Date for the princess (ShimaSen)

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This happened because my mental health is worsen and I need my comfort ship despite everyone come and throw hatred at me for writing ShimaSen and not the other way around. I'm sorry I'm a bad writer that I cannot cater to my reader's preference, but if you don't like my comfort ship, please just unread my book. This was written with the person that understand me the most and always ready for more my comfort ship writing Nyankochii4. Do enjoy itt!! Thank you.

Nyankochii A/N: Shima is still weird for me to write so don't mind the lots of flirting~

All characters doesn't belong to me, they belong to themselves and I just borrowed their stages's name. This had nothing to do with the people itself. Please keep that in your mind and heart (o^^o)

If you are not comfortable with this, please don't read okay, go back and no attacking me and other writers 😭


Understanding a difficult person like Orihara Senra wasn't hard to do at all once you got to know him. What made him laugh, what made him mad, what frustrated him. Everything.

And Shima knew these more than anyone.

That is why...even on days Senra felt overly self-conscious, Shima knew how to handle it right away...especially since he knew it was likely his own fault.

Shima thought it was rude to rip or throw away love letters so he went to every confession...every single classmate of his or otherwise who asked him out, Shima made sure they knew he was taken by a beautiful blond.

But it seemed...sometimes Senra thought that one day, Shima would leave him because of this. He was a senior! Seniors could have someone better than a sophomore like Senra...right?

Wrong, and Shima would just have to once again make sure Senra understood this.

Entering Senra's classroom right before school started this day, Shima knelt on the floor in front of Senra's desk, took his fair maiden's hand in his own and kissed the back of it.

"Will my princess allow me to steal all his free time today? Between classes...lunch...and after school. I want your everything." He wanted Senra's all everyday specifically, he would request it of his love.

Widening his eyes at his lover action, Senra immediately take his hands away in embarrassment. "S-Shima-kun! What are you doing!" Everyone is looking and Senra slowly feel his face getting redder and redder by second.

"The prince is asking for his princess to steal away her entire day~" Shima smiles, though he knew if he actually did they both would get scolded. So just...the free time! "So... will Senra-chan allow me...?"

Nodding his head aggressively to stop any more embarrassing act from the purplenette. "I will! I will so please stand up Shima-kun!" Panicking and try to make Shima stood up from his position.

Doing just as told, Shima stands, still holding onto Senra's hand, using it to pull Senra close where he steals a kick kiss right in front of the class...making it positive everyone there knew Senra was his. "Then...I'll be back to take you to your next class princess~"

Finally pulling his hand away, Shima walks away, but doesn't leave before he blows a kiss to Senra, winking right after flirtatiously.

Senra's face erupted like a volcano. "W-What t-the hell did he just do!? T-That pervert m-mole!" Covering his face with both of his hands, the blonde fall back into his sit. His heart beating so fast. He can feel the stare of jealousy from the girls in his class but he ignores that and muttering curse lowly toward the guy that do this to him. Now how should he focus on his class! Stupid Shima!

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