The Chapter I forgot about Part 1

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Pamta Squishy: Hey motherfuckers

Hot Kork Soup: I have fucked no mothers Ouma.

Wax Avocado Effigy: I FuCkInG HoPe YoU hAvEn'T

Pamta Squishy: ...Bitch. ANYWAYS GET TO SHIROGANE'S LAB AND GET YOUR FUCKING COSTUMES @ everyone @ everyone @ everyone

I'm a feminist lesbian and 10 others have come online

Pamta Squishy: To the other person who is probably Hoshi, you're a motherfucking lurker

Short Cats: Wow thanks

I'm a feminist lesbian: Come along girls! Let's go get our costumes and get ready!


Author-San: Hello there readers! I'll be doing a play by play of Class 79th's experience at the party. Next two Chapters will also be like this while the aftermath chapter will be told in perspective of my OCs. understand? K cool let's press play then.

Author-San: So far, Miu hasn't had the opportunity to spike the punch because Gonta's been drinking outta it and Kirumi is gaurding it. Ouma is dressed as The Queen of Diamonds and she's made the people who dressed as like, Ace of Diamonds or smthn bow down. Luckily for him, the diamond army is filled with idiots.

Author-San: Saihara's dressed as a Detective but Diamond theme. Tsumugi says he's King of Diamonds but,,,He isn't bowing down because his diamond design isn't so obvious as the others. Kaede is Queen of Hearts and Kirumi is Ace of Hearts or whatever. Tsumugi was tempted to make her the King of Diamonds but she decided against it.

Author-San: Other Kings and or Queens include The Spades (Maki and Kaito) and Clover (Korekiyo)

Author-San: Rantaro is a Clover Joker and he's so in character he's practically high. Tsumugi is a Spade Joker but girl. Himiko and Tenko are Hearts people. numbers 4 and 5 respectively. Gonta is with the Diamonds (no.5) and Ryoma is with Clover (no.6) Angie is Diamond Joker and Miu is Hearts Joker. Kiibo is Clover no.2.

Author-San: On the right cheek, everyone has a spade, a clover (or club), a heart or a diamond. On the left one they have a number, Q, K, J or A.

Author-San: Now then, onto the actual story! So we left off when Ouma is forcing her army to bow down, Shuichi's laughing with Kaede off to the side. Tenko and Himiko are hanging out by the kareoke, Tsumugi is watching anime from one of the portable tvs with the other school weebs.

Author-San: Ouma got bored and now she's on Nagito's shoulders. Miu spiked the punch oh fuck. Shit well nobody's drunk yet. Oh look everyone's gathering singing Rolling Girl fuck they're edgy. And by everyone I mean EVERYONE. Ya'll know that video of danganronpa v3 characters singing rolling girl? yeah that.

Author-San: Huhuh one person's drunk. Who is that? Makoto Naegi. Byakuya hasn't realized yet. No one has lol. Owari and Nekomaru want to bail already.

Author-San: ...I'm locking the door. No one's allowed to leave until I say so ➖〰️➖

Author-San: How the fuck did Junko get a fucking pumpkin? And why is she in it? How did her body get in there what the fuck?

Author-San: I'm...confused mostly but fuck I went off track. Uh, Miu, Gonta, Tenko and Angie's drunk. Teruteru put Aphrodisiacs in one bowl but Kirumi dumped the thing on him. He's on the ground now.

Author-San: Kiibo's malfunctioning for some reason and Korekiyo, who also got drunk, Angie and Ouma, who is still sober, are sacrificing him. To who? I don't know but they are. Gonta's sobbing about the mini crewmate pet. Hoshi's confused but he's going with it....I say it's time to fuck with them.

Author-San: Gonta's sobbing even louder with Chihiro after I flashed a hologram of the mini crewmate pet crying lmao.

Author-San: Mondo and Ryoma are punching air because they can't punch me. I am very entertained. Lmao. oh oh AHAIXCOJSOSM8MSK RYOMA PUNCHED GONTA AND NOW THEY'RE BOTH SOBBING

Author-San: Whoo that was funny. I am entertained. Kiibo's screaming at Miu for god knows why. How the fuck did they get pens? Oh now the pens are being used as chopsticks. Tojo probably has white hair honestly. She's finally broken and she's given up when it comes to controlling them for this party. She said and I quote "Let them make bad decisions for tonight. They say you watch what you do as the effects will be your fault."

Author-San: Huhuhuh interesting. The antags (Minus Byakuya cuz he finally found out Naegi's drunk) aare huddled in a thinking corner. I think Ouma's tipsy? Idfk but they're heading into the vents. I sealed those vents so they can't get out that way. The vents have been reinforced too since those fuckers keep falling outta them. Well their plan of escape failed so meh.

Author-San: To those remaining, almost everyone's drunk and or tipsy.

Author-San: Now that that's done I'm gonna note that the length of the chapters will vary and I'll be focusing on different classes and won't mention any mixed group activities unless I want to. I feel like these next few chapters will be a bore for me and you guys so you guys can skip if you want. The tiny perfectionist in me is refusing to let me not write the chapters.

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