Chapter 1

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September 2054

Eobard Thawne, the speedster, killer. Criminal. No one believed you when you claimed he was still alive. It's a lost cause they said. Just drop it. You were a rookie in the department, so respect wasn't exactly something you got easily, especially from your superiors. Sometimes you thought the only reason they hired you was solely because your father served on the force. He was killed in the line of duty. One of the many who fell victim at the hands of the Reverse Flash. 

Your life was never the same after that. You dedicated the rest of your existence to stopping him. Some would call what you did an obsession, and maybe it was. All the dead ends and disappointing corners, you finally found a break. How long has it been? 

Years probably. 

Years of chasing after a meta everyone thought to be dead. But you knew better. Presently, you were surveying the old STAR Labs building. It was long deteriorating. The only people that actually came to this part of town were druggies and bandits. With that in mind you clenched the gun in your hand tighter.

You creep through the hall, scanning the area. For weeks you were following a reporting of missing equipment from high end technology companies. The equipment being taken wasn't any old materials. There was only one used for the items, and that was creating a portal. Of what, you weren't sure. 

You weren't a scientist, and since the rest of your department assumed the threat was already gone, asking for any kind of help on this particular investigation would be a lost cause. You needed solid proof. And you were about to get it. Your hand swiped forward when you heard the whirring of the machine ahead. You were on the bottom floor, and the bright light that flashed almost blinded your vision completely.

"YES!!" you jumped in alarm at the voice. Running behind an old shelf, you ducked, trying to get a better view of who it was up ahead. You raised your wrist, clicking on your watch. A blue light shined, surveying the entire room. Adjusting the volume on your earphone, you reviewed the scan.

"Individual identified. Reverse Flash. Wanted Criminal. Approach with caution. Kill on sight." your eyes widened, because even though you were always sure, actually being right was a different story.

"He's alive..." you tapped on your watch, sending the files to your computer immediately The minute it was received, it would alert a signal to your superiors. Even if Eobard got away this time, whatever he was planning wouldn't succeed.

"And what do we have here." your body tensed. He was right behind you.

"We have ourselves a little hero. Unlucky for you, I dislike heroes." His voice started to vibrate, and you instinctively reached for your gun. Before you could even get close, your body was forced back on a wall. His hand tightened around your throat, and you were writhing, trying to gather your breath. You were struggling to remove your gun from the holster.

"You're going to die, just like your father." your eyes grew wide at that. He knew who you were. Your realization just made his lips twist into a smirk. The red glow of his eyes was terrifying. He lifted his free hand, the minute you saw it vibrating you could feel the fear creep over your body. It suddenly dawned on you that you were in fact going to die. All alone in this warehouse. With the monster that did the same to your father. You gritted your teeth, slamming your hand down on your chest. 

The compact chute in your pocket disarmed, sending a shock wave out. The tremor pivoted his body into the air, all the way across the room. You skated down the wall regaining your breath. You were gasping, and you didn't waste a second. You raised the gun, shooting at the circular machine in front of you. 

The laser bullets shot out, bouncing off the sides. You grin when it hits the main panel. If you were going to die, you'd make sure whatever he was trying to build was completely destroyed. You could see the sides of the ring shorting out, you hoped it was powering down. You walked towards it still shooting, and Eobard was now picking himself off the ground. He grunted, raising from the rubble. When he saw what you were doing he yelled in anger.

"NO!!" The growl that released from him was similar to a caged animal. The last shot you fired would definitely obliterate it. He tried to stop it, running at an incredible speed, but it was already too far gone. He would never make it in time. The minute it connected to the metal, a light appeared, and you raised your hands, preparing for the worst. It expanded coming right for you.

"This is it." you knew you wouldn't survive the explosion. It was too close. Impossible to escape. You just closed your eyes, waiting for the inevitable. The warmth overtook your skin, and at that moment you could only hope that you would be able to see your father again. 

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