Flamma (USSS)

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This is not really shippy but there a slight SkUrSk and SmSn (yes it's only smsn). Please enjoy it!! Also I feel the whole time I was just being bullied by the writer senior :(.

mysteryjessica's A/N: I question what happened in this plot

Nyankochii4's A/N: I dunno what I was doing but all the smsn I watched happen made me happy ww

No, I'm not posting during class.

All characters doesn't belong to me, they belong to themselves and I just borrowed their stages's name. This had nothing to do with the people itself. Please keep that in your mind and heart (o^^o)

If you are not comfortable with this, please don't read okay, go back and no attacking me and other writers 😭


My flamma will never extinguish, your happiness is mine. If I can't have it, shall set it ablaze so no one can?

What turned me into such an addict, was those words...

"I love you only."

"I love you more than anyone else."

"I truly love you."


Imagine waking up in an isolated place, where everything seemed in order except one thing... there was nobody around. Not your close friends, or more better known as your unit or perhaps more discreetly known as the boys you loved and held so dearly.

This was the predicament Tsukizaki Shima was in.

Tossed into a place with no exit, no way to escape even though the windows that led to the outside world was there, Shima was quite at a loss at what to do.

So, he did the only thing he knew.

"Urata-san? Sakatan? Senra? Anyone?"

Surely, they must be around? He would never leave their side willingly.

Senra groaned a bit as he sits up from the bed. Slowly opening both of his eyes, the golden orbs tried his best to adjust to the little light provided inside the room. Touching around the bed, Senra panicked a bit. He was supposed to be sleeping with Shima... but the purplenette had gone out of sudden. Senra looked around the area, noting on the unfamiliar surrounding which is not the house of his leader.

Getting up from the bed, Senra's feet slowly made contact with the cold hard floor. "Shima-kun...? Where are you?" With a tiny voice, he called for the older.

Hearing the blonde's voice, Shima ran towards it, happy that he found at least Senra. "Senra!"

Running and opening the door he heard Senra's voice from, only to see nothing, Shima slightly panicked. "Senra?!"

Hearing the voice near him, Senra quickly look around. "S-Shima-kun!? Eh? Where are you!?"

Even though he could hear Senra loud and clear, as if he was in front of him, Shima couldn't see the blonde at all. "I'm right here Senra... where are you?"

Why could he hear Senra but not see him?

Confused noise escaped from Senra's mouth as he continuously look around the dimly lit room. "I can hear you... but I cannot find you anywhere... Shima-kun..."

"Can you tell me where you are...?" A gentle whisper as Shima carefully looked around, trying to find a clue.

Going toward the bed, Senra sat on top of it while holding the cup of lighted candles. "I'm on the bed, holding the candles."

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