Reconciliation (ShimaSen)

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I was thirsty for Shimasen, so here you go some Shimasen's angst or fluff? (^∇^)
Enjoy reading~


"Why would you do that?!" Senra screeched. "What have I ever done to you?!"

"S-Senra," Shima tried to interrupt.

"No! All these years I've been nice! I spent with you so much time and you're repaying me this way!?" the blonde shouted, hands clenching into a fist.

"Listen..." Shima once again tried to calm Senra down.

"No, this is serious! We've gone through so much, whole difficult year in high school. Every assignment, every project. Succesess and loses. Whole year, do you understand?! And now... now...," Senra was at brink of tears. He run his hand through his yellow hair and uttered with utmost venom, "You crash five times a day, you stupid laptop!"

"There, there," the purple-haired man patted the blonde's head as Senra glared at the not working laptop.

Yes, the cause of this whole ordeal was about Senra's laptop. The honey-coloured eyes boy gritt his teeth every time the laptop crashes.

Several days ago, a blue screen appeared out of nowhere and he was freaked out. However, after a few minutes, somehow his laptop managed to work again. But the situation repeated again – once a day, twice a day. The blonde didn't have time to get it repaired and he didn't have enough money to buy a new one. So he decided to ignore it. It still worked, right?

But today, Senra, Sakata, Shima and Urata was supposed to work on their homework for school. After a long persuading from the redhead side (Sakata promise to give Senra Shima's middle school photos), the blonde agreed to help him. Suprisingly, Senra was actually good at history, which is kinda weird because the blonde hate anything regarding memorising.

Urata also dragged to help because the brunet had lose to Sakata's puppy dog eyes and Shima constant pestering. Not only that, between the four of them, Senra and Urata had finished their homework way earlier anyway. Thus, the four of them decided to come and do the homeworks at Sakata's house.

As Senra was teaching Sakata (because Urata and Shima were one year above them and Urata had to teach Shima), he wanted to google some information for the redhead when his precious laptop decided to crash, making the blonde exploded.

"Maashi, I can't take it anymore! Look how cruel he is to me!" he wailed.

"Why do you treat laptop as a human being?" Urata raised his brow.

"Is it important right now?" the blonde snapped and turned to Shima. "Do something!"

"Suure~," the purplenette said, patting Senra's head again. Only then the blonde noticed that the older man basically was hugging him and he was latched to Shima's shirt. Senra flushed red and made an attempt to get away from him.

"Y-you can let me go now," the blonde said with a nervous smile. Shima had particular habit of crushing the younger on his chest and that always startled Senra. It was worst when he did it in public, like when Senra sometimes came by to see his practices as the older boy was in soccer club, and just like that, he would laid his head on Senra's. Although, this will happen if Senra was sitting on the bench and not standing because the height difference but it still did not discourage Shima to just crush the younger in his chest.

"Don't feel like it~!" the purple haired boy smirked. Senra wriggled a little more until he finally gave in. The blonde puffed his cheeks and glanced at his laptop. He narrowed his golden eyes, seeing the black screen. "We can dump it to the repair service on our way back from school," Sakata offered.

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