Chapter 5

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"Gideon, show me any references to (Y/N) (L/N)."

 Eobard came back weekly to see if there was any change. He wasn't sure his plan of manipulating you would work the way he hoped. For one thing you were insistent on distancing yourself from the team. Whenever they celebrated a victory, or just had group movie nights to unwind, you made yourself scarce. 

He was positive by now you would have at least become a tad bit friendlier. And you had. For one you weren't scowling everywhere you went. And your hostility was dimming down. But he had a feeling that had more to do with your accidental spill of information on your father than anything else. He thought he could warm his way in enough to get you to lower your guard, but you were solid on your task. He was impressed, even though it infuriated him a little.

"(Y/N) (L/N), Professor of Criminology and Behavioral Development. Father deceased. Daughter, Agnes Thawne. Police Captain at Central City Police Department-"

Eobard did a double take. He must have heard that wrong. It couldn't be.

"Gideon run it again!" he demanded.

"(Y/N) (L/N), Professor of Criminology and Behavioral Development. Father deceased. Daughter, Agnes Thawne. Police Captain at Central City Police Department-"

"That's impossible!" This wasn't making sense. He came fully expecting the past to be unchanged. How did such a development happen in a matter of days.

"Who is the father of Agnes Thawne Gideon?" His fist was clenched so tight he wouldn't have been surprised if he stopped blood circulation.

"Father, Eobard Thawne." The words he dreaded were spoken. He took a step back, running a hand through his hair.

"This doesn't make sense." How was that even possible. There was no way he would settle down and have a child with you of all people.

"I have to kill her." He couldn't afford to let you live now. Whatever information you would provide would be useless if he failed at getting back to his own time. He wasn't going to let fifteen years of planning go down the drain for something as foolish as love. That was something he disregarded centuries ago. It held no appeal to him.

"She has to die." Tonight, it had to be done as soon as possible. Eobard's thumb ran over the ring on his finger. Debating on how he would take you out.


"You must be the time traveler Barry never stops talking about."

I didn't exactly ask to be here. " Your dry response caused Joe to raise a brow. You're as friendly as he said, that's for sure."

Your gaze moved back to the screen, and Joe got the message, because he turned his focus to Harrison.

"So how are you all going to get her back. Isn't it dangerous for her to be here or something."

"I'm not leaving until we catch the Reverse Flash. " you punctuated.

"So you keep saying." Harrison muttered. You stared, unsure of why he seemed a bit agitated. Joe picked up on it too. You just ignored it. You had better things to worry about than his weird mood swing.

"I need to get some air. " You didn't really, you just wanted to be away from STAR Labs. The place was a constant reminder that you were stuck here. With no leads and no means of getting back to your own time. Even if you wanted to at this point you couldn't. Barry was the only person capable of opening a portal, and Harrison strictly advised him against it because they had no idea what sort of repercussions would follow.

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