Chapter 35

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'Ginny,' you said as the two of you laid on her bed looking at the ceiling. 'What's up,' she said turning her head to face you. 'Do Fred and Charlie not get along? Fred won't stop giving him dirty looks,' you said but still faced the ceiling, well until Ginny bursted out laughing. 'What is so funny?' you said smiling and pushed her shoulder. 'I'm sorry I'm sorry. Ron and I think it's quite hilarious by the way. Charlie thinks your his soulmate because of how much you like dragons, and the fact you can talk to them,' she finished while she wiggled her eyebrows. 'Oh please, whatever. He knows I'm with Fred,' you said rolling your eyes and reached for your wand. 'He thinks he can convince you with his dragon-lovin ways. Don't make me loose my bet!' she said but you didn't reply. You grabbed your wand and apperated downstairs.

With a loud CRACK you were now sitting in Fred's lap on the couch. 'Hope I didn't scare you,' you said smiling. 'Oh I was terrified,' he said smiling and pulled you to straddle his lap. 'Can't anyone just walk in? I don't think your family would like to see me on their little Freddie's lap,' you said inching closer to his lips, smirking. 'I don't care,' he said smirking and you pushed your lips against his. He grabbed your hips and brought you closer to him. You tangled your fingers in his hair and gently tugged, causing him to groan against your lips. 'Don't tease,' he said in a low voice as he pulled away, but quickly pushed his lips back. 'What will happen if I do?' you whispered back. You were about to kiss him away when a sudden WACK against your head caused you to fall on the ground.

' Enough of that, let's all go swimming. Mom put a charm on it so it's really warm,' you looked up and saw George had said that out he always was holding a pillow. He noticed you staring at him and smirked. You lunged at him and tackled him to the ground. 'FRED! FRED! HELP ME! YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS ATTACKING ME!' George yelled as Fred was rolling on the couch laughing. You had his arm pinned against his back, and if he moved you would push it up higher. 'Say I'm the winner,' you said as he tried to get out of your hold. 'You're the winner,' he said out of breath. 'Now say smarter than you!' you said smiling as Bill and Molly came to watch the funny sight. 'You're smart. Please let me go,' he said fake crying. 'NOW SAY IM PRETTIER THAN YOU!' you yelled and Fred started laughing harder. 'I WILL NOT SAY YOU'RE PRETTIER THAN ME!' George yelled as your grip tightened on his arm. Ron, Charlie, and Ginny had all joined to watch the sight.

After 5 minutes of George trying to get out of your grasp and you tightening your grip on your arm, Fred stood up and held out his hand for you to take. You quickly let go and grabbed Fred's hand. 'Oh my god I thought my arm was going to break!' George complained as he still laid on the ground. 'Relax. Come on lets go swimming,' you winked at Fred, grabbed Ginnys hand and gently kicked George in the side. You rushed upstairs with her so both of you could get changed into swimsuits.

Fred's Pov:
Fred held out his hand for George to take so he could get up. 'Your girlfriend has the strength of a dragon too,' George said quietly to Fred, causing the both of them to laugh. 'Who's all going swimming with us?' George said during to all of them. All the boys raised their hands, causing an eye roll from Fred. 'Relax Fred, just a little swimming,' Charlie said smiling. 'Can't wait to see everyone in their swimsuits though,' he added mostly to show Fred he was talking about you. Fred was about to say something but was interrupted. 'FRED CAN YOU COME HERE?' you yelled from the 2nd floor. 'Excuse me guys, but I have to go help my girlfriend with something,' Fred to said everyone and walked to get to you up the stairs.

Your Pov:
'I don't have a cute swimsuit,' Ginny said throwing them all around. 'Why does it matter? Harry isn't here,' you said and winked at her flustered self. 'Ha Ha so funny. But anyways I have something for you,' she said and held out a back. You took it, looking at her suspiciously as you opened it. You took out the black swimsuit, or how much was left of it. 'Holy shit Ginny, my boobs are going to be halfway out,' you said laughing as you held it up. 'Yeah that's the point. Now go out it on so we can go into the pond-that-feels-like-a-hot tub,' she said smiling. 'Are you sure? We are going to be covered by the water the entire time?' you asked not wanting to be the only one really trying. 'Just shut up and go change,' she said putting into your hands and pushing you to go do it. 'I just need tk sag something to Fred first,' you said winking as you walked out, hearing Ginny fake gag on the way out.

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