Tea Party Turns Into A Scrum Debate

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"Class 77th says Goodbye Despair"

Actual Royalty: Is there such a thing as an Ultimate Tea Server?

Oj and Ahogays: Closest thing is the Ultimate Butler talent

Actual Royalty: Perfect! Hinata, we need a server! Can you help Tojo?

Oj and Ahogays: Sure.

Oj and Ahogays and one other went offline


Nagito looks around the room. His friends were scattered over the rented cafeteria. Ouma was with Fuyuhiko, Saihara, Akamatsu, Amami, Peko and Sonia. Sonia, Amami and Akamatsu were laughing at Ouma's antics as she annoyed Saihara, Fuyuhiko and Peko.

Togami was sitting and he was chatting with Twogami and Makoto. The fourth antag was too short to see from the tall people surrounding him. Everyone else were by the snacks or sitting and chatting by the tables Ouma, Sonia, Celestia and Tojo prepped.

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

Komaeda looked up and he smiled as he saw his boyfriend carrying a platter. Hajime set down the empty platter and sat down beside Komaeda.

"Well yeah. Seeing everyone enjoy themselves makes me really happy." said Komaeda.

Hajime smiled and kissed Nagito's cheek. "I'm glad then. Have you taken your meds?"

Komaeda nods and he looks to the cup in Hajime's hands.

"Right, here. Take it. It's hot chocolate. I gotta go now. If Sonia or Tojo see me not helping they'll force me into the kitchen with Hanamura. " said Hajime as he visibly shivered.

"Alright then. Bye Hajime." Hajime gave a small peck to Nagito's lips as he walks off.

"Komaeda-Chan!" Nagito turned his head to see Ouma walking his way. She was dragging Yuuto, who was half asleep, and Togami to Nagito's table. The three of them sit down.

"Now then my fellow antagonists, let us discuss Togami-chan's position as an antagonist!" said Ouma.

Yuu raised an eyebrow and he said "What? Why? He's technically an antagonist though."

Togami sighs and he says "Apparently because Ouma feels I don't meet the criteria of one."

Ouma raises a finger and she begins counting her criteria for an antagonist "Well, number one, an antag needs to be a nuisance in the trials, number two, they need to be in love with a protag. Number three, the antag needs to have died in chapter 5 for the benefit of their classmates, number four, they need to manipulate their class one way or another. Telling the truth afterwards counts. Number five, they need to help guide their classmates to the correct answer, whether or not it's clear doesn't matter. "

" Technically the only one he didn't do is number three and number five. " said Nagito.

" Exactly! His position as the Og antag is in jeopardy! I mean, he survived! " said Ouma

" Pft. Imagine being an antag and not dying in chapter 5. Couldn't be me." said Yuu.

Togami sighed and rolled his eyes and he said " What will you do then if I'm not an antag? "

" Kobayashi-Chan? Do it. " said Ouma. She looked at Yuu with a threatening look.

Yuu sighed and covered his mouth with his hand and he said "Upupupu! It's punishment time~!"

A few heads turned to their table as Yuu's impression of Monokuma was basically spot on.

Ouma said "So Komaeda-Chan do you think Togami-Chan is an antag like these two fuckers over here orrr is your opinion the right one, aka, mine!"

Nagito swore he heard Togami and Yuu mumble something under their breaths but he chose to ignore it. "Well if he didn't do two things in our criteria then I doubt he's a true antag." he said

Yuu's eyes lit up and he said "Debate Scrum! Debate Scrum! Our opinions are split Debate Scrrruuuummm!!!!" The students from 77th and 78th were confused but the others sighed or facepalmed.

A monitor popped into the room and Alter Ego's face showed up

"Debate Scrum? Alright then. Those of you who think Togami is an antag go to the left. Those of you who don't go to the right. Ouma should have already explained the situation to you all so you know which side you should go to."

From the back of the room Hajime says " What about the people who don't give a fuck? "

Alter Ego says "Back of the class for you then."

So then the tea party separated. On Nagito and Ouma's side they had 8 people not including them, namely, Rantaro, Tsumugi, Kazuo, Koji, Yasuhiro, Junko, Akane and Sonia. On Yuu and Togami's side are Kaito, Kiibo, Chiba, Ayaka, Mukuro, Toko, Gundham and Twogami.

Long story short, Togami was deemed an actual antag.

Now Ouma is talking with Tsumugi and Reiko about clothes, Nagito was talking to Yokichi, Yuu, Atsuno and Ayaka. Togami was chatting with Makoto, Kirigiri and Mukuro. It was a good party.

Hhhh this was shorterrr

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