Chapter 7

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"Are you sure you're okay? You've been edgy since we left the hospital." Caitlin was worried. But the look that Eobard sent you in the rear view mirror made you work up a smile.

"I'm good. I can't believe I actually forgot about my husband, how crazy is that." Your look made Caitlin smile. "Don't be so hard on yourself, I've seen it happen. I'm just glad you're alright. Cisco and Barry are going to be so happy. I told them you need your rest tonight, but we'll be coming first thing in the morning. " 

You nod, eyes moving back to the road. You just wanted Caitlin to leave. You felt like the longer she was here, the more danger you were putting her in. When Eobard pulled up to a house, you let out a sigh. 

Eobard stepped out, and Caitin followed coming out of the passenger seat to open the door for you. You smiled, stepping out. "It may take a while for you to get back all your memories, but if you need anything just let me know. " She sent a look at Eobard who was watching you closely. "I know Eobard is probably dying for some alone time with you. I'll get out of your hair." You don't think you'd ever get used to that, the way she said his name so casually like he wasn't a stone cold killer.

Eobard handed her the keys, and before she could take off you took her hand.

"Caitlin." She turned, listening attentively. "I just, thank you for everything."

"Aww of course. Don't be a stranger. I'll be back tomorrow so don't worry." She pulled you into a hug, and you sighed at the contact. After a few seconds she pulled back with a smile, turning to get into the car as she pulled away. The farther away the car got, the more your nerves seem to spike. Eobard was spinning the house keys in his hand taunting, that sinister smile forever on his face.

How were you going to survive being alone in a house with this guy for a night.

"No need to look so panicked, I'm not going to kill you. "

"Maybe cause you have already." you bit back.

"I see now that was the wrong move, I should have handled the situation more delicately. Especially since you don't appear to be human."

"I am human!!" This whole conversation was giving you a headache. You grabbed the keys from his hand, moving to the door. When he pressed his hands to the door and leaned in, your fingers trembled slightly when he whispered into your ear. 

"I'd thread carefully from here on out. There are other ways for me to keep you in line, I'm not sure you'll be eager to find out." His voice sent a shiver up your spine. You tried not to show it. He was getting off on your obvious fear. And since he was adamant that he couldn't kill you, then there wasn't much he could do to harm you. In this situation, he was trying to act like he was in control, but the both of you were in the same boat. 

"What are you going to do, you said it yourself, there's no way you can kill me, and like it or not we're stuck here. Your threats are getting a bit boring." you turned the key, stepping in. Eobard followed, shutting the door. From the look in his eyes you could tell you hit a nerve.

"Why don't you just try to kill me huh! We can both find out where we'll end up then. Maybe you might just erase yourself completely." In a matter of seconds your back was pressed to a nearby table, Eobard was standing between your legs with his arm raised, body vibrating. That dead light in his red eyes returned. You really pissed him off. "You foolish little girl, you really believe I would hesitate to end your life!"

"Then do it. " This was so unlike you, but at the very moment, for the first time you weren't even that scared of him. You could feel the anger radiating off of him, and when he lowered his hand to run through your chest, you grabbed it. 

It surprised you that you were even able to touch him. He must have realized the same, because his body froze, and you could see the red slowly leaving his orbs. He wasn't vibrating anymore, and the look of complete and utter shock was prominent on both of your faces. You raised up slowly, gripping his arm. He stumbled, still trying to comprehend what was really going on. 

"I think I finally get it, this whole time you've been trying to subdue me with fear it's because you know." He tried to yank his hand back, but your hold was firm. "Whatever happened in the past, it's what did this to me. I'm stronger than you.." you mutter in awe. When you met his eyes, you could see it. Unfiltered terror.

"You're the one who's afraid of me." He finally managed to pull his hand away, and you grinned. This was far from what you expected, and you still had absolutely no idea what it all meant, but the simple fact that he could no longer try and bend you to his will, it was the first set of good news you'd gotten in what felt like years.


For the remainder of the night, Eobard kept to himself. He was probably thinking of a plan to save some face now that he couldn't scare you into submission. You loved it, the way he flinched when you walked into the room. He was sitting at a table, going through all the books in your surprisingly large library. Searching for a way out of this, or maybe to disarm you.

"Something the matter Thawne. " You were enjoying the hell out of this. He was so convinced that you were some type of alien. It was hilarious watching him squirm for once. He dropped the book in his hand on the table, sending a glare in your direction. "You must think this is some type of game. You have power with no idea where it came from, or what you're capable of. "

"Well, unlike you, I'm not worried because I won't be trying to rip anyone's hearts out of their chest." He looked unimpressed at your statement. "You're dangerous, not just to me, but to everyone." that made you frown.

"If I killed you and this happened, what do you suppose will happen if you get hurt. What if you cut your finger making dinner for your friends and accidently blew them up. What then?"

"That won't happen!"

"You can't guarantee that. You're a walking bomb. If you're strong enough to change an entire reality, what's to stop you from hurting your friends. What about your family. If I'm not mistaken your mother is still alive. I wonder what would happen if y-"

Before he could finish the statement you punched him in the gut. He grunted at the impact, kneeling over in pain.

"Don't you talk about my mother!"

He was laughing, holding his stomach as he rose to his feet.

"I hit a soft spot huh." he straightened, using the table for support.

"I may not have to kill anyone after all, you may do that all on your own." As much as his words aggravated you, he could have been right.

What if you did hurt them, how would you live with knowing you were responsible for such a thing. 

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