Where the Fuck Are We and What is a Gym Leader??

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Akamtsu woke up, as usual, however, when she stood up she immediately knew something was wrong. How? Well, she clearly wasn't in the HPA Dorm building.

She made her way downstairs only to see Tojo equally as confused. She runs over and she asks " Do you know where we are?"

Tojo shakes her head and suggests that they should check their phones.


"Class 79th's Killing Harmony"

Teen Mom but not really and one other has come online

SHSL Penis but not really: Where are you guys?

Pamta Squishy and one other has come online


Pamta Squishy has sent a photo
Detective Emo Hat: WHAT IS THAT


Teen Mom but not really: Have we been transported to the Pokemon world?

SHSL Penis but not really: Well shit.

Pamta Squishy: They keep telling me I'm the Ghost Elite four or smthn??

SHSL Penis but not really: Oh shit. Time to go ask around-

Detective Emo Hat: So I'm supposed to go to my neighbour's house??

SHSL Penis but not really: I'm with Saihara and Kirumi, what about you Ouma?

Pamta Squishy: I've found Byakuya, Nagito and the new kid Kamakura. Respectively they're the Dark, Ice and Dragon Elite fours that huge as snake  belonged to Byakuya apparently

Applebee's has come online

Applebee's: Gonta woke up in a strange place! Also, Ouma is very powerful


Applebee's: Gonta is apparently the first Gym Leader? Gonta not know what that means but Gonta is glad Gonta gets to work with bugs!

Teen Mom but not really: Gonta dear do you remember when Nanami would play this game with you where you have to capture these creatures and make them fight other people? That's what we're doing but instead of a game, it's real life.

Applebee's: Is this because of Yumeno's magic?

SHSL Penis but not really: @ I'm a magic lesbian

I'm a magic lesbian has come online

I'm a magic lesbian: So uh, I'm sorry ;-;

I'm a magic lesbian: If we can get everyone here in a specific place I think I might be able to uh, get us back home

Teen Mom but not really: In these games, there's always a map in Pokecenters so if Akamatsu, Saihara and I make our way to the nearest Pokecenter we could decide on a meeting place?

Pamta Squishy: Wait no I don't wanna leave anymore-

Detective Emo Hat: Why?

Pamta Squishy has sent two photos

(Misdreavius and Mimikyu)

Pamta Squishy: My children-

Teen Mom but not really: Ouma I'll buy you a plushie of your children back in our world if you let us leave

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