Chat turns to chaos again and are we sure they aren't sharing?

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"Class 77th says Goodbye Despair"

Dancer Gremlin Lesbian: Who the fuck was the idiot that made this app error?!

Dancer Gremlin Lesbian: It corrupted my fucking phone!

Photo Lesbian: Hiyoko relax! Souda fixed it up for you right?

Dancer Gremlin Lesbian: But Mahiruuu he's grossss! He got his simp germs all over my phone! Now it smells too! Just like Mikan!

Aid: I'm sorrrrrryyyyy!!!!

Dancer Gremlin Lesbian: Shut up and I may forgive you

Photo Lesbian: Hiyoko!

Dancer Gremlin Lesbian: ( 'ε' )

Band has come online

Band: First of all, Saionji, thin ice.

Band: Second of all, Ibuki bought a snake!

Dancer Gremlin Lesbian: WHAAAAATTTT?!?!

Photo Lesbian: Why are you so disturbed? Tanaka has a snake.

Dancer Gremlin Lesbian: Yeah but he knows how to control that stupid thing! Ibuki does not!!!

Ultimate Straightie has come online

Ultimate Straightie: How dare you call my mighty familiar a 'stupid thing'?!

Ultimate Straightie: Manufacturer of harmonies and ballads, I, Gundham Tanaka, will help you cultivate your reptilian conscript into a mighty soldier!

Band: Oh don't worry Tanaka! I did my research!

Ultimate Straightie: The internet is not always a good source of information Loud one.

Band: Ok! DM me then proper instructions then! I'm sure most of what I got is right tho.

Photo Lesbian: @ Aid are you still there Tsumiki?

Aid: Can I talk now?

Dancer Gremlin Lesbian: No!

Aid: I'm sorryyy!!!

Photo Lesbian: Hiyoko!

Band: Broken ice Saionji, I'm hunting your ass.

Band and two others have gone offline

Dancer Gremlin Lesbian: Mahiru help meee!!!

Photo Lesbian:

Photo Lesbian has gone offline

Dancer Gremlin Lesbian: Mahiru?!


Mechanic Shark: Alright I've had it, @ Edgy Rapunzel @ Oj and Ahogays are you guys sharing Komaeda or whatever???

Edgy Rapunzel: Yes

Oj and Ahogays: No

Edgy Rapunzel: Not officially

Mechanic Shark: Uh??

Oj and Ahogays: Ignore them

Mechanic Shark and two others have gone offline


Boss Baby Gangsta has come online

Boss Baby Gangsta: Now I know this may be sibling rivalry, but why the fuck are Hinata and Kamakura screaming at each other?

Another Danganronpa Chatfic :DWhere stories live. Discover now