Chapter 15

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Time has been moving, as it should, yet everything seems to be changing around you way too quickly. Your relationship with Eobard, still new and very unpredictable. You weren't going to lie, when you kissed him the first time, you felt guilt. It was mostly because he'd been the cause of so much pain in your life, and kissing him, it felt like you were betraying your father. But your father had always been someone of great moral standing. 

He would have understood. Maybe even proud that you were able to get through to someone who everyone else thought was far gone. You'd been so stuck on the bad parts of him, you never expected to see any good ones. Tender was never a word you associated with Eobard Thawne. But as he lay there, calm ,almost angelic as he slept, you could feel how much being here with you was changing him. For the better.

He just needed someone. Someone to fight him, or maybe fight for him. He needed validation from someone to show him that there was more to life than just hate. There was so much love in the world, and he wasn't exempted from experiencing it. You ran your hand over his head, relishing in the softness of his unruly dark hair. 

 He looked cute when he woke up. Hair disheveled, eyes hooded. He even wore that little frown on his face when he wasn't sure what was going on. Simply adorable. You continued to play with his hair, and eventually your hand started to trail down his shoulder blades. He wasn't wearing a shirt, so you enjoyed the warmth his skin gave off. When your fingers got to his back you felt him stir. You thought maybe he woke up, but his eyes didn't open, he just turned his head, now facing you. So you continued to draw patterns on his back, and to your surprise, a little moan escaped his voice.

"Woah.." Whenever you did anything, Eobard always seemed to want to keep his sounds in. He was still getting used to being vulnerable, you knew that. In sleep though, he didn't have the same control. That's why it intrigued you when he kept letting out needy sounds. "His back is sensitive." The more you learned about him, the more your feelings grew. There was still so much he didn't open up about. 

So whenever you made a discovery on your own, it was great for you. Before you could stop yourself, you were leaning down to plant kisses on his lower back. He would wake up no doubt from the action. You didn't care. This was too great an opportunity to miss. The minute your lips made contact, his back arch, and the moan he let out was the loudest you'd ever heard. He must have collected himself, because with a burst of air, you were now back first on the mattress, Eobard pinning your wrist down with force. 

"What are you doing?" He really didn't want you to know about his little soft spot, but it was too late. "I was just waking my man up. Imagine my surprise when he starts moaning the minute I touch his back. I found your sweet spot." That was the very first time you saw him actually blush. You wished you had a camera at that moment, you never wanted to lose the image of this.

"All I did was leave kisses, I'm sure you would have liked it if I licked all the way down your-" he pressed a kiss before you could say much more, and a laugh bubbled from your throat. You were wondering now what other sensitive spots he had. Oh the possibilities and sounds you would be able to get out. You pushed into him, causing him to fall unto his back. He let out a soft grunt, clearly not expecting the change in control when you bounded his wrist this time.

"I think it's unfair you're always on top. I want some action too." He tried to free himself, but as you discovered before, strength wise you were superior. He may have had speed, but you had your very own superpower, and you were going to use it to the best of your ability.

"If you beg, I might think about letting you up."

"I don't beg, I make others beg."

"Quit being a party pooper Eobard. Say please Professor. Then I'll let you go."

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