The Chapter I forgot about Part 2

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"Class 77th says Goodbye Despair"


Impasta: Calm down

Band: No can do Nisemono!

Impasta: Well, @ everyone Please head on over to Tsumugi's lab to grab your costumes.


Author-San: Heyo! It's me! Everyone's favorite asshole! Lol jk no. That would probably be Byakuya, Ouma or Nagito.

Author-San: Anyways let's talk abut how Class 77th started their party! Woo. So anyways, they've all branched out, Teruteru got the cool aid punch splashed on him, ya know, the usual. Mikan's been banned from going near the refreshments since she almost pulled on the tablecloth and knocked down the snacks and stuff.

Author-San: Souda's being a lazy shark bastard man and just leaving his stupid giant fucking wrench on one of the seats. Gundham's snake (Faust) is using it as a pillow. Fuck I'm bored. Like seriously I don't feel like writing this huhuh

Author-San: Kamakura, Hinata, Komaeda, Kazuichi and Chiaki are playing Among Us and they constantly vote Hajime out for no real reason. I mean, Kamakura convinced them so heh.Hinata's pissed but hey, atleast they all had fun as crackheads.

Author-San: Ibuki's rapping now. And by rapping I mean singing that Nation of the world song faster than the original. Hiyoko's scared and clinging to Mahiru who's laughing. By this time, Miu spiked the punch so yeah that happened.

Author-San: Ibuki realized the punch was spiked so she isn't letting Mikan drink or eat anything. Ibuki honestly looks like a koala so that's fun. Mahiru's doing the same for Hiyoko but Hiyoko keeps sneaking away. Soon. She will get

Author-San: Mikan's listening to someone typing on a keyboard ASMR or whatever. That shit sounds amazing tho. Listening to it rn while I'm typing lol.

Author-San: Ugh, I really don't wanna do this. Would ya'll be mad at me if I scrapped this idea? Yeah I'm gonna do it lmao. But might as well finish this part ig.

Author-San: Anyways, Hiyoko finally got drunk so she and Ibuki are barreling towards the furniture and it's all broken now. Amazing. Hajime has two bottles of hot sauce and he's chugging them down like it's OJ. Ouma, Miu, and a few chaotic others are cheering him on screaming: "CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!"

Author-San: What do you get when you combine a drunk Anthropologist and his chaotic drunk classmates and his probably drunk significant other? A chimken funeral. They're crying over spilled chicken. Kirumi's leading everyone and none of the other classes seem to want to go near them.

Author-San: Only 400 something words? Fuck I'm outta steam uhhhh yeah I think I'm ending it here, skipping my monolouge for Class 78th and just skipping to the aftermath.

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