Mass Murder (UraSen)

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Hello! I'm back with this new one shot! Enjoy reading this!

Warning: this story contains gore, blood, violence, and other explicit themes. Do not read if you are uncomfortable. It's also contain yaoi. Please proceed with cautions. You have been warned.

The character did not belong to me, they belong to their own, i just borrowed their stage name.

Pairing: UrataxSenra




Senra woke to the sound of something dripping.

Feeling sluggish, he tried to move his body or open his eyes. Yet what he felt was extreme pain. Sparks flew through his vision, and his head burned in pain. Senra felt as if his muscles and part of his body had stopped functioning. He groaned as he tried to sit up, only to find himself off-balanced, and fall painfully back on the floor.

Senra screamed. Something pierced his thigh.

Straining to open his golden eyes, Senra saw that the cause of his pain was coming from a shrapnel buried into his skin. Dried blood soaked the knife. Flinching, he held onto the object as he slowly pulled it out.

Bad idea.

The wound re-opened, and pain shot through his spine. However, successfully, the shrapnel was removed and he tossed it away. Gasping in pain, Senra quickly covered his bloody wound with a hand.

Mind still fuzzy, the blonde tried to remember what happened that got him into this situation.

All he remembered was that he was in school, entering the cafeteria for lunch and sitting with his bestfriend, Sakata. Until, the blonde suddenly heard screaming outside the campus and the door suddenly bursting open. He fainted then; after someone hit his head with what he only assumed was a rock.

Drip. Drip.

Senra still heard that dripping sound. Panting in pain, he waited as his vision slowly cleared up, and with a straining neck, he raised his head, gagging at the scene before him.

It was a blood bath.

Bodies were practically littered everywhere. The corpses were chopped up very gruesomely, reminding him of food. The blonde even saw students whose heads got removed.

Crimson blood stained the walls and floor, and all he could see was the color red. Up ahead, the cafeteria door had been literally destroyed open.

Senra only saw such things happen in movies, and never had he expected for something like this to happen in real life right before his eyes.

The sight and smell make him want to vomit because it smelt like the dead in here. So immediately, he slammed his palm on his mouth, holding in the things he digested for lunch.

Leaning on the wall for support, the honey-coloured eyes man quickly cut a shred of cloth from his uniform and tied it around the wound. He limped forward, carefully avoiding dead bodies and got out of the door as fast as he could.

The hall was empty. Muddy footprints were left on the floor. He couldn't even hear a single sound.

Senra continued limping away from the cafeteria just to get rid of the horrid smell. Suddenly, a thought crashed in his mind. He remembered his bestfriend whom he was supposed to have lunch with earlier. Had Sakata been caught in the blood bath too? Senra shuddered at the thought.

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