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No matter how many days passed, he still felt like he was living in another world. Happiness, it was not something he thought he still had the ability to obtain. But with you, it's like he was given another chance to change. To be something other than the Reverse Flash. With you he was no longer the monster speedster that every hunted. He was just Eobard. Someone he hadn't been for a long time. He flipped unto his back, reaching over to pull you closer. When he didn't feel a body right next to him, his eyes opened.


"Aww shit!" 

He rushed out of bed, zipping down the stairs, and when he saw sucking on your forefinger with a wince, he just raised a brow. He was so sure that something happened. Despite everything he was still on edge, maybe a bit paranoid.

"What are you doing?"

You shook your hands, turning your body to him. You were smiling, but he felt like you were trying to hide something, because you were standing on your toes, keeping whatever it was out of his line of sight. "N-Nothing! Go back to bed, I'll be up in a second." you took a step forward to push him back, but he just sped around you. Now that he was staring at the counter, he stopped, watching the tray that was set out. There were pancakes, bacon, eggs, and at the side a small cupcake with a candle in it. Topped off with a glass of apple juice.

"What's this..." he sounded a bit astonished at the layout.

"What does it look like, it's breakfast. I was trying to surprise you for your birthday. You know the whole breakfast on bed thing. But then you called me and it scared the crap outta me so I ended up nicking my finger." you held out the finger with a sheepish grin.

"My birthday." 

He completely forgot. He was more surprised that you knew.

"Oh don't look so shocked, of course I'd never forget your birthday. Been tracking you for years, I know almost everything there is to know about Eobard Thawne. You can even call me an expert." you boasted. The sheer amazement in his eyes caused your playful smile to drop, when he looked back over at you, you swore he would cry. 

"H-Hey you okay! I'm sorry do you not like celebrating your birthday or something? I-I can get rid of it if you don't-'' He shook his head, moving over to you. This time he was just smiling. 

"It's perfect, thank you." Eobard rarely ever gave praise, it was more a pride thing than anything else. So whenever you got he did, it just made your face color. Your cheeks were glowing, and you averted your gaze, biting the inside of your cheek. 

"It's not a big deal, don't go getting soft on me." He leaned over, placing a tender kiss on your cheek, then another on your lips, then forehead, over to your neck." You giggled when he just started leaving small kisses all over your face. "I nailed it then, your surprise."

"Without a doubt." he whispered.

"Awesome, just know I'll be expecting something big for my birthday. " you joked.

"I have something big I can give to you right now." When he kissed the shell of your ear you knew exactly what he was talking about.

"That works just fine." you sighed, pulling him down for a kiss. He backed you up against the counter, pulling at the apron you had on. His eyes opened when he reached over to the back of you, realizing you weren't wearing anything under it. He hadn't even picked up on that when he walked in. You smirked. 

"Another birthday present." you purred.

"Full of surprises today aren't you?"

"Just doing what I can to make this day the best you've ever had." you moved your lips to his neck, running your hands along his back as you nipped at his skin. When you bit into his shoulder, you felt his hands grip your waist. You licked over the fresh mark, pulling back to look at his face. You loved the way his emerald eyes darkened. "So, are you going to eat me first, or breakfast." In a flash, you were now lying on the bed, Eobard climbing on as he slipped his hand under the apron. "I guess me then." you mumble softly.

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