Chapter 14

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"With that we'll wrap up for today. Please review the work I've uploaded, and if there are any questions, don't be afraid to reach out." You nod at the class with a small smile, watching as they start to pack their items and leave. 

As weird as it was teaching, you were actually starting to enjoy it. Since the topic was criminology, you didn't struggle to get material either. Most of the topics on the syllabus was what you'd covered back at the academy in your time. So it was more like a refresher course for you.

When you saw a student approaching your desk you smiled. "Can I help you with something?" He offered a smile of his own. Another thing that was a little weird was the fact that you were one of the youngest teachers at the academy. 

Most of the faculty were women and men in their fifties, so oftentimes you felt more like a student than anything else. A lot of people taking your class were around or close to your age. Late twenties. Earlier thirties. It didn't bother you as much. Surprisingly it made attending to their needs easier. You knew how to appeal to their better nature. "Hi Mrs. Thawne, I was just wondering if there was any extra credit I could do to help with my grade."

"Of course, let me just take a look at your grades. " You were under the impression that everyone was passing your class. You hadn't been seeing any bad performances. You took a seat, pulling up your roster. As you browsed through, you stopped at his name.

"John Faris right." He nods with a grin. "That's me."

"Well from what I'm seeing your grades are amazing, you have the highest in my class actually." He just laughed softly, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah, you got me. I suppose that's not the actual reason I came to talk to you. "

You raised an eyebrow.


"Truth is, I just wanted an excuse to talk to you. You're really beautiful (Y/N)."

"Woah, when did we get on a first name basis? You do realize that I'm married right?" you stood, stepping back. "I think you should leave Mr. Faris." Times like this you wish Eobard just show up like he loves to, scaring the crap out of you no doubt. Still, very effective.

When he stepped closing, moving over to the desk you started to get a bit weary. In this situation other people would definitely misunderstand, and you really didn't want to lose your job.

"You can't tell me you've never once thought about me, I see the way you look at me."

Shit, this was bad. You got one of the psycho kids. "Mr. Faris I'm giving you one last chance before I report you to the head office. Please leave."

"I'd suggest you listen to her, because trust me if I get my hands on you the head office won't know what to do with the remains. " your eyes darted forward in relief. "Eobard!"

It wasn't like you couldn't handle yourself. You just didn't want to have to resolve this situation that way if it could be avoided. From the look on John's face, you could tell he didn't expect anyone catching him. "S-Sir it's not what you think she was trying to seduce me and I-"

"What the- are you being for real!" Now you could care less about resolving it peacefully. You were going to punch the shit out of this little punk. He rushed away from the desk, heading for the door, and Eobrad took a step forward. His eyes alone had said enough, you could see the way John was quivering in fear. 

Boy did you know how much those eyes could scare the shit out of you. "If you ever try that again, I'll rip your arm right off your worthless body." He didn't even touch him, with that stare he didn't have to. John shuffled to the side, heading out the door Now it was just you and Eobard, he still looked agitated. Despite that you smiled.

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