*nervous laughter*

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After a bit of fiddling, Gonta set the laptop down on a chair. Ryoma and Kokichi beckoned him back to their viewing spot. Why did they have a laptop you ask? Well they were going to have a zoom call with every class. Yes, it seems a lot of individual accounts but keep in mind many people are spending the holidays together. It was the one day where kids get to stay up till midnight without their parents getting angry. New Years.

It took a while for their device to connect but that's to be expected. When they finally connect they hear choruses of greetings coming from their friends. They loudly and enthusiastically greet them back. Well, Gonta and Kokichi did. Ryoma gave them a digital salute in greeting.


Kaito smiled at the laptop. He looked back at his grandparents and girlfriend and smiled happily. He looked at the clock and there were two minutes till midnight. Well, he would've known that anyways when Ibuki yelled out "TWO MORE MINUTES EVERYONE!!!"

Her voice echoed throughout his grandparent's small house. His grandparents lived by a sea. They could easily walk outside and still see the fireworks.

Kokichi leans in closer to the camera and says "Wooowww Momota-Chan your house is super boring!"

Kaito rolls his eyes, having learned not to take some of Kokichi's comments too seriously. Maki however, narrows her eyes. Conversations begin to flow as everyone got excited for the fireworks. Kaede looks at the time and says "Oh! It's a minute till New Years! Let's get ready for the countdown guys!"

Kaito turned his head. He thought he heard a noise but he shrugged it off. Everyone waited in anticipation for the ten second countdown.

"10..." Ouma started

"9..." came a few more voices

"8..." Kaito, Maki and his grandparents joined in.

"7..." almost everyone was counting

"6..." everyone began counting

"5..." The rustling came back.






A loud bang rang out. Kaito fell to the ground. He was in pain. He could vaguely hear Maki and his friends and grandparents scream his name. He felt blood gushing from the side of his head. In a matter of seconds, all went black.

So does the title of the last chapter make sense?

What if I said this entire holiday special I've been doing  wasn't canon to my little universe?

Am I forgiven? Probably not.

Another Danganronpa Chatfic :DWhere stories live. Discover now