You, Me and Our Family (Part 2)

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The second part, its the same AU, so please read with cautious okay. If you hate this, go back and never scroll. Don't torture yourself by reading this. I'm not a good writer 😭 so please give this fic lots of love ((shameless))


All characters doesn't belong to me, they belong to themselves and I just borrowed their stages's name. Please keep that in your mind and heart (o^^o)

If you are not comfortable with this, please don't read okay and no attacking me and other writers 😭



It really, really, really took a lot for Tsukizaki Shima to be angry; a lot.

In fact, if Senra were asked, he was sure he can count with the long fingers of his right hand the times he had seen the purplenette really angry during the last years.

Okay, yeah, but the blonde had to admit that Shima was pretty easy to infuriate, and that often ended up with him being childishly pouty, crying crocodile tears and mumbling something about the lines of 'so mean!' and 'so cruel!' and sentences of the sort, but Senra had only seen him angry a couple times.

But when he was angry... dear God, you didn't want to find yourself alone with an angry Tsukizaki Shima. The purplenette could look so intimidating, his voice would drop, his normally sparkling purple irises would darken and he had the tendency to ball his fists so hard that his knuckles turned white in a matter of seconds.

Then again, that sight was one Senra had not seen often. Shima's personality by default was the pervert, goofy and happy-go-lucky one. In reality the blonde admired how much Shima could take. The purplenette would even receive hitting from Senra and Urata, yet never retaliated with violence. The only response that ever got from him was a pout in his handsome features and his scandalous voice complaining.

And that was why, when Senra realized that his now-husband was standing some feet away from him looking totally livid, the blonde took a couple steps back.

Shima practically emanated a murderous aura and Senra unconsciously gulped. Was he really that mad at him because he hadn't stayed home as Shima had begged asked?

He approached menacingly and Senra lowered his gaze and closed his eyes, not really knowing what to expect from his angry partner.

After a couple of agonizingly long seconds and nothing happening, the blonde slowly opened his eyes and blinked confusedly. Shima was behind him, standing protectively in front of him, which didn't even covered Senra as height difference and a group of teenagers that looked ready to fly the scene.

'Ah, so that was it...'

Senra tilted his head to the side to take a look at the kids behind Shima. Senra vaguely remember seeing them once he arrived at the mall, but he had really paid no mind to them. Were they following him or something? Well, they were only boys high in hormones, so he didn't mind that much, especially because it was sort of obvious that he was taken and not to mention a man.

Thus, Senra knew none of them would dare make an advance on him. Heck, he wasn't even sure if they were following him because they thought he was attractive, in all honesty the blonde really didn't think that was the case. Why would they find a pregnant man attractive?

Anyways, Senra sighed and softly patted his husband's bicep, smiling sweetly at him when he shifted his gaze on him. Shima stance visibly relaxed, but his eyes glinted dangerously again as he returned his glare at the four guys.

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