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It's one of those No POV Special Chapters againnn

Class 80th's bus

Quiet. That's all you can hear. It's practically deafening. Why are they so quiet you ask? Well...

"Hey, hey hey!" Chiba hissed.

Hashimoto stopped trying to open his bag of chips and looked at the Martial Artist who threw a small tin ball at the mangaka and hissed "Too loud fucker! If the brat wakes up you know very well we're all throwing you under the bus! Literally AND figuratively!"

Hashimoto slowly placed the chips back into his bag and he raised his hands in a surrendering motion. Chiba shot a worried glance at the sleeping demon. Yuuto Kobayashi laid sleeping on his boyfriends lap. The trio were also fast asleep just like a select few in the class. The air was tense as anyone who woke him up had a target on their back for the rest of the week. Let's just say the next time the driver honked the horn, they almost crashed into a tree.

Class 79th's bus

Saihara wanted sleep. Why couldn't he get what he wanted? Well....


Saihara sighed knowing fully well he'll never be able to achieve his long forgotten dream of sleep. Kirumi was making sure those who were standing were safe. Each class had a bus going to a campsite. They'll spend a week there hopefully not destroying the environment. Though, with 64 students most of which are chaotic shitheads that's probably not gonna happen.

As soon as it was about to quiet down and a few people were nodding off to sleep, Rantaro decided the bus ride felt too much like a car ride and started screaming.


"Amami Rantaro yoU FUCKING BITCH"

Class 78th's bus

"Everyone please sit down and be orderly!"

Celestia, Kuwata, Makoto, Hagakure and Kirigiri were all playing Monopoly. Celestia was forced to sit out and play banker after winning 69 times straight.Junko's trying to figure out how to jump out of the window. Jin, their chaperone is wondering how he got into this position. What position you ask? Well the position of getting grilled by a portable Alter Ego that Fujisaki brought.

"Why the hell did you think putting students through a killing game was a good idea?"

"Do you know how much it cost you to do all that?"

"Fujisaki please turn them off?"


Class 77th's bus

They were rolling down a cliff. Souda flew out of the window and the driver is desperately attempting to stop the bus. Everyone's screaming except for Nagito who was used to it and Kamakura too.

"Hajime." Kamakura said "Jump out of the bus. Maybe you'll be able to stop the bus or die trying."


They come to a slow, gentle, rolling stop. Souda is standing at the campsite partially unscathed and they all flop out pf the bus. Surprisingly they were the first ones there. Mikan started fussing over everyone especially Souda. Then, a branch almost fell on Komaeda if it weren't for Kamakura sweeping him off his feet. Literally.


Everyone, Mr. Stealyoman Izuru Kamakura


After they set up their camps they head over to a lake. Class 80th seems a bit fidgety but most of them are excited for the activity. It was just swimming but they've been busy so it's been a while since they've swam. Aoi immediately hopped in the lake along with a few others. Some decided to remain on the shore while others were in the dock sitting. Currently that's where the antags claimed their spot.

Nagito and Byakuya chose to stay on land for a bit while Kokichi and Kobayashi are there because they either can't swim or can barely swim. Probably the former. Everything was going well...until someone *cough Momota cough* dragged the shorter antags into the water. As of right now they're hugging the dock's support while waiting for someone to help them.

Makoto's off to the side having enough of swimming after slipping a few times. Everyone's cleared the way for Aoi and Akane to have a contest.

It ended up so very badly. They swam right through the dock and launched the Antags to who knows where. They ended up finding all of them but Nagito. Izuru and Hinata went to go look for him while everyone else is on standby near the broken dock. Makoto started skipping rocks and one of them went all the way to the end of the lake and it hit a nearly falling tree. They could see Nagito clearly now. He was in the leaves of the tree unable to get down.

Kobayashi decided to follow Principal Kirigiri around, rambling about how this was a bad idea and "Why the hell would you choose to have us swim in a lake when you know someone died in a lake in my class's kgs you stupid fuck."

After a large amount of freetime they started gathering around a fire. Class 79th and 80th were already there by the time the two others came along. They were throwing whatever into the fire screaming things like "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD" or "Jeebus! Jeebus! Jeebus! JEEBUS! JEEBUS!!"

Slowly but surely the other classes started joining in. Principal Kirigiri finally came to the firepit and was very confused. Everyone but the parental units were screaming. He looked to his daughter and she glanced at him before cheering them on.

Then appeared a nonchalant Izuru saying "Now do you see why this was a bad idea?"

"Just...go to bed?"



I'm changing my transitional thingy

It's only the next day and Jin wants to die. Allow me to explain, imagine you just want your students to bond. But then they start a water balloon fight which somehow sets a tree on fire and nearly causes a forest fire. As of right now Mahiru wants to take a full Hope's Peak Academy student photo. Unfortunately, not everyone wants to smile.

"Togami, please! Just smile? Even a small one?" Mahiru asked

"No." came the reply.

Kamakura kept trying to escape and leave the frame.

"Kamakura please stay put!"


Eventually, Amami, Byakuya, Ouma and Nagito all got bored of the photo, turned to each other, did the rich kid nod and ran off in different directions.


Everyone else took this as the cue to scatter and now a bunch of chaotic, tired, sleep deprived students are wreaking havoc in a random forest with practically no sense of direction. I'll let you all fill in the ending you wish. I can only tell you that the trip was cut short and another tree burned down.

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