The King's Game!

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I'm going to say this before you continue, this fic will be a little trashy and OOC! You had been warned! Sorry for the bad writing T^T~

All characters doesn't belong to me, they belong to themselves and I just borrowed their stages's name. Please keep that in your mind and heart (o^^o)


The wind could be heard blowing outside the hotel window and leaves were rustling. The sound of cats' meowing and dogs barking could be heard in the night. Inside a room at the 7th floor of the hotels, all of the lights had been turned off except for a bright lamp that illuminated twelve teenagers. The Utaites were sitting around a circular table, all of them currently were staring intensely at a large bowl on the center of the table. Everyone was silent and the air around them was tense. Not to mention that there were some of the teenagers had cold sweat running down their backs.

At last, it was Sakata who broke the silence.

"THE KING'S GAME!" he shouted out loud. With him the utaites' (except Soraru and Urata) yelled in unison. The redhead slammed his hands on the table and looked to the albino, Mafumafu.

"Mafudon, please explain the rules," he said and gestured to the white-haired male. Mafumafu gave him a thumbs up, "Okay! In the bowl are 12 folded pieces of paper, the folded papers have number's written from 1 to 11 and a word 'King'. Each of us draw a piece and whoever draws the paper that contains 'King' can order any of the numbers to do what they like. For example, the king can tell number 5 to threaten number 2 or number 9 to take off number 6's pants or-"

Unfortunately, he was cut short when Soraru decided to close his mouth and glare at the albino. Kuro cleared her throat and continued where Mafumafu left off, "Furthermore, everyone must acknowledge that the King's orders are ABSOLUTE!"

Amatsuki let out an excited giggle. His red orbs shone with excitement.

"This was such a great idea! It's a really good thing we left the party early, he said and smile sweetly towards the group. Shima nodded in agreement. His face laced with an expression of a child and smile cheekily.

"Yeah, I mean sure the award ceremony was nice but it was too formal, and after that we need to shake hands with countless numbers of executives, other high-class socials and etc. It really is a good thing Sakata had a stomachache," the purplenette exclaimed while looking at the redhead in amusement. Sakata pouted and glare a little at Shima's direction.

"Hey! Like I said there was something wrong with the nuggets they served!" he retorted.

"Oh, brilliant deduction Sherlock, didn't you notice the 'For pets only' sign?" Urata told him, raising his left eyebrow with a smirk. Seeing that made the redhead pouting longer.

"No! But that's because they made the sign so damn small! Senra! Look at Urata bullying me again!" Sakata whine loudly and start to cling on the blonde beside him. Senra just smile and give consoling pat on the head to Sakata. "Alright calm down, the important thing is thanks to Sakata's stupidity we got out of there," Senra said, still patting the redhead gently.

"Why are you consoling me but at the same time called me stupid!" Sakata said, hitting the blonde a little. Sou and Eve laughed and said, "Yeah Sakata, you're a hero."

"Yeah, I'm great aren't I!" Sakata said and smile brightly to Eve and Sou.

Nqrse turned his gaze away from the conversation between Sakata and EveSou towards Luz, who had been silent all this time. "What's wrong Luz, did you not understand the game?" the pink haired male said, tilting his head a little. Luz looked at Nqrse and shook his head a little. Smiling a small smile, he said, "No. I'm alright. Just a bit tired."

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