Chapter 3

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You circled in your spot, pressing your hand against the glass of the small containment room. All four members of Team Flash were standing on the other side of the pipeline.

"I already told you I'm not a speedster. I'm a police officer at CCPD. You have to let me out of here!!"

"As much as we would like to trust you Ms.(L/N), there's nothing we can do to confirm your story. " You glared at Harrison Wells. You couldn't believe you used to idolize the guy. He was said to be a great scientist. Of course you'd never actually met him in the future. But you wanted to.

"If you're from the future, tell us something to prove it." Cisco challenged.

"Do I look like an idiot, if I give any information about future events, it could damage the timeline you moron!" These people really were getting on your nerves. Were they all so stupid.

"Even if I wanted to, I couldn't tell you anything of your futures. I never heard about you guys, but I have heard of him." you pointed to Barry.

"What did you mean when you said my future depended on it. " your frown deepened.

"The reason you're so concerned about whether I'm a speedster or not. It's because you've seen him." You could see everything in his body tense up. You didn't even have to mention the name. Barry knew who you were talking about. He stepped closer to the glass, showing more hate than you thought possible.

"What do you know about that!" He was furious, as he should be. The guy killed his mother after all.

"I know he's your greatest enemy. And I know he's here. If I came back then he did too. Maybe not the one that I know, but he's here. And I'm going to stop him. I'm not leaving this time until I do." your words were firm, it left no room for further discussion. There was a mutual understanding in your eyes. He detested the man just as much as you did.

"Let her go Cisco."

"But Barry, she could be lying to us."

"She's not."

Cisco still seemed a bit reluctant, he looked over to Dr. Wells for verification. He just nodded.

"If Barry has faith in her, then we can too."

Cisco opened the door, taking a step back as you walked out. When you were free you stretched, cracking your neck. Cisco winced at the sound. "Geez woman are you alright." you just directed a blank look at him.

"I was just almost impaled by an evil speedster, blasted by an explosion and then thrown through a time portal. Stuck in a basement for who knows how long, and then later caged by the very people I thought would help me, so no, I'm not okay."

"Could have just said no." he muttered. You cracked your knuckles, shutting him up immediately.

"Now that I think about it, why the hell did you guys think I was a speedster." It was a ridiculous idea. You wish, maybe then fighting Eobard wouldn't have been so hard. Maybe you could have saved your father. You looked down.

"When I touched you earlier, you blasted me like five feet away. It felt a lot like the speed force." Your eyes scanned both your hands at Barry's statement. "That's crazy, I don't feel any different." Then what was the explanation for the blast. Possibly a residual effect of time travel. It had to be. There wasn't any other possibility. The loud rumble from your stomach alerted you that you had other things to worry about.

"Is there a burger joint anywhere around here." Barry just grinned. "Sure, I can only imagine how hungry you must be." You followed his lead, stopping when Dr. Wells took a hold of your wrist.

"If you endanger any of them, you'll be hearing from me." You understood why he was being protective. You were practically a stranger. That didn't mean you were just going to let him demean you. Did he really think he could threaten you like that. You yanked your hand back.

"If this guy lives I'll be the least of your problems, glasses." You were off to a pretty rough start with him, but he was really testing your patience.

He just watched as you walked away, and honestly you wanted to flip him off, because you were so angry. Not only were you now stuck in this time, you were now further away from getting Eobard. "Dad, I promise I'll avenge you. I won't let that murderer get away with this." You were going to stop him, even if it meant being stuck in the past forever.


"Gideon, run a complete search, show any references to (Y/N) (L/N)."

"(Y/N) (L/N), Daughter of Detective (L/N). Father, killed on duty. Present rank, Police officer at CCPD. Missing in the year 2054 " Gideon's response caused Eobard to remove his glasses.

"Interesting, why don't I remember you officer. " Eobard knew enough about time travel to understand the many loopholes that could be attempted. But if you were missing still, it must have meant that whatever mission you came to complete, you never returned from it. He had a feeling he knew why you were after him. It was obvious he'd done something to you personally. The look in your eyes as you spoke to Barry, there was a mutual agreement hidden in there. It was one he could never forget.

Barry showed that same amount of resentment for the man who killed his mother.

So that meant at some point, he was the one responsible for killing your father.

"This could be a problem. " He couldn't risk you messing up his perfect plan, but he also couldn't just outright kill you now. It would raise too many red flags. There was also information that you held that could pose to be useful to him.

"For now, I guess I'll just have to watch this play out. " He would gain your trust. Right now you were less than thrilled to know him, but he would change that. After all, manipulation was his best skill. Eobard grinned to himself, moving back to his chair.

"This will be fun." 

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