Chapter 6

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Eobard grinned down at your body, pulling his hand out roughly and watching you drop to the floor, lifeless. Barry's steps faltered, and he lowered, reaching over and turning you over with tears in his eyes. "No..please..wake up.." it was futile, you were already gone.

"Such a shame, she was feisty. It's been a while since I've had quite a thrill. Our little game of cat and mouse was becoming a bit redundant. " Barry sneered, looking up into those demonic eyes. All he wanted was to hurt the speedster, inflict the same level of hurt he'd been holding unto his entire life. His body was vibrating, and Eobard laughed in encouragement.

"That's what I'm talking about, get angry Barry. "

The vibrating stopped on it's own, and Barry's eyes shifted at your body. He stared, not sure what to make of the hole in your chest that was now glowing. Eobard caught it too, his eyes opening in alarm.

"That's not possible.." You're wound it was, mending itself. This wasn't some type of meta healing either, it looked like time was trying to fix itself. Barry shuffled back when the light started to get a bit too bright, and Eobard's face twisted in anger. "Why won't you just die!" he screamed. He raised his vibrating hand, bringing it back down to shove into your chest again. When his hand made contact, something took a hold of him, and his body froze. He couldn't move. The light was sucking him in.


Barry raised his hand to cover from the flashing, and when it was finally over he blinked.

He stared at the empty space in front of him in confusion.

"Where am I?"




You blinked your eyes open, looking around the room hurriedly.

"Alive...I'm alive!!" you yelled out. You covered your mouth when you took in your surroundings. A doctor raced over to you, and you were stunned. "My goodness you're finally awake." The woman flashed a light in your eyes, grabbing your wrist to check your pulse and you just gaped, not sure what to make of what was happening. How did you get to the hospital. How were you even still alive? You pressed a hand over your heart, wincing just at the memory.

"Something's very wrong." You didn't imagine that hand going through your chest. Eobard killed you. You were dead. So how was it you were sitting in a hospital bed, alive.

"Can you tell me your name, what day it is? How many fingers am I holding up?" The onslaught of questions were a bit overwhelming, especially since you couldn't even answer your own.

"Please can you just..I need to catch my breath." you state. She took a step back. "I'm sorry that was very rude of me, I was just really worried (Y/N). We didn't think you would wake up from the accident." you squinted, finally actually looking at the woman who was tending to you.

"C-Caitlin!" She smiled widely. "Oh thank goodness, you remember who I am. I was so sure your memories would be wiped when you woke up. Coma patients usually are disoriented. They have a hard time putting things together. But your memory seems fine."

"C-Caitllin you need to get Barry right now and warn him! Eobard is-"

"Ms. Snow, thank you for letting me know when my wife woke up." Every bone in your body stiffened at that chilling tone. Your eyes grew wide in fright, and you jumped out of the bed, taking a step back as you grabbed something to defend yourself. You pulled Caitlin, pushing her behind your back as you stood protectively.

"STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM US YOU MONSTER!!" your screams shocked Caitlin, and a few people in the area turned.

"(Y/N) what are you doing, he's your husband!" She sounded frantic, holding you by the shoulders to get passed. You just stared at her.

"What are you talking about, he's the reverse flash!" She shook her head, ushering you back into the chair. "It's a lot worse than I thought, Eobard. Could you please look after her, I need to get one of my colleagues." Eobard nodded, taking a step towards you, and you tried reaching for Caitlin. "Caitlin please don't-" she was already out the door.

You swallowed, watching him. You didn't understand this. He was still wearing the face of Harrison Wells, yet she clearly referred to him as Eobard. For a second you thought maybe this man was influenced the same way Caitlin was, so there was a possibility he wouldn't try to kill you. The look in his eyes though, it changed and that's when you knew. You darted up to make a run for it, but in one quick motion he pulled the curtains and pinned you to the wall. He still had his speed too.

"Nice to know I'm not the only one who's confused by this most recent development (Y/N). or should I say, Mrs. Thawne."

You were shaking. "W-Why are you doing this, what is happening I was dead so why are you still-"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. " That blue gaze, it kept you in place, he was still pressing your wrists to the wall to make sure you didn't move. "You're a lot more powerful than I initially thought. To manipulate time like this, I've only ever heard stories. I never thought it could actually be achieved. "

"What are you talking about? You can't really think that I had something to do with this!!"

His hold tightened, and you closed your eyes.

"I'd advise against making another scene, I'd hate to have to hurt someone because you're reckless." you gulped, nodding slowly.

"Who are you?" you just watched him like he was crazy.

"What do you mean who am I, you already know that you.." you took a breath, lowering your voice before you could lose your temper again.

"You..killed my father. You know exactly who I am." you sneered. His eyes narrowed in thought.

"I may have done that in the future, but I have no recollection of that in the past. Not just that, but I just killed you. Yet here you stand, alive. You've even managed to twist reality. A regular detective should not be able to do that. So I'll ask you again, who are you." he leaned in closer and you wanted nothing more than to sock him in the jaw.

"I-I don't know how any of this happened. If I really did this, why the hell would I make you my husband of all things, that makes no sense I hate you! " He was still marking you, maybe trying to figure something out.

"She obviously has no answers." You were in the same position he was. Pushing you wouldn't do much but give him a migraine. When he finally pulled back, releasing you, you massage your wrists, sending a hard look in his direction.

"Since neither of us are sure of what's taking place, I think it's wise that we work together. "

You scoffed. "Are you shitting me! You killed my father, you killed me! Now you want me to be your partner. Dream on bastard. I don't care where we are but I'm going to figure it out and bring you down once and for all." When he took a step closer, you couldn't help but back away. Even though you were trying to be strong, he had all the power in this situation.

"I'm afraid you're under the impression that it was a request. You will help me, or I'm going to start killing everyone around you. Dr. Snow over there will be the first to go. Then I'll follow through this broken reality and take out each and everyone that has any connection to you in this time. I'm sure there is a Barry Allen here somewhere, I wonder how he would feel if I ran a hand right through his chest as well." he raised his hand threateningly, and your lips quivered. It wasn't just a threat. He would do it.

"Good, now you're going to play along with everything that's happening. When Snow comes back, make sure and wear a big smile for me. And if you breathe a word to anyone, or try warning her, let's just say, you'll be needing a lot of dark clothing in the near future."

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