A smile from you (UraSaka)

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It's finally done OwO)b this time I try to write UraSaka with a slight of angst. Eventho I say to myself, never write angst, let's just write fluff but I ended up with a angsty plot.


All characters doesn't belong to me, they belong to themselves and I just borrowed their stages's name. This had nothing to do with the people itself. Please keep that in your mind and heart (o^^o)

If you are not comfortable with this, please don't read okay, go back and no attacking me and other writers 😭



A cheerful voice of a certain red head boy enchoed from the outside of the classroom. Urata looked a little bit annoyed and muttered a little curse under his breath, before turning his gaze away from the figure that walked closer to him by each second and look at the purple haired boy beside him.

For the past 3 months, this first year red hair boy with big dog-like eyes had been trying to get Urata's attention and come to his classroom almost every school day.

Apparently, he claimed that he is the so called lover of Urata and was trying to get the brown haired boy to remember their time together as a couple.

Yes, 3 months ago, Wataru Urata got into accident. However, despite the accident been describe as 'unsaveable situation', somehow he manage to survive the accident but at the cause of certain memory lose.

The funny thing is he remember everyone. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Even the small petite pink haired old lady that work at the school cafetaria, he remember it. Except for Sakata.

Akira Sakata, 15 years old, had never feel so frustrated and sad the moment when he come to visit his lover, the said lover say, "who are you?"

His heart breaking and he feel that the world around him shatter. The tears that run down doesn't stop.

So, since that day, Sakata had determine to make Urata remember him. He would go to Urata class and ask him to eat lunch with him, or just go out of his way to greet good morning to him and show the brunet his best smile. Enduring, enduring all the pain but Urata would keep repeating the words "You got the wrong guy!" or telling him to go away as if Sakata very existance was an eyesore to him.

Despite all the hurtful comment, Sakata still smile and keep calling Urata's name like he used to do.


One thing that Sakata had learnt after being forgoten by Urata was that Urata suddenly become a flirt. And to make it worse, he seem to slowly fall in love with his own bestfriend, Shima.

Seeing Urata with that purple haired boy always hurts him.

At those time, Sakata would only remember the past. Everytime they went on a date or everytime something increadibly things happen like their first kiss, first hand-holding, first anniversary, first sex and all other first that happen between couple, Urata would always smile that handsome smile of him and endearingly call him "Sakata" or "Saka-chan"

And a smile coming from Urata was rare as he would only show his sadistic grin from time to time with his friends, but with Sakata, he become so gentle. Althought the sadist still in there and the redhead swear that doing xxx with Sadist Urata is good but tiring.

However, now, that smile isn't directed to him.


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