What is life?

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Warning: Self harm, suicide thought
Read at your own risk.




Pool of blood gathered around Senra's feet as he slides the sharp razor across his arm. Everything hurt, his arm hurt. But.... That's the only thing that keep him from breaking down further. After the sixth slices, the razor stopped as Senra's smartphone light up. Looking over the devices, Sakata's name come out. Putting the razor down, Senra pick up the phone.

"Hello?" Trying to make his voice as brightful as he can, Senra gripped the edge of the table.

"Sen-chan~ Right now free?" Sakata's voice can be hear from the other side.

"Eh... why?" Almost letting his voice out, Senra covert it by asking another question.

A silence until Sakata continue to talk. "Right now, me, Ura-san and Maashii are going to meet up so we were thinking to invite you."

Senra bite his lips. It will be weird if he rejects the invitation and he was sure all the listeners will worry if they didn't see him with the other three. However,... right now he wasn't sure if he can continue to smile in front of the other three.

"Mhm. I'm free." Finally, the blonde answered.

"Yosha! Then meet us at UShiSaSe's house." Sakata cheerfully replied.

After saying goodbye, the blonde put his phone down again and immediately collapse on the floor. The blood had been dripping and he can feel his complexion become a little paler. This is not good. The other three will feel nuisance if they know about this.

Walking toward his cabinet, Senra took out a roll of bandage and antiseptic bottle. Dipping the medicines on his wound, he bandages his arm and make sure the bandage won't peek out from his sleeves. Then, taking a rag, he slowly cleans the concentrated red liquid and spill water on it.

"Mhm. This should be fine." Talking to himself, Senra went to his room and change to more suitable clothes. The shirt he's wearing have a long sleeve and quite thick. This to deceive the other three. Looking at the mirror, the blonde smile two or three times before he deemed himself as done. Today too... let's work hard.


Senra rang the intercom of UShiSaSe's house while fidgeting a little. Checking his clothes, the blonde make sure nothinh will peek out. When he was about to rang the intercom again, the door opened.

Stood in front of the door is the face he familiar with, Shima. The partner to Senra.

"Oh Senra! Come come." Giving ways to Senra, the purplenette smile.

"Thank you Maashii! Sorry for being late!" Senra gave out a casual smile. A smile that always successful in deceiving the other three. A smile that he always practice before meeting them.

Shaking his head, Shima patted Senra's shoulder like a good senior. "Don't worry about it. We also just planned this meet up."

"Ah really..." Unconsciously, Senra let out a soft voice. Realizing that, the younger quickly changed his expression. "Where's the other?"

"At living room." Shima answered as he close the door.

Walking deeper inside the house, Senra saw the two huddle together in front of the tv. He hesitated a little to call out. Will he bother them? They look like they having fun.

While the taller man contemplating his choice, Urata was the first to raise his face. "Oh Sen-chan! Just arrived?"

"Ah...! Mhm!" Putting his hand crossed behind his back, Senra nodded his head. "What are you guys doing?"

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