. He didn't say anything but smile and leaned down and kissed you.
Time flew by. Now it was beginning October. You spent as much time with Fred as you could. It was hard being in different houses sometimes, but he did everything he could to spend time with you. You still didn't know where you stood with him. You weren't dating so he could do whatever he wanted, but you two would do couple things all the time.
'You heard that they are throwing a Halloween party?' Theo whispered to you as the both of you were studying in library. 'Really? I would think with Umbitch they wouldn't do anything,' you whispered closing your book. 'It's the teachers last thing to do before she takes over I guess,' he said causing both of you to laugh. 'My costume is going to be the best,' you said smiling at him as you packed up your things to leave. 'No no mine is,' he said laughing as the two of you walked out.
The two of you argued about it until you got to the Great Hall for lunch. You sat with Theo and Blaise. You were all talking, until the Gryffindor quidditch team walked in. You caught eye contact with Fred and the both of you smiled at each other. They were all excited for some reason. He was about to walk up to you when Angelina ran up behind him, full of excitement like everyone else. She pulled his shoulder to face her, and she pulled down his face to kiss him. She kissed him in front of everyone. You felt your heart drop. This wasn't like at the Yule ball. It hurt more. Your feelings for Fred and grew and you honestly thought he loved you back. She pulled away smiling and walked off with everyone else. You turned and saw the Golden Trio and George all staring at him with their mouths open. Hermione made eye contact with you and you knew she saw the tears in your eyes. You grabbed your bags and ran out, knowing Theo and Blaise were running after you.
You couldn't help the tears falling this time. You couldn't control it. You loved him. You knew you did. You were just a friend with benefits to him apparently. You were about to make your way into the Slytherin common room when someone grabbed your arm.
You turned and saw Fred standing there. You tired to hide the tears that were already falling. 'Please let me explain what the hell just happened,' Fred said stepping closer, but you took a step back to keep the distance. 'We're not dating right? So why would you need to explain yourself? You can do whatever the hell you want,' you said looking down so he couldn't see the tears on your face. 'Yeah well I guess that's true'- he began saying but you cut him off. 'Just whatever Fred,' you said looking up at him as tears fell from your eyes. He just stared at you with frustration in his eyes. You turned and walked in slamming the door behind you.
Weeks had past. The only people you would talk to would be Hermione and your guy friends. You couldn't handle talking to George because he would remind you of Fred too much. You would catch Fred looking at you but you would have to turn away. You missed him. You wished that hadn't happened. You didn't realize how lonely you would feel without him. You would get nightmares again, like when you were little, but this time Fred was in them. Scenes would play out in your head that made you cry, scream, or sick. It made you loose sleep. You couldn't take it anymore.
Hermione and you were in the library reading. 'Are you doing okay?' she asked sweetly. It was very noticeable, your change after you stopped talking to Fred. You didn't eat as much, the dark circles under your eyes were very visible, and your smile wasn't as big. 'Yeah,' you said giving her a smile. 'I'm apart of planning the halloween party. It's in two day, and we need one more person to sing. And I know you can so if you are feeling up for it, could you do it?' she asked pleadingly. You looked up from your book and saw the desperation on her face. 'You owe me,' you said shaking your head laughing, causing a huge smile to beam on her face. 'What are you going to sing?' she asked while packing her books. 'I'll surprise you,' you said winking at her, causing her to laugh.
Marcus and you were sitting in your room, but with the door wide open so people wouldn't get the wrong idea. Costumes that you could choose from were laying all over you bed. 'You're supposed to be helping me,' you said throwing a pair of bunny ears at him. He picked them up and put them on, causing you to burst out laughing. 'I am helping, you just have so many,' he said smiling at all the choices. 'This is dumb, why did I even agree to sing at this thing,' you said throwing yourself on the bed. 'I didn't even know you could sing in the first place, so it will be entertaining either way,' he said causing you to roll your eyes. 'I don't even want to go alone. And your going with that girl,' you said winking at him. He just rolled his eyes. 'I shouldn't be sulking. I'm hot. I'm a tri-wizard champion for god sakes, I could get a date if I wanted to,' you said standing up. 'Oh really? With your crybaby self?' he asked laughing at you. 'Oh yes really. Watch this,' you said smiling at him.
'THEO!' you yelled out the door. You and Marcus turned when they heard the fast steps coming from the stairs. 'Yes?' Theo asked standing at the door frame out of breath. 'Are you going with anyone to the Halloween party?' you asked him. 'Yeah,' he said looking at Marcus confused. 'Oh damn I was going to ask if you wanted to go with me but if'- you began saying but Theo cut you off. 'YES. I mean I'll go with you,' he said smiling and then ran out of the room.
'See told you I could,' you said turning towards Marcus, who now was laughing his head off. 'So now I definitely need to find a costume,' you said shaking your head looking at all the options.

Little Dragon ; Fred Weasley
FanfictionProfessor Dumbledore and Professor Mcgonagall came late into the night to save you from your father. They would be taking you out of Ilvermorny and transferring you into Hogwarts. 'Come Miss'- 'That's not my last name,' you whispered sternly, 'It's...