Chapter 9

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When you got back to the house, it was pretty late. You really could care less. So as you stepped in the door, you didn't expect to see Eobard sitting on the couch with the lights dim. You placed a hand on your chest, letting out a breath. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack!!"

"You were gone for quite a while. I was getting a bit worried. "

"Yeah, I bet you were. What did you get tired of coming up with evil plots? Must be tiring being a villain."

"You were with Barry." you looked over at him cautiously, and Eobard stood, walking to you.

"I-I didn't say anything to them so there's no reason for you to hurt them!" you'd gone on the defensive immediately. It would kill you if he hurt them, especially after all they'd shown you. All that you felt in that short space of time. It was close to what you used to feel, back when your father was still alive.

"Don't get overexcited. I'm not going to kill them. Too much work. " you sighed. Eobard was still standing there, and you didn't like the way he was watching you.

"You've made me out to be quite the villain, everything that I've done is for a purpose. I never asked for this life. All I wanted was to get back to my time. This is Barry's fault, yet you all look at him like he's the hero. There is so much you have no idea about. "

"What, you really expect me to feel sorry for you? Barry isn't the one who murders every chance he gets. Now you're trying to justify it all. Did your dad not love you enough, is that why you gut everyone in your path." How dare he stand there and try to act like a victim.

"I know what it's like, hating someone so much that you'd want to kill them. For a moment even I considered it. " you took a step forward, still looking at him. "But no matter what you go through, no matter what happens, there's no excuse for killing someone. Once you cross that line, there's no going back. You probably convinced yourself it was necessary, the first time you did it. But I bet after every justification, you started caring less and less about it. That's the biggest difference between you and Barry. You killed his mother right in front of him, even sent his father to jail for years, yet he never killed you. Barry will never cross that line, and that's what makes him a hero and you a coward. "

Eobard didn't reply, maybe he didn't know how too. You averted your eyes from him, turning to head for the bedroom. From the moment you got there, it was no discussion that the both of you would keep each other at a distance.

"Call me when you stop feeling sorry for yourself and actually have a way to get us out of this." you stated, disappearing down the hall. Eobard's eyes shifted to the ground. He clenched his fists in irritation. He didn't know what pissed him off more. The fact that you were now walking all over him, or possibly that fact that your words weren't entirely untrue, whether he was willing to admit it or not.

Sleeping that night was useless. There was so much going on in your head. You stared at the ceiling, physically and mentally exhausting. Doing a job you never saw yourself having, while working with an enemy you detested with every fiber of your being, it really took a toll on a person. For some strange reason, you almost pitied Eobard. 

You never questioned it before, but now you really wondered what happened to make him so hateful and heartless. Surely he wasn't always that way. Despite the monster he's become, he was still a human being. Somewhat at least. 

"I wonder what he would be like without all that hate." 

The past couple days that you've been here, you found yourself focusing less on Eobard, and more on the people around you. You still hated him, but it was less than before. In your time, all you ever thought about was taking him down. It was no secret that the mission for justice consumed all your time.

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