Chapter 13

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Your head shifted against the sheets, and you looked up. The small lines of light peeking through the curtains.

"I fell asleep?" 

You couldn't even remember getting to bed that night. The arm that pulled you closer made you smile. Eobard's breath was brushing against your ear. 

"So he brought me." This was the first night that you guys slept in the same bed. You were so careful around him. Your first night there you kept thinking he would attack in your sleep. When you leaned more into his body, your face heated. Something was poking you. You had a feeling you knew what it was, and when he groaned, tightening his hold on your body, it answered your questions.

"W-Why are you so excited this earlier in the morning!"

He placed a kiss at the back of your neck. "Haven't you ever heard of morning wood."

"I-I thought that was just something guys said.." you mutter.

"You're so innocent it's almost adorable. "

"Be quiet!"

You nearly moaned when he grinds into you. "E-Eobard!"

"What, I'm trying to relieve the tension."

Damn, you knew you'd teased him about an old man before, but if he was still this active at such an age, you probably wouldn't have been able to handle him when he was your age. "Don't worry too much, I don't think you're ready to handle all of me just yet, for now I'll just give you a preview. " If this was a preview, you wouldn't make it through the movie. When his hands were no longer keeping you firmly pressed to his body, you turned over. You figured he was going to head to the bathroom to deal with his problem when he started to raise, but you grabbed his hand. He looked down at you. You hesitated for a second before speaking.

"I can help..if you want." you weren't really sure what exactly you were offering to do. But with how good he made you feel with just his fingers yesterday, the least you could have done was try to give him some pleasure too. "You don't have to." There was a look of understanding in his eyes. "As much as I enjoy teasing you, I already told you that I won't force you to do anything you're not comfortable with. If we ever decided to make love, I want it to be because you're sure that's what you want. "

"Make love..."

His brows furrowed. "Last time used a completely different word. But this time you said love Eobard." He must have just picked up on it too.

Ushering him back to the bed, you smiled, reaching between your bodies. Your hand moved to the drawstring of his sweats, slipping into his pants. You could see the way his eyes change. His irises were almost a navy blue now.

"(Y/N)..." he let out a weak grunt, closing his eyes as you continued to touch him. "I may be a little inexperienced, that doesn't mean I can't practice right. I guess that makes you my teacher right, Eobard." your other hand ventured under his shirt, pushing it up so you could explore his taunt chest.

"You're really muscled, I guess there's a lot you hide under those suits. Only I get to see it, feel it. Lucky me." Eobard was being strangely cooperative, and submissive, not at all what you would expect from him. When his shirt was hiked up, you moved closer, placing kisses on his skin as you continued to palm him. You were really enjoying this. He was letting out small sounds, you had a feeling he was trying to hold back. You gave a squeeze just to test him and a loud moan followed. Your thumb grazed the tip of him, and he bucked into your hand. 

"I kind of like being in control, if I knew it was this easy to shut you up I would have done it long ago. " His eyes opened, and as much as he was trying to glare at you, it was hard when he was so clouded by pleasure. When you felt the warm liquid running down your fingers, you couldn't help but look down, and Eobard released another strained grunt. "Damn it..d-don't stare at me like that.." he was trying to level his breathing. You licked your lips, eyes still trained on his member.

"(Y-Y/N)?" He could see the look in your eyes, and when you started moving down his body, a small sense of panic set in.

"W-Wait! Fuck don't-"

Your mouth wrapped around the tip of him and his head fell back into the sheets. You grinned from your position when you saw his hand sink into the pillow, that very hand started vibrating. You moaned when you felt a small surge of electricity run through your body, most likely from him, and Eobard was struggling between moaning and trying to get his hand to stop vibrating. You licked and sucked, desperate to taste everything he had to offer, and he was trying not to thrust into your mouth too roughly. It was getting harder with how greedily you were lapping at him. His free hand had somehow gotten to the back of your head, and you didn't need to be a rocket scientist to know he was trying to pull you closer. You complied, and he gripped a fist ful of your hair, jerking his hips forward. You kept a hold on him, going at it until you could feel his body start to shudder. With a yell, he spilled into your mouth. You could see he probably hadn't intended too, because when he finally caught himself, he pulled back looking more than a little shaken.

"Sorry.." he finally forced out. You shook your head, looking him straight in the eyes as you swallowed every last drop. He bit down his lip at the scene, and you just smirked, running your tongue along your upper lip. "That was better than I expected, you taste really good. Those lightning bolts were a good touch too." he slumped back unto the bed, letting out another satisfied groan.

"I swear you're trying to kill me." He spoke groggily.

"You're welcome." you beamed. All he could manage was a soft laugh.

"Hey, speedsters recover faster than regular people right. " That made him raise his head off the pillow, and the twinkle in your eyes made him let out another deep moan. Before he could manage words you were climbing unto him, staring down at his member that was slowly hardening in anticipation. "I'm getting a little thirsty again." you cooed.

Yep, your plan was certainly to kill him.

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