Ishimondo And Party Plans

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"Class 78th goes Trigger Happy Havoc"

2d big tatas: So is everyone here except myself ofc a form of being gay or trans?

I am the rules: I'm not gay!

Egg: No that's wrong!

11037: Yeah even a dumbass like me can tell you're gay

I am the rules: No I'm not!

2d big tatas: Wait so like, you're not dating Mr. Oowada?

I am the rules: No! We're just really close bros!

11037: *eyebrow raise*

Egg: Ever since the KGS whenever one of you would go to the sauna, the other came along

I am the rules: We're just hanging out!

2d big tatas: Right well but haven't you two basically adopted Chihiro?

I am the rules: Is there something wrong with that?

Egg: ngl the denial hurts

11037: How to summon a gay awakening-

2d big tatas: You can't. We shouldn't really force him to say he's gay though

Egg: true

I am the rules: I'm not saying I'm gay because I'm not!

11037: OK that hurt my brain-


Aoi Asahina has created Yank Ishimondo outta their closet

Aoi Asahina has added Tsumugi Shirogane and 4 others

Tsumugi Shirogane: Is this another ship chat?

Aoi Asahina: Another?

Kirumi Tojo: May I ask what we are doing here?

Aoi Asahina: It's exactly as the chat name suggests! Ishimaru is so deep in the Closet that he's finding old baby clothes!

Kaede Akamatsu: Well what about Oowada?

Hifumi Yamada: From my observations, Mr. Oowada never says he's not gay but if you were to point out he is gay he wouldn't deny it.

Chihiro Fujisaki: And what are you doing here?

Hifumi Yamada: I am well versed in the art of fanfiction!

Aoi Asahina: So do any of you object to setting up Ishimondo?

Chihiro Fujisaki: I don't

Tsumugi Shirogane: Yes! I don't mind at all!

Hifumi Yamada: I don't mind

Kaede Akamatsu: As long as we don't end up upsetting them then I'll join!

Kirumi Tojo: If that is what you request then I shall do it.

Aoi Asahina: Great! Now what do we do?

Hifumi Yamada: You mean you invited us but you don't have a plan?

Tsumugi Shirogane: Writing a Chatfic that doesn't actually have a plot is hard Yamada!

Kaede Akamatsu: Ignoring that strange comment, isn't there a KGS party?

Kirumi Tojo: Do you mean in celebration for the success of the KGS in reforming our twisted personalities?

Another Danganronpa Chatfic :DWhere stories live. Discover now