Reason to Love You

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Guess who back with a short, fluffy story. This one shot will contain 3 version of reason that i love you with the three top pairing which are............

Please found out the pair as you continue scrolling the stories 😘

All characters belong to themselves. I just borrowed their name.

Happy reading!!!!


There were lots of reason why I love you but one of the reason is..


I love the way you look when you're sleeping.

Pairing: ShimaxSenra

It was one of those nights where Senra stayed over at Shima's place. One of those nights where the purple haired man play video games the whole time, the blond would watch and eventually fall asleep. Shima liked those nights the best.

"Behind you! Punch him!"

As if to show how it's done, Senra punched the air.

"Maashi, look out! He's going to kill you!" The blonde clutched onto the older man who was focusing on the screen in front of him.


The words 'game over' could be read on the screen.

"Oh no.. You're dead. I told you, to punch him," the blonde said regretfully. His golden eyes shone with sadness.

The purple-haired man looked at Senra's way, quite annoyed with the situation. He hated it when he couldn't finish a level, but Senra mocking him only made things worse.

The same level was being played over and over again. The occasional annoyed grunts came from Shima, due to him failing every time, whether the blonde remained silent for once.

A soft yawn escaped past Senra's lips as he stretched out his arms. It wouldn't hurt to get into a more comfortable position. So, he decided to lean a little at the couch he sitting in.

Not long after, a small, victorious smile was plastered on Shima's face as the screen read 'you won'.

"Hey, Senra-"He stopped midsentence, noticing the blonde had fallen asleep. The purple haired man looked over at the clock, it was already late at night. He didn't blame Senra for falling asleep, in fact the older man was already used to it already.

After Shima put away his console, he sat down next to Senra, silently observing his every movement. He watched as Senra's chest rise and fall with every breath the blonde took. His gaze slowly moving up, shortly stopping at his companion's slightly opened mouth. A small trail of drool hanging out of it.

The purplenette laugh a little. Even with the drool, it's still a cute sight for him and he wish to engrave this deep inside his brain so he will never forget.

Again his gaze moved upwards, this time to Senra's closed eyes and eventually to the stray locks of yellow that fell in front of Senra's face. The purple haired man felt a sudden urge to stroke through the blonde's hair but he refrained from doing so. As he didn't want to wake the man up after all.

So, instead, Shima sat next to Senra for quite some time. Just silently observing the blonde's beauty. A small smile full of adoration was plastered on his face.

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