Beautiful (UraSen)

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I have to unpulish and publish it again because somehow the order of chapter was confusing ('ω')

As soon as I woke up, this happen despite the chaos in my house because of Eid Adha. Thank you for the all the people that help me came out with this idea yesterday wwwww. Anyways enjoy reading!

Please note that Urata's name is Urata Galleon which is Urata is his first name and Galleon is his last name. It's really important!

The characters did not belong to me, they belong to themselves and I just borrowed their stage name.


"Good morning, Urata," Senra greeted the brunet as he opened the door to the blonde's room. Senra turned to face in the direction of Urata's voice as the boy returned his greeting.

"Good morning, Senra," he said. Senra smiled softly. He listened to the shorter man footsteps as it get louder as he approached him. Then, he heard a pause in his steps and the movement of a chair as the brunet pulled it back.

"Uratan, did you come to visit me again? You realize that this is very sweet of you?" the blonde inquired softly as he played with his fingers to keep himself entertained. Senra silently waited for Urata to say something to him.

"I don't mind at all. Each visit is worthwhile," Urata said and Senra could tell that he was sincere by the tone of his voice. Actually, the blonde loved listening to the brunet's voice. It had a warm feeling and was very easy on the ears.

"Nee Uratan, won't you tell me stories about your friends again? I think their name are Shima and Sakata right?" Senra requested happily, a wide smile appear on his face as the blonde leaned in Urata's direction. He let out a soft giggle as he heard Urata said yes. Then, he positioned himself to be comfortable on his bed as he remained quiet in order to hear the brunet's story.

"The three of us collabing songs again," Urata began. However, after a while, Senra frowned when he didn't hear the brunet say anything else.

"Urata? Are you still here?" The blonde yelped out when he felt the shorter man's hand on his, placing something cold in his hand to hold. Quickly, Senra yanked his hand back, new to the foreign sensation, but Urata gently guided his hands to the cylinder-shaped item once more. "Uratan?"

"Frappucino Caramel," he answered simply, allowing the tension to escape Senra's body.

"This is a frappucino caramel? The one that you liked drinking so much at Starbuck?" the blonde asked curiously as he wrapped his hand around it to see what it felt like. Senra smiled joyfully as he felt around for the straw to bring up to his mouth. Slowly, he sipped the drink, wanting to savor the taste fully. "I like the taste! It's so wonderful! Thank you so much for buying me one."

"I'm glad you like it. I wanted to give it to you before it began warming up while we talk because it taste better when it's cold," Urata explained. Senra tilted his head a little before he realize something.

"Oh, that's right. You were about to tell me a story," he said aloud, turning his attention all onto the brunet. "What song did you collab this time?"

"The name of the song is Tokyo Summer Session but it's really hard to sing with just the three of us. So, Maashi decided to find someone that can sing with us," Urata said happily. He continued on about the event as Senra listened on intently. "And then earlier, Sakata tried to act cool saying he was not jealous when Maashi being confessed by one of our classmate." The blonde smiled as he leaned back onto the pillow, his face pointing up at the ceiling, indicating that he was deep in thought. "What's wrong?" Urata stopped story-telling and asked. Senra quickly turned to face his direction and shake his head slightly.

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