Chapter 2

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July 2014.

"Barry please be careful with my suit. My baby needs love." Cisco was once again giving a lecture on all the ways he could avoid destroying his masterpiece.

"Don't you mean our suit Cisco."

"Umm no, my suit." Cisco proceeded to shove a twisler into his mouth, heading back to the computers. The most recent villain wasn't as easy to defeat. And after assuring he didn't blow up the bank he tried to rob with his explosive abilities, Barry removed his cowl, slumping down on the chair beside Caitlin. She scanned his body, looking for any injuries he may have sustained from the burn. He shook his hand in front of her with a laugh. "Relax I'm fine. Speed healing remember." She just gave a scolding look.

"Just because you heal quickly doesn't mean you should be so reckless. "

"Come one guys, loosen up I know what I'm doing." He really didn't feel like much of a hero when everyone was treating him like a little kid.

"Ms. Snow is right. If it can be avoided, please refrain from getting injured. " Dr. Wells wheeled in on his chair and Barry just raised and dropped his arms dramatically against the side of the chair. "Alright fine I'll be careful." Cisco grinned. "With that being said, we're going to need some new material for your suit." The entire sleeve of his arm was missing.

"I think there's some more of the material in the basement Cisco, why don't you go and check. " Caitlin was smiling from her seat, Dr. Wells too. Barry was the only one who didn't seem in the loop. "Am I missing something?"

"Cisco is convinced that there are zombies in the basement. He never goes down there." Caitlin spoke. Cisco was frowning. "You guys believe in superhuman beings but not zombies! Come on their real. "

Barry just shook his head with a small laugh. "I'll head down there. Don't worry, I'll steer clear of the zombies." Before Cisco could reply he'd already zipped away. Cisco grabbed the page that almost flew away at Barry's sudden exit.

"He needs to stop doing that."

"Okay, where exactly is this material." Barry coughed at all the dust that gathered in the area. There were boxes and crates that looked like they hadn't been touched for years. He was still wearing his ear piece, waiting for Cisco to guide him. Taking a few more steps he could see a tall labelled box. It looked like the newest out of all of them. That had to be it. "Nevermind I think I got it." His hands skimmed over the sides, looking for a ridge to open it. He was about to use his speed and just phase right through it, but a black singe mark on the wall caught his attention.

"What the.." he shifted to the side, leaning to see where it originated from. "Hey guys, was there an explosion here recently?"

"No. Why is my material destroyed!" Cisco sounded more worried about his precious suit than a potential leak. "Your suit is fine. There's some residual fire tracks here. Something blew up around this area." His hands ran over the circle.

"It could have been from the particle accelerator. No one's been down there to really fix that part. We rarely use the room." Caitlin added.

"You're probably righ..."

The slow trail in his voice didn't go unnoticed to the ones listening.

"Is something wrong Barry?" Dr. Wells sounded a bit concerned now.

In the background they could hear an alarming amount of rubble crashing to the ground, and the sound of wind rushing. "Barry are you okay!" Cisco called. The speedster gave a grunt.

"Guys there's..there's someone down here!" he sounded shocked. There was another sound of air whizzing behind the com, and in seconds Barry was standing in the cortex with a very unconscious female in his hands. Her clothes were in shreds, completely burnt. She was basically covered in rags. Despite the blackness smudged all over her body, there was no prominent burn.

"Get her to the bay." Caitlin was already in doctor mode. And Barry complied, running to the bed and placing her down softly. He took a step back, giving her space to work. She was already connecting patches to her body to monitor her vitals. Caitlin sighed when she realized there was a steady heartbeat. Cisco and Dr. Wells watched from the side. They were all stumped. How had no one found the woman sooner.

"How long was she down there?" Barry's questions couldn't be answered. She could have been there for months for all they knew. There was never a need to head to the basement. And if she were in fact there when the particle accelerator went off, there were chances she was affected by the blast.

"Who is she?" Cisco inquired. He couldn't place her face among the people that worked at STAR Labs before the explosion. Although he didn't know everyone personally, he would have seen her at some point, especially if she were a part of the project.

"She's not a former employee." Dr. Wells clarified.

So if that was the case, how did she get in, and end up down there of all places.

"How is she even alive? She doesn't look dehydrated or starved. This doesn't make sense." Barry circled your body. He didn't know why, but he found himself reaching out for your hand. The minute he touched your skin he was thrown backwards, knocking into the frame of the doorway, and crashing unceremoniously to the ground. Cisco rushed over with a yell, and Caitlin took a step back. There was electricity gathering all around your body.

The machines were going haywire.

"Barry get them out of here!" Dr, Wells called. The speedster was up on his feet in seconds, grabbing a hold of his friends and taking off. When he returned it was to take Dr. Wells away too. He froze when the woman was now standing. Her eyes were open, gaze moving from one side of the room to the other. The electrical currents were no longer visible, but that didn't quell Barry's ease. He was still unsure whether she was friend or foe. Dr. Wells drifted back cautiously.

From the troubled look on her face, Barry could tell she was just as confused at them.

He raised both hands, not getting too close. "Listen to me we're not going to hurt you I'm-"

"Barry Allen...." Barry raised a brow.

"How do you know who I am?"

The woman didn't answer his question, she just took a set back. For a second it looked like she would run off. But she ran over to the desk, rummaging through papers. At this point Barry wasn't sure what to do. Her hands finally stopped, apparently finding what she was looking for. She raised the newspaper slowly, hands trembling. Something on it must not have been to your liking.

"This is impossible..." When her eyes moved back in Barry's direction, he could feel a shift. The pain in her gaze made his stomach churn unpleasantly. It was too familiar.

"Have we...have we met before?" he questioned.

She just shook her head, dropping the paper to the floor. "My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I need your help flash, because your future now depends on it." Barry didn't like the sound of that, and Dr. Wells clenched his jaw. 

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