You, Me and Our Family (Part 1)

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Hello, its been such a long time since I post because hmm motivation goes brrr. However, since I started my university, I shall write more and torture myself sobs (not a M tho). So, as an apologize for not updating, I will post this au. Its for blappi7294 and this au is so questionable 😳 thus please proceed at your own risk.

All characters doesn't belong to me, they belong to themselves and I just borrowed their stages's name. Please keep that in your mind and heart (o^^o)

If you are not comfortable with this, please don't read okay and no attacking me and other writers 😭

The cover image for this chapter drawn by blappi7294 as I force him to draw it for me :3 enjoy the family sobs. Thank you so much blappisama 🥺



The warm rays of the morning summer sun attacked a young lad's closed eye lids. Scrunching his eye brows together in annoyance, he squinted his eyes open, only seeing blurred shapes. As he finally came to his senses, the man stared blankly at the curtains that fly up and down gracefully from the opened window. A red covered phone lay inches away from his head and also an empty baby bottle that once was filled with milk.

Snapping out of his day dream, he felt a head of brown hair push deeper into his chest, while an strong arm hung lazily around his tummy. Moving his head to the side, the man couldn't help but smile at the image that lay right in front of his red eyes. His little toddler lay peacefully against his chest while his loyal husband was still in his peaceful slumber. Pushing the child's shorts brown bangs from touching his forehead, Sakata placed a gentle kiss while trying his hardest not to wake him up. Just like his father, the boy was very loud and sassy. But he was still one of the many gifts that God had given them.

"Morning," a low, husky voice sounded inside the room.

Sakata stared up in surprise as he did not know that Urata had woken up, but his full of surprise face quickly formed into a cute innocent smile.

"Good morning, Ura-san," he greeted.

Pulling his waist closer, with their son still in the middle of them, the shorter male sighed in delight, "Ahh... finally some alone time with my wife."

The redhead giggled at the statement and shook his head.

"Not exactly Ura-san, I think you might be forgetting somebody," said Sakata whilst pointing at their son. Urata stared at his son who was innocently burying his face on his wife's chub tummy.

Giving another sigh, he said while pouting, "That should be me...."

It only took a second for Sakata's whole face to turn red like his hair, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"Ura-san! Don't speak about those kinds of things so easily!"

The brunet chuckled while entwining his fingers with him.

"He truly is a Mama's boy. I mean do you understand how it feels to be jealous of your own year old son?" said the brunet and glare a little at the innoncent baby, who slept rather peacefully despite Sakata's not so loud shouting earlier.

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