80th Initiation And Disaster Bi's

717 18 4

"Class 79th's Killing Harmony"

Pamta Squishy:

Pamta Squishy: Ya'll I'm bored

Hot Kork Soup: Well lately it has been a bit uneventful after the party announcement.

I'm a feminist lesbian: You degenerates should be grateful for what you have!

Author-San has gone online

Author-San: Would you two like to join me for Class 80th's Initiation?

Pamta Squishy: Initiation?

Author-San: We'll be playing a game. When I add whoever wants to join they'll be in a lurker account and the class won't be aware you are there.

Hot Kork Soup: Do they not have a group chat already?

Author-San: Oh they do. They haven't been through Initiation.

Hot Kork Soup: I'm interested.

Pamta Squishy: Same!

I'm a feminist lesbian: I'll come along to make sure those men don't hurt any of the women!

Author-San: great


"Class 80th's ------------"

Author-San has joined "Class 80th's ------------""

Kenji Yoshida: Fuck.

Author-San has changed Ayaka Watanabe and 15 other nicknames

Lied down in the middle of the rink sometimes: FUUUUUUUUUCKKDJDISHIAGZ

Also Can't Swim: *sigh*

Burrows underneath their stuffed toy collection: Hhhhhhhhhh I'LL JU S T GO  Y E E T

Oh I know who that is

Theirpettellsthemwhattheywant: Let's get this over with then. Hi I'm Kenji.

Author-San has changed Theirpettellsthemwhattheywant to Asra stan

Asra stan: OK but he's hot

Is Physically Unable to do Kareoke: Ew grandpa hair lookin ass


Asra stan: Alright, give me your users. I might know one

Poly and they like their S/O and [Redacted] : Well fuck. This isn't much of a secret though

Sews deep pockets on to shoplift: Oof. Well that's gonna be hard seeing as practically everyone but one person is in a relationship-

Asra stan: I thought I told you to stop doing that Kuroki!

Sews deep pockets on to shoplift:
N e V e R

Author-San has changed Sews deep pockets on to shoplift to Tsumugi with no anime

Secretlyputssleepingdrugsinyourdrinks: I cAn ExPlAin

Burrows underneath their stuffed toy collection: Don't even try Shimizu

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