Chapter 4

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"Good morning Ms. (L/N)." you barely acknowledged the statement, turning your head back to the screen. "Where is everyone?" Did they not understand the importance of stopping Eobard.

"I'm afraid their shifts don't begin until eight. We do require a thing called sleep." His remark annoyed you. "It's six. You think the reverse flash is going to attack according to their schedule. You guys need to be more keen on what's really happening."

One month, you'd been stuck in the past for one month, and the sorry saps of Team Flash were just lounging around. It infuriated you more than anything. You felt like you were back at your precinct, once again being passed over because they didn't think your warnings were real.

"You all are so naive. Whatever he was planning, this could have been a big part of it. No one knows. What I do know is that he'll stop at nothing to achieve what he wants. And if you continue to baby Barry, he won't reach his full potential. In the future, he's remarkable. A legend. His powers are beyond anything that this Flash knows. It's pathetic seeing how weak he is right now. Almost makes me feel sorry for him."

Through your rant, Dr. Wells kept his gaze firmly on you. "You really are dedicated to this cause. One would even say what you're doing is an unhealthy obsession. I can't imagine you have many people back home missing you. " your gaze hardened. "Yeah well at least I didn't endanger an entire city. You must be a real idol here Harrison Wells." The amount of venom that dripped off you could have taken out an elephant. You didn't care. You weren't even sorry. He knew nothing about you or your situation, yet he was sitting there with his stupidly air of superiority. If he weren't in a wheelchair you would have punched him a long time ago. You clenched your fists, grabbing your cell phone, heading for the training room. "Call me when you guys are ready to do some real work."


When Barry walked into the room, he could hear the echoing of your fists hitting the punching bag. You were delivering each blow with maybe a little too much force. He could tell from the powerful blows that you were trying to distract yourself.

"Come to give me a pep talk. If so it's not needed. " He was surprised you heard him come in.

"H-Hey. Look I know things seem a bit hopeless now. It's tough being stuck here and not being able to do anything. I know how it feels to be helpless. But we're all here to help yo-"

"Wrong." you interrupted.

"S-Sorry?" you gripped the bag to halt it from swaying, when you turned you could see the way he shifted. Another thing you realized was their clear unease in your presence. Knowing Barry, they probably voted on who should come and talk to you this time.

"You all live in this bubble that the power of friendship can solve any problem. It's stupid and immature. And as for knowing how I feel." you walked closer, looking him dead in the eye.

"You have absolutely no idea how I feel. Don't compare our pain Barry because you're wrong. " you stepped back, unwrapping the gloves from your hands. "But don't worry, if he succeeds with his plan, you will." The fear that flashed through his eyes was what you expected. He needed to know.

"This isn't a game Barry, the sooner you realize that the better you'll get. And as for this little band, don't rely too much on them. Because in the end, we're all going to die alone. And the way things are looking, that'll be sooner than you think. " you turned away, exiting the training area. On your way out you saw Caitlin and Cisco standing around awkwardly. Eavesdropping no doubt. "Enjoy it while you can." you muttered.

As you left, Cisco gave you a look. "Okay that was mega depressing. What's her problem? She's like a walking ball of negative energy. I hope all the future people aren't as depressing as that." Barry moved to his friends, placing a hand on Cisco's shoulder.

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